kit.h 34.2 KB
Newer Older
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  FileName    [kit.h]

  SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

  PackageName [Computation kit.]

  Synopsis    [External declarations.]

  Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

  Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - Dec 6, 2006.]

  Revision    [$Id: kit.h,v 1.00 2006/12/06 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]


21 22
#ifndef ABC__aig__kit__kit_h
#define ABC__aig__kit__kit_h
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
///                          INCLUDES                                ///

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

34 35
#include "misc/vec/vec.h"
#include "misc/extra/extraBdd.h"
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#include "cloud.h"
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37 38 39 40 41

///                         PARAMETERS                               ///

42 43 44 45


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///                         BASIC TYPES                              ///

typedef struct Kit_Sop_t_ Kit_Sop_t;
struct Kit_Sop_t_
    int               nCubes;         // the number of cubes
    unsigned *        pCubes;         // the storage for cubes

typedef struct Kit_Edge_t_ Kit_Edge_t;
struct Kit_Edge_t_
    unsigned          fCompl   :  1;   // the complemented bit
    unsigned          Node     : 30;   // the decomposition node pointed by the edge

typedef struct Kit_Node_t_ Kit_Node_t;
struct Kit_Node_t_
    Kit_Edge_t        eEdge0;          // the left child of the node
    Kit_Edge_t        eEdge1;          // the right child of the node
    // other info
    void *            pFunc;           // the function of the node (BDD or AIG)
    unsigned          Level    : 14;   // the level of this node in the global AIG
    // printing info 
    unsigned          fNodeOr  :  1;   // marks the original OR node
    unsigned          fCompl0  :  1;   // marks the original complemented edge
    unsigned          fCompl1  :  1;   // marks the original complemented edge
    // latch info
    unsigned          nLat0    :  5;   // the number of latches on the first edge
    unsigned          nLat1    :  5;   // the number of latches on the second edge
    unsigned          nLat2    :  5;   // the number of latches on the output edge

typedef struct Kit_Graph_t_ Kit_Graph_t;
struct Kit_Graph_t_
    int               fConst;          // marks the constant 1 graph
    int               nLeaves;         // the number of leaves
    int               nSize;           // the number of nodes (including the leaves) 
    int               nCap;            // the number of allocated nodes
    Kit_Node_t *      pNodes;          // the array of leaves and internal nodes
    Kit_Edge_t        eRoot;           // the pointer to the topmost node

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94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

// DSD node types
typedef enum { 
    KIT_DSD_NONE  = 0,  // 0: unknown
    KIT_DSD_CONST1,     // 1: constant 1
    KIT_DSD_VAR,        // 2: elementary variable
    KIT_DSD_AND,        // 3: multi-input AND
    KIT_DSD_XOR,        // 4: multi-input XOR
    KIT_DSD_PRIME       // 5: arbitrary function of 3+ variables
} Kit_Dsd_t;

// DSD node
typedef struct Kit_DsdObj_t_ Kit_DsdObj_t;
struct Kit_DsdObj_t_
    unsigned       Id         : 6;  // the number of this node
    unsigned       Type       : 3;  // none, const, var, AND, XOR, MUX, PRIME
    unsigned       fMark      : 1;  // finished checking output
    unsigned       Offset     : 8;  // offset to the truth table
    unsigned       nRefs      : 8;  // offset to the truth table
    unsigned       nFans      : 6;  // the number of fanins of this node
    unsigned short pFans[0];        // the fanin literals
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116 117 118 119 120 121

// DSD network
typedef struct Kit_DsdNtk_t_ Kit_DsdNtk_t;
struct Kit_DsdNtk_t_
122 123 124 125
    unsigned short nVars;           // at most 16 (perhaps 18?)
    unsigned short nNodesAlloc;     // the number of allocated nodes (at most nVars)
    unsigned short nNodes;          // the number of nodes
    unsigned short Root;            // the root of the tree
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    unsigned *     pMem;            // memory for the truth tables (memory manager?)
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    unsigned *     pSupps;          // supports of the nodes
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    Kit_DsdObj_t** pNodes;          // the nodes
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129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

