1. 16 Mar, 2019 4 commits
  2. 15 Mar, 2019 2 commits
  3. 14 Mar, 2019 5 commits
  4. 28 Feb, 2019 7 commits
  5. 21 Feb, 2019 4 commits
  6. 20 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Add new tests to 'simple' and 'misc' test groups · 50fc2cde
      simple & misc
      Note that some of commands you can not test with checking with testbench
      so those place in misc.
      1. passes/cmds/add.cc
      Note that here you need to load some existing verilog and add additional
      wires, inputs or outputs
      2. passes/cmds/blackbox.cc
      you could create design with sub module, execute blackbox  and check if
      sub module is replaced with blackbox module.
      3. passes/cmds/bugpoint.cc
      4. passes/cmds/chformal.cc
      5. passes/cmds/chtype.cc
      6. passes/cmds/connect.cc
      Maybe can be covered together with add command
      8. passes/cmds/design.cc
      missing covering -import option
      10. passes/cmds/rename.cc
      rename parts of existing design
      11. /passes/cmds/select.cc
      Lot of options is not used , so room to improve
      note there are 3 commands to cover here
      13. passes/cmds/setundef.cc
      setting with one, anyseq, anyconst ...
      14. passes/sat/assertpmux.cc
      15. passes/sat/async2sync.cc
      16. passes/sat/eval.cc
      17. passes/sat/freduce.cc
      18. passes/sat/miter.cc
      run with -assert option
      19. passes/sat/sat.cc
      many options are not tested
      20. passes/sat/sim.cc
      21. passes/techmap/flowmap.cc
      SergeyDegtyar committed
  7. 11 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  8. 06 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Add test group for equiv_* commands · 5b39f7c6
      Testing problems:
      1. coverage_html/passes/equiv/equiv_make.cc.gcov.html - 164-227 are not
      2. coverage_html/passes/equiv/equiv_add.cc.gcov.html - is not covered
      ("ERROR: This command must be executed in module context!")
      SergeyDegtyar committed
  9. 05 Feb, 2019 1 commit
    • Add new tests to 'simple' and 'misc' groups. · a92a1d27
      1. backends/firrtl/firrtl.cc – skipped because of error:
       ERROR: Unclocked write port 0 on memory top.ram.
      Add model with memory block too, so you can cover line block starting at
      line 419
      + 1. passes/techmap/attrmap.cc
      There is example in help block create example with
      (* keep="true" *) attribute and run example
      + 2. passes/techmap/dff2dffe.cc
      execute with  -unmap parameter
      + 3. passes/techmap/dff2dffs.cc
      + 4. passes/techmap/extract.cc
      Lot of variations of input parameters is not excersised
      ? 5. passes/techmap/extract_counter.cc
      This is specific to greenpak4 architecture, but idea is to have counter
      in design and call this after synth_greenpak
      + 6. passes/techmap/shregmap.cc.
      This also seams to be greenpak4 specific, but extracting shift register
      1. passes/techmap/insbuf.cc
      Testing problems:
      1. backends/firrtl/firrtl.cc – skipped because of error:
       ERROR: Unclocked write port 0 on memory top.ram.
      Add model with memory block too, so you can cover line block starting at
      line 419
      2.dff2dffe -direct - skipped: ERROR: Found error in internal cell
      \dffe.$procdff$47 ($dffe) at
      3.insbuf -buf $_BUF_ in out - skipped: ERROR: Found error in internal
      SergeyDegtyar committed
  10. 29 Jan, 2019 3 commits
  11. 27 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  12. 25 Jan, 2019 3 commits
  13. 24 Jan, 2019 4 commits
  14. 23 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  15. 15 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  16. 02 Jan, 2019 1 commit