1. 13 Jun, 2017 4 commits
  2. 12 Jun, 2017 4 commits
    • tests: odb: add tests with multiple backends · f148258a
      Previous to pulling out and extending the fake backend, it was quite
      cumbersome to write tests for very specific scenarios regarding
      backends. But as we have made it more generic, it has become much easier
      to do so. As such, this commit adds multiple tests for scenarios with
      multiple backends for the ODB.
      The changes also include a test for a very targeted scenario. When one
      backend found a matching object via `read_prefix`, but the last backend
      returns `GIT_ENOTFOUND` and when object hash verification is turned off,
      we fail to reset the error code to `GIT_OK`. This causes us to segfault
      later on, when doing a double-free on the returned object.
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: odb: allow passing fake objects to the fake backend · 6e010bb1
      Right now, the fake backend is quite restrained in the way how it
      works: we pass it an OID which it is to return later as well as an error
      code we want it to return. While this is sufficient for existing tests,
      we can make the fake backend a little bit more generic in order to allow
      us testing for additional scenarios.
      To do so, we change the backend to not accept an error code and OID
      which it is to return for queries, but instead a simple array of OIDs
      with their respective blob contents. On each query, the fake backend
      simply iterates through this array and returns the first matching
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: do not reuse OID from backend · 369cb45f
      In order to make the fake backend more useful, we want to enable it
      holding multiple object references. To do so, we need to decouple it
      from the single fake OID it currently holds, which we simply move up
      into the calling tests.
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: odb: move fake backend into its own file · 2add34d0
      The fake backend used by the test suite `odb::backend::nonrefreshing` is
      useful to have some low-level tests for the ODB layer. As such, we move
      the implementation into its own `backend_helpers` module.
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
  3. 28 Apr, 2017 2 commits
    • odb: verify object hashes · 28a0741f
      The upstream git.git project verifies objects when looking them up from
      disk. This avoids scenarios where objects have somehow become corrupt on
      disk, e.g. due to hardware failures or bit flips. While our mantra is
      usually to follow upstream behavior, we do not do so in this case, as we
      never check hashes of objects we have just read from disk.
      To fix this, we create a new error class `GIT_EMISMATCH` which denotes
      that we have looked up an object with a hashsum mismatch. `odb_read_1`
      will then, after having read the object from its backend, hash the
      object and compare the resulting hash to the expected hash. If hashes do
      not match, it will return an error.
      This obviously introduces another computation of checksums and could
      potentially impact performance. Note though that we usually perform I/O
      operations directly before doing this computation, and as such the
      actual overhead should be drowned out by I/O. Running our test suite
      seems to confirm this guess. On a Linux system with best-of-five
      timings, we had 21.592s with the check enabled and 21.590s with the
      ckeck disabled. Note though that our test suite mostly contains very
      small blobs only. It is expected that repositories with bigger blobs may
      notice an increased hit by this check.
      In addition to a new test, we also had to change the
      odb::backend::nonrefreshing test suite, which now triggers a hashsum
      mismatch when looking up the commit "deadbeef...". This is expected, as
      the fake backend allocated inside of the test will return an empty
      object for the OID "deadbeef...", which will obviously not hash back to
      "deadbeef..." again. We can simply adjust the hash to equal the hash of
      the empty object here to fix this test.
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
    • tests: odb: make hash of fake backend configurable · e29e8029
      In the odb::backend::nonrefreshing test suite, we set up a fake backend
      so that we are able to determine if backend functions are called
      correctly. During the setup, we also parse an OID which is later on used
      to read out the pseudo-object. While this procedure works right now, it
      will create problems later when we implement hash verification for
      looked up objects. The current OID ("deadbeef") will not match the hash
      of contents we give back to the ODB layer and thus cannot be verified.
      Make the hash configurable so that we can simply switch the returned for
      single tests.
      Patrick Steinhardt committed
  4. 29 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  5. 07 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  6. 05 Mar, 2014 1 commit
  7. 14 Nov, 2013 1 commit