// DSD manager
typedef struct Kit_DsdMan_t_ Kit_DsdMan_t;
struct Kit_DsdMan_t_
    int            nVars;           // the maximum number of variables
    int            nWords;          // the number of words in TTs
    Vec_Ptr_t *    vTtElems;        // elementary truth tables
    Vec_Ptr_t *    vTtNodes;        // the node truth tables
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139 140 141 142
    // BDD representation
    CloudManager * dd;              // BDD package
    Vec_Ptr_t *    vTtBdds;         // the node truth tables
    Vec_Int_t *    vNodes;          // temporary array for BDD nodes
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static inline unsigned        Kit_DsdObjOffset( int nFans )          { return (nFans >> 1) + ((nFans & 1) > 0);                    }
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static inline unsigned *      Kit_DsdObjTruth( Kit_DsdObj_t * pObj ) { return pObj->Type == KIT_DSD_PRIME ? (unsigned *)pObj->pFans + pObj->Offset: NULL; }
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static inline int             Kit_DsdNtkObjNum( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk ){ return pNtk->nVars + pNtk->nNodes; }
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static inline Kit_DsdObj_t *  Kit_DsdNtkObj( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Id )      { assert( Id >= 0 && Id < pNtk->nVars + pNtk->nNodes ); return Id < pNtk->nVars ? NULL : pNtk->pNodes[Id - pNtk->nVars]; }
149 150 151
static inline Kit_DsdObj_t *  Kit_DsdNtkRoot( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk )             { return Kit_DsdNtkObj( pNtk, Abc_Lit2Var(pNtk->Root) );                      }
static inline int             Kit_DsdLitIsLeaf( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Lit )   { int Id = Abc_Lit2Var(Lit); assert( Id >= 0 && Id < pNtk->nVars + pNtk->nNodes ); return Id < pNtk->nVars; }
static inline unsigned        Kit_DsdLitSupport( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Lit )  { int Id = Abc_Lit2Var(Lit); assert( Id >= 0 && Id < pNtk->nVars + pNtk->nNodes ); return pNtk->pSupps? (Id < pNtk->nVars? (1 << Id) : pNtk->pSupps[Id - pNtk->nVars]) : 0; }
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152 153 154 155

#define Kit_DsdNtkForEachObj( pNtk, pObj, i )                                      \
    for ( i = 0; (i < (pNtk)->nNodes) && ((pObj) = (pNtk)->pNodes[i]); i++ )
#define Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )                              \
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156 157 158
    for ( i = 0; (i < (int)(pObj)->nFans) && ((iLit) = (pObj)->pFans[i], 1); i++ )
#define Kit_DsdObjForEachFaninReverse( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i )                       \
    for ( i = (int)(pObj)->nFans - 1; (i >= 0) && ((iLit) = (pObj)->pFans[i], 1); i-- )
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160 161 162 163 164
#define Kit_PlaForEachCube( pSop, nFanins, pCube )                \
    for ( pCube = (pSop); *pCube; pCube += (nFanins) + 3 )
#define Kit_PlaCubeForEachVar( pCube, Value, i )                     \
    for ( i = 0; (pCube[i] != ' ') && (Value = pCube[i]); i++ )           

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165 166 167 168
///                      MACRO DEFINITIONS                           ///

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#define KIT_MIN(a,b)       (((a) < (b))? (a) : (b))
#define KIT_MAX(a,b)       (((a) > (b))? (a) : (b))
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#define KIT_INFINITY       (100000000)
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static inline int          Kit_CubeHasLit( unsigned uCube, int i )                        { return(uCube &  (unsigned)(1<<i)) > 0;  }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeSetLit( unsigned uCube, int i )                        { return uCube |  (unsigned)(1<<i);       }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeXorLit( unsigned uCube, int i )                        { return uCube ^  (unsigned)(1<<i);       }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeRemLit( unsigned uCube, int i )                        { return uCube & ~(unsigned)(1<<i);       }

static inline int          Kit_CubeContains( unsigned uLarge, unsigned uSmall )           { return (uLarge & uSmall) == uSmall;     }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeSharp( unsigned uCube, unsigned uMask )                { return uCube & ~uMask;                  }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeMask( int nVar )                                       { return (~(unsigned)0) >> (32-nVar);     }

static inline int          Kit_CubeIsMarked( unsigned uCube )                             { return Kit_CubeHasLit( uCube, 31 );     }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeMark( unsigned uCube )                                 { return Kit_CubeSetLit( uCube, 31 );     }
static inline unsigned     Kit_CubeUnmark( unsigned uCube )                               { return Kit_CubeRemLit( uCube, 31 );     }

