- 28 Feb, 2019 1 commit
Add tests for splitnets command Expand coverage for trace command Expand coverage for splice command (tests for options) Expand coverage for scc command (different loops) Expand coverage for rename command Change test for passes/techmap/deminout Update test for 'dff2dffe -direct' command Add test for 'dffsr2dff' command Expand coverage for iopadmap command
SergeyDegtyar committed
- 20 Feb, 2019 1 commit
simple & misc =========== Note that some of commands you can not test with checking with testbench so those place in misc. 1. passes/cmds/add.cc Note that here you need to load some existing verilog and add additional wires, inputs or outputs 2. passes/cmds/blackbox.cc you could create design with sub module, execute blackbox and check if sub module is replaced with blackbox module. 3. passes/cmds/bugpoint.cc 4. passes/cmds/chformal.cc 5. passes/cmds/chtype.cc 6. passes/cmds/connect.cc Maybe can be covered together with add command 7.passes/cmds/connwrappers.cc 8. passes/cmds/design.cc missing covering -import option 9.passes/cmds/plugin.cc 10. passes/cmds/rename.cc rename parts of existing design 11. /passes/cmds/select.cc Lot of options is not used , so room to improve 12.passes/cmds/setattr.cc note there are 3 commands to cover here 13. passes/cmds/setundef.cc setting with one, anyseq, anyconst ... 14. passes/sat/assertpmux.cc 15. passes/sat/async2sync.cc 16. passes/sat/eval.cc 17. passes/sat/freduce.cc 18. passes/sat/miter.cc run with -assert option 19. passes/sat/sat.cc many options are not tested 20. passes/sat/sim.cc 21. passes/techmap/flowmap.cc
SergeyDegtyar committed
- 25 Jan, 2019 1 commit
Merge commit "Fix tests according to latest yosys and proper gitignore files". Make the same changes for 'regression'.
SergeyDegtyar committed
- 24 Jan, 2019 1 commit
Miodrag Milanovic committed
- 12 Dec, 2018 1 commit
SergeyDegtyar committed
- 05 Sep, 2018 1 commit
Signed-off-by: Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>
Clifford Wolf committed