static inline int          Kit_SopCubeNum( Kit_Sop_t * cSop )                             { return cSop->nCubes;                    }
static inline unsigned     Kit_SopCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int i )                         { return cSop->pCubes[i];                 }
static inline void         Kit_SopShrink( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nCubesNew )               { cSop->nCubes = nCubesNew;               }
static inline void         Kit_SopPushCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, unsigned uCube )            { cSop->pCubes[cSop->nCubes++] = uCube;   }
static inline void         Kit_SopWriteCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, unsigned uCube, int i )    { cSop->pCubes[i] = uCube;                }

static inline Kit_Edge_t   Kit_EdgeCreate( int Node, int fCompl )                         { Kit_Edge_t eEdge = { fCompl, Node }; return eEdge;  }
static inline unsigned     Kit_EdgeToInt( Kit_Edge_t eEdge )                              { return (eEdge.Node << 1) | eEdge.fCompl;            }
static inline Kit_Edge_t   Kit_IntToEdge( unsigned Edge )                                 { return Kit_EdgeCreate( Edge >> 1, Edge & 1 );       }
195 196 197 198
//static inline unsigned     Kit_EdgeToInt_( Kit_Edge_t eEdge )                             { return *(unsigned *)&eEdge;                         }
//static inline Kit_Edge_t   Kit_IntToEdge_( unsigned Edge )                                { return *(Kit_Edge_t *)&Edge;                        }
static inline unsigned     Kit_EdgeToInt_( Kit_Edge_t m )                                 { union { Kit_Edge_t x; unsigned y; } v; v.x = m; return v.y;  }
static inline Kit_Edge_t   Kit_IntToEdge_( unsigned m )                                   { union { Kit_Edge_t x; unsigned y; } v; v.y = m; return v.x;  }
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static inline int          Kit_GraphIsConst( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                       { return pGraph->fConst;                              }
static inline int          Kit_GraphIsConst0( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                      { return pGraph->fConst && pGraph->eRoot.fCompl;      }
static inline int          Kit_GraphIsConst1( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                      { return pGraph->fConst && !pGraph->eRoot.fCompl;     }
static inline int          Kit_GraphIsComplement( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                  { return pGraph->eRoot.fCompl;                        }
static inline int          Kit_GraphIsVar( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                         { return pGraph->eRoot.Node < (unsigned)pGraph->nLeaves; }
static inline void         Kit_GraphComplement( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                    { pGraph->eRoot.fCompl ^= 1;                          }
static inline void         Kit_GraphSetRoot( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eRoot )     { pGraph->eRoot = eRoot;                              }
static inline int          Kit_GraphLeaveNum( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                      { return pGraph->nLeaves;                             }
static inline int          Kit_GraphNodeNum( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                       { return pGraph->nSize - pGraph->nLeaves;             }
static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNode( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, int i )                   { return pGraph->pNodes + i;                          }
static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNodeLast( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                      { return pGraph->pNodes + pGraph->nSize - 1;          }
static inline int          Kit_GraphNodeInt( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode )   { return pNode - pGraph->pNodes;                      }
static inline int          Kit_GraphNodeIsVar( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ) { return Kit_GraphNodeInt(pGraph,pNode) < pGraph->nLeaves; }
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static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphVar( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                           { assert( Kit_GraphIsVar( pGraph ) );    return Kit_GraphNode( pGraph, pGraph->eRoot.Node );      }
static inline int          Kit_GraphVarInt( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                        { assert( Kit_GraphIsVar( pGraph ) );    return Kit_GraphNodeInt( pGraph, Kit_GraphVar(pGraph) ); }
static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNodeFanin0( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ){ return Kit_GraphNodeIsVar(pGraph, pNode)? NULL : Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, pNode->eEdge0.Node);     }
static inline Kit_Node_t * Kit_GraphNodeFanin1( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode ){ return Kit_GraphNodeIsVar(pGraph, pNode)? NULL : Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, pNode->eEdge1.Node);     }
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static inline int          Kit_GraphRootLevel( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph )                     { return Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, pGraph->eRoot.Node)->Level;                                        }
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219 220
static inline int          Kit_SuppIsMinBase( int Supp )                                  { return (Supp & (Supp+1)) == 0;                      }

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static inline int          Kit_BitWordNum( int nBits )    { return nBits/(8*sizeof(unsigned)) + ((nBits%(8*sizeof(unsigned))) > 0); }
static inline int          Kit_TruthWordNum( int nVars )  { return nVars <= 5 ? 1 : (1 << (nVars - 5));                             }
static inline unsigned     Kit_BitMask( int nBits )       { assert( nBits <= 32 ); return ~((~(unsigned)0) << nBits);               }
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224 225 226 227 228

static inline void         Kit_TruthSetBit( unsigned * p, int Bit )   { p[Bit>>5] |= (1<<(Bit & 31));               }
static inline void         Kit_TruthXorBit( unsigned * p, int Bit )   { p[Bit>>5] ^= (1<<(Bit & 31));               }
static inline int          Kit_TruthHasBit( unsigned * p, int Bit )   { return (p[Bit>>5] & (1<<(Bit & 31))) > 0;   }

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static inline int Kit_WordFindFirstBit( unsigned uWord )
    int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
        if ( uWord & (1 << i) )
            return i;
    return -1;
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237 238 239 240
static inline int Kit_WordHasOneBit( unsigned uWord )
    return (uWord & (uWord - 1)) == 0;
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241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255
static inline int Kit_WordCountOnes( unsigned uWord )
    uWord = (uWord & 0x55555555) + ((uWord>>1) & 0x55555555);
    uWord = (uWord & 0x33333333) + ((uWord>>2) & 0x33333333);
    uWord = (uWord & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((uWord>>4) & 0x0F0F0F0F);
    uWord = (uWord & 0x00FF00FF) + ((uWord>>8) & 0x00FF00FF);
    return  (uWord & 0x0000FFFF) + (uWord>>16);
static inline int Kit_TruthCountOnes( unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w, Counter = 0;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        Counter += Kit_WordCountOnes(pIn[w]);
    return Counter;
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256 257 258 259 260
static inline int Kit_TruthFindFirstBit( unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = 0; w < Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars); w++ )
        if ( pIn[w] )
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            return 32*w + Kit_WordFindFirstBit(pIn[w]);
    return -1;
static inline int Kit_TruthFindFirstZero( unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = 0; w < Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars); w++ )
        if ( ~pIn[w] )
            return 32*w + Kit_WordFindFirstBit(~pIn[w]);
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270 271
    return -1;
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272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279
static inline int Kit_TruthIsEqual( unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn0[w] != pIn1[w] )
            return 0;
    return 1;
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
static inline int Kit_TruthIsEqualWithCare( unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pCare, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( (pIn0[w] & pCare[w]) != (pIn1[w] & pCare[w]) )
            return 0;
    return 1;
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288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295
static inline int Kit_TruthIsOpposite( unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn0[w] != ~pIn1[w] )
            return 0;
    return 1;
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296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312
static inline int Kit_TruthIsEqualWithPhase( unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    if ( (pIn0[0] & 1) == (pIn1[0] & 1) )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            if ( pIn0[w] != pIn1[w] )
                return 0;
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            if ( pIn0[w] != ~pIn1[w] )
                return 0;
    return 1;
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313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336
static inline int Kit_TruthIsConst0( unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn[w] )
            return 0;
    return 1;
static inline int Kit_TruthIsConst1( unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn[w] != ~(unsigned)0 )
            return 0;
    return 1;
static inline int Kit_TruthIsImply( unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pIn2, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn1[w] & ~pIn2[w] )
            return 0;
    return 1;
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337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352
static inline int Kit_TruthIsDisjoint( unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pIn2, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn1[w] & pIn2[w] )
            return 0;
    return 1;
static inline int Kit_TruthIsDisjoint3( unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pIn2, unsigned * pIn3, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        if ( pIn1[w] & pIn2[w] & pIn3[w] )
            return 0;
    return 1;
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353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388
static inline void Kit_TruthCopy( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = pIn[w];
static inline void Kit_TruthClear( unsigned * pOut, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = 0;
static inline void Kit_TruthFill( unsigned * pOut, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = ~(unsigned)0;
static inline void Kit_TruthNot( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = ~pIn[w];
static inline void Kit_TruthAnd( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = pIn0[w] & pIn1[w];
static inline void Kit_TruthOr( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = pIn0[w] | pIn1[w];
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389 390 391 392 393 394
static inline void Kit_TruthXor( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = pIn0[w] ^ pIn1[w];
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395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406
static inline void Kit_TruthSharp( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = pIn0[w] & ~pIn1[w];
static inline void Kit_TruthNand( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = ~(pIn0[w] & pIn1[w]);
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407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430
static inline void Kit_TruthAndPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars, int fCompl0, int fCompl1 )
    int w;
    if ( fCompl0 && fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = ~(pIn0[w] | pIn1[w]);
    else if ( fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = ~pIn0[w] & pIn1[w];
    else if ( !fCompl0 && fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = pIn0[w] & ~pIn1[w];
    else // if ( !fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = pIn0[w] & pIn1[w];
431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454
static inline void Kit_TruthOrPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, int nVars, int fCompl0, int fCompl1 )
    int w;
    if ( fCompl0 && fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = ~(pIn0[w] & pIn1[w]);
    else if ( fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = ~pIn0[w] | pIn1[w];
    else if ( !fCompl0 && fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = pIn0[w] | ~pIn1[w];
    else // if ( !fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = pIn0[w] | pIn1[w];
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455 456 457 458 459 460
static inline void Kit_TruthMux( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pCtrl, int nVars )
    int w;
    for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
        pOut[w] = (pIn0[w] & ~pCtrl[w]) | (pIn1[w] & pCtrl[w]);
Alan Mishchenko committed
461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470
static inline void Kit_TruthMuxPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn0, unsigned * pIn1, unsigned * pCtrl, int nVars, int fComp0 )
    int w;
    if ( fComp0 )
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = (~pIn0[w] & ~pCtrl[w]) | (pIn1[w] & pCtrl[w]);
        for ( w = Kit_TruthWordNum(nVars)-1; w >= 0; w-- )
            pOut[w] = (pIn0[w] & ~pCtrl[w]) | (pIn1[w] & pCtrl[w]);
Alan Mishchenko committed
471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489
static inline void Kit_TruthIthVar( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar )
    unsigned Masks[5] = { 0xAAAAAAAA, 0xCCCCCCCC, 0xF0F0F0F0, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFFFF0000 };
    int k, nWords = (nVars <= 5 ? 1 : (1 << (nVars - 5)));
    if ( iVar < 5 )
        for ( k = 0; k < nWords; k++ )
            pTruth[k] = Masks[iVar];
        for ( k = 0; k < nWords; k++ )
            if ( k & (1 << (iVar-5)) )
                pTruth[k] = ~(unsigned)0;
                pTruth[k] = 0;

Alan Mishchenko committed
490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511

///                           ITERATORS                              ///

#define Kit_SopForEachCube( cSop, uCube, i )                                      \
    for ( i = 0; (i < Kit_SopCubeNum(cSop)) && ((uCube) = Kit_SopCube(cSop, i)); i++ )
#define Kit_CubeForEachLiteral( uCube, Lit, nLits, i )                            \
    for ( i = 0; (i < (nLits)) && ((Lit) = Kit_CubeHasLit(uCube, i)); i++ )

#define Kit_GraphForEachLeaf( pGraph, pLeaf, i )                                              \
    for ( i = 0; (i < (pGraph)->nLeaves) && (((pLeaf) = Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, i)), 1); i++ )
#define Kit_GraphForEachNode( pGraph, pAnd, i )                                               \
    for ( i = (pGraph)->nLeaves; (i < (pGraph)->nSize) && (((pAnd) = Kit_GraphNode(pGraph, i)), 1); i++ )

///                    FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                         ///

/*=== kitBdd.c ==========================================================*/
extern DdNode *        Kit_SopToBdd( DdManager * dd, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nVars );
extern DdNode *        Kit_GraphToBdd( DdManager * dd, Kit_Graph_t * pGraph );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern DdNode *        Kit_TruthToBdd( DdManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int fMSBonTop );
Alan Mishchenko committed
513 514 515 516 517 518 519
/*=== kitCloud.c ==========================================================*/
extern CloudNode *     Kit_TruthToCloud( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern unsigned *      Kit_CloudToTruth( Vec_Int_t * vNodes, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vStore, int fInv );
extern int             Kit_CreateCloud( CloudManager * dd, CloudNode * pFunc, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
extern int             Kit_CreateCloudFromTruth( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
extern unsigned *      Kit_TruthCompose( CloudManager * dd, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned ** pInputs, int nVarsAll, Vec_Ptr_t * vStore, Vec_Int_t * vNodes );
extern void            Kit_TruthCofSupports( Vec_Int_t * vBddDir, Vec_Int_t * vBddInv, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, unsigned * puSupps );
Alan Mishchenko committed
/*=== kitDsd.c ==========================================================*/
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern Kit_DsdMan_t *  Kit_DsdManAlloc( int nVars, int nNodes );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdManFree( Kit_DsdMan_t * p );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t *  Kit_DsdDeriveNtk( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nLutSize );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern unsigned *      Kit_DsdTruthCompute( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdTruth( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruthRes );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdTruthPartial( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruthRes, unsigned uSupp );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdTruthPartialTwo( Kit_DsdMan_t * p, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned uSupp, int iVar, unsigned * pTruthCo, unsigned * pTruthDec );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdPrint( FILE * pFile, Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdPrintExpanded( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern void            Kit_DsdPrintFromTruth2( FILE * pFile, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
extern void            Kit_DsdWriteFromTruth( char * pBuffer, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t *  Kit_DsdDecompose( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t *  Kit_DsdDecomposeExpand( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
Alan Mishchenko committed
535 536
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t *  Kit_DsdDecomposeMux( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nDecMux );
extern void            Kit_DsdVerify( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
Alan Mishchenko committed
537 538
extern void            Kit_DsdNtkFree( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern int             Kit_DsdNonDsdSizeMax( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern Kit_DsdObj_t *  Kit_DsdNonDsdPrimeMax( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern unsigned        Kit_DsdNonDsdSupports( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
extern int             Kit_DsdCountAigNodes( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern unsigned        Kit_DsdGetSupports( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p );
Alan Mishchenko committed
543 544 545 546
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t *  Kit_DsdExpand( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p );
extern Kit_DsdNtk_t *  Kit_DsdShrink( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p, int pPrios[] );
extern void            Kit_DsdRotate( Kit_DsdNtk_t * p, int pFreqs[] );
extern int             Kit_DsdCofactoring( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pCofVars, int nLimit, int fVerbose );
Alan Mishchenko committed
547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561
/*=== kitFactor.c ==========================================================*/
extern Kit_Graph_t *   Kit_SopFactor( Vec_Int_t * vCover, int fCompl, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
/*=== kitGraph.c ==========================================================*/
extern Kit_Graph_t *   Kit_GraphCreate( int nLeaves );   
extern Kit_Graph_t *   Kit_GraphCreateConst0();   
extern Kit_Graph_t *   Kit_GraphCreateConst1();   
extern Kit_Graph_t *   Kit_GraphCreateLeaf( int iLeaf, int nLeaves, int fCompl );   
extern void            Kit_GraphFree( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph );   
extern Kit_Node_t *    Kit_GraphAppendNode( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph );   
extern Kit_Edge_t      Kit_GraphAddNodeAnd( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdge0, Kit_Edge_t eEdge1 );
extern Kit_Edge_t      Kit_GraphAddNodeOr( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdge0, Kit_Edge_t eEdge1 );
extern Kit_Edge_t      Kit_GraphAddNodeXor( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdge0, Kit_Edge_t eEdge1, int Type );
extern Kit_Edge_t      Kit_GraphAddNodeMux( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Edge_t eEdgeC, Kit_Edge_t eEdgeT, Kit_Edge_t eEdgeE, int Type );
extern unsigned        Kit_GraphToTruth( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph );
extern Kit_Graph_t *   Kit_TruthToGraph( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern int             Kit_GraphLeafDepth_rec( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t * pNode, Kit_Node_t * pLeaf );
Alan Mishchenko committed
/*=== kitHop.c ==========================================================*/
Alan Mishchenko committed
564 565 566
//extern Hop_Obj_t *     Kit_GraphToHop( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Kit_Graph_t * pGraph );
//extern Hop_Obj_t *     Kit_TruthToHop( Hop_Man_t * pMan, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
//extern Hop_Obj_t *     Kit_CoverToHop( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Vec_Int_t * vCover, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
Alan Mishchenko committed
567 568
/*=== kitIsop.c ==========================================================*/
extern int             Kit_TruthIsop( unsigned * puTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, int fTryBoth );
Alan Mishchenko committed
569 570
/*=== kitPla.c ==========================================================*/
extern int             Kit_PlaIsConst0( char * pSop );
Alan Mishchenko committed
571 572 573
extern int             Kit_PlaIsConst1( char * pSop );
extern int             Kit_PlaIsBuf( char * pSop );
extern int             Kit_PlaIsInv( char * pSop );
Alan Mishchenko committed
574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581
extern int             Kit_PlaGetVarNum( char * pSop );
extern int             Kit_PlaGetCubeNum( char * pSop );
extern int             Kit_PlaIsComplement( char * pSop );
extern void            Kit_PlaComplement( char * pSop );
extern char *          Kit_PlaStart( void * p, int nCubes, int nVars );
extern char *          Kit_PlaCreateFromIsop( void * p, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
extern void            Kit_PlaToIsop( char * pSop, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
extern char *          Kit_PlaStoreSop( void * p, char * pSop );
582 583 584 585
extern char *          Kit_PlaFromTruth( void * p, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
extern char *          Kit_PlaFromTruthNew( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover, Vec_Str_t * vStr );
extern ABC_UINT64_T    Kit_PlaToTruth6( char * pSop, int nVars );
extern void            Kit_PlaToTruth( char * pSop, int nVars, Vec_Ptr_t * vVars, unsigned * pTemp, unsigned * pTruth );
Alan Mishchenko committed
586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600
/*=== kitSop.c ==========================================================*/
extern void            Kit_SopCreate( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Vec_Int_t * vInput, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void            Kit_SopCreateInverse( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Vec_Int_t * vInput, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void            Kit_SopDup( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void            Kit_SopDivideByLiteralQuo( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int iLit );
extern void            Kit_SopDivideByCube( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Kit_Sop_t * cDiv, Kit_Sop_t * vQuo, Kit_Sop_t * vRem, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void            Kit_SopDivideInternal( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Kit_Sop_t * cDiv, Kit_Sop_t * vQuo, Kit_Sop_t * vRem, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void            Kit_SopMakeCubeFree( Kit_Sop_t * cSop );
extern int             Kit_SopIsCubeFree( Kit_Sop_t * cSop );
extern void            Kit_SopCommonCubeCover( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern int             Kit_SopAnyLiteral( Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nLits );
extern int             Kit_SopDivisor( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, int nLits, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void            Kit_SopBestLiteralCover( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Kit_Sop_t * cSop, unsigned uCube, int nLits, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
/*=== kitTruth.c ==========================================================*/
extern void            Kit_TruthSwapAdjacentVars( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int Start );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthStretch( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int nVarsAll, unsigned Phase, int fReturnIn );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthPermute( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, char * pPerm, int fReturnIn );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthShrink( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int nVarsAll, unsigned Phase, int fReturnIn );
Alan Mishchenko committed
604 605
extern int             Kit_TruthVarInSupport( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
extern int             Kit_TruthSupportSize( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern unsigned        Kit_TruthSupport( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );
Alan Mishchenko committed
607 608
extern void            Kit_TruthCofactor0( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
extern void            Kit_TruthCofactor1( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
609 610
extern void            Kit_TruthCofactor0New( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int iVar );
extern void            Kit_TruthCofactor1New( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pIn, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern int             Kit_TruthVarIsVacuous( unsigned * pOnset, unsigned * pOffset, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthExist( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
613 614
extern void            Kit_TruthExistNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
extern void            Kit_TruthExistSet( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned uMask );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthForall( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
616 617
extern void            Kit_TruthForallNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
extern void            Kit_TruthForallSet( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned uMask );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthUniqueNew( unsigned * pRes, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthMuxVar( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int nVars, int iVar );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthMuxVarPhase( unsigned * pOut, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1, int nVars, int iVar, int fCompl0 );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern void            Kit_TruthChangePhase( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar );
622 623
extern int             Kit_TruthVarsSymm( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar0, int iVar1, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1 );
extern int             Kit_TruthVarsAntiSymm( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int iVar0, int iVar1, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1 );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern int             Kit_TruthMinCofSuppOverlap( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pVarMin );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern int             Kit_TruthBestCofVar( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, unsigned * pCof0, unsigned * pCof1 );
626 627 628
extern void            Kit_TruthCountOnesInCofs( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pStore );
extern void            Kit_TruthCountOnesInCofs0( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pStore );
extern void            Kit_TruthCountOnesInCofsSlow( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int * pStore, unsigned * pAux );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern unsigned        Kit_TruthHash( unsigned * pIn, int nWords );
extern unsigned        Kit_TruthSemiCanonicize( unsigned * pInOut, unsigned * pAux, int nVars, char * pCanonPerm );
Alan Mishchenko committed
extern char *          Kit_TruthDumpToFile( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, int nFile );
632 633 634 635 636 637
extern void            Kit_TruthPrintProfile( unsigned * pTruth, int nVars );


Alan Mishchenko committed
638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645


///                       END OF FILE                                ///