Commit 2dc38429 by Alan Mishchenko

Version abc80413

parent d8ddea44
......@@ -2894,6 +2894,10 @@ SOURCE=.\src\aig\kit\kitIsop.c
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
......@@ -638,7 +638,10 @@ Aig_Man_t * Aig_ManDupRepres( Aig_Man_t * p )
if ( Aig_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
pObj->pData = Aig_And( pNew, Aig_ObjChild0Repres(p, pObj), Aig_ObjChild1Repres(p, pObj) );
else if ( Aig_ObjIsPi(pObj) )
pObj->pData = Aig_ObjCreatePi(pNew);
pObj->pData = Aig_ObjGetRepres( p, pObj );
else if ( Aig_ObjIsPo(pObj) )
pObj->pData = Aig_ObjCreatePo( pNew, Aig_ObjChild0Repres(p, pObj) );
else if ( Aig_ObjIsConst1(pObj) )
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ int Fra_FraigSec( Aig_Man_t * p, int nFramesMax, int fRetimeFirst, int fFraiging
Fra_Ssw_t Pars, * pPars = &Pars;
Fra_Sml_t * pSml;
Aig_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
Aig_Man_t * pNew = NULL, * pTemp;
int nFrames, RetValue, nIter, clk, clkTotal = clock();
int fLatchCorr = 0;
......@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ PRT( "Time", clock() - clkTotal );
Ioa_WriteAiger( pNew, pFileName, 0, 0 );
printf( "The unsolved reduced miter is written into file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
Aig_ManStop( pNew );
if ( pNew )
Aig_ManStop( pNew );
return RetValue;
......@@ -160,6 +160,11 @@ static inline unsigned Kit_DsdLitSupport( Kit_DsdNtk_t * pNtk, int Lit )
#define Kit_DsdObjForEachFanin( pNtk, pObj, iLit, i ) \
for ( i = 0; (i < (pObj)->nFans) && ((iLit) = (pObj)->pFans[i], 1); i++ )
#define Kit_PlaForEachCube( pSop, nFanins, pCube ) \
for ( pCube = (pSop); *pCube; pCube += (nFanins) + 3 )
#define Kit_PlaCubeForEachVar( pCube, Value, i ) \
for ( i = 0; (pCube[i] != ' ') && (Value = pCube[i]); i++ )
......@@ -540,6 +545,17 @@ extern int Kit_GraphLeafDepth_rec( Kit_Graph_t * pGraph, Kit_Node_t
//extern Hop_Obj_t * Kit_CoverToHop( Hop_Man_t * pMan, Vec_Int_t * vCover, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
/*=== kitIsop.c ==========================================================*/
extern int Kit_TruthIsop( unsigned * puTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory, int fTryBoth );
/*=== kitPla.c ==========================================================*/
extern int Kit_PlaIsConst0( char * pSop );
extern int Kit_PlaGetVarNum( char * pSop );
extern int Kit_PlaGetCubeNum( char * pSop );
extern int Kit_PlaIsComplement( char * pSop );
extern void Kit_PlaComplement( char * pSop );
extern char * Kit_PlaStart( void * p, int nCubes, int nVars );
extern char * Kit_PlaCreateFromIsop( void * p, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
extern void Kit_PlaToIsop( char * pSop, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
extern char * Kit_PlaStoreSop( void * p, char * pSop );
extern char * Kit_PlaFromTruth( void * p, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
/*=== kitSop.c ==========================================================*/
extern void Kit_SopCreate( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Vec_Int_t * vInput, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
extern void Kit_SopCreateInverse( Kit_Sop_t * cResult, Vec_Int_t * vInput, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vMemory );
FileName [kitPla.c]
SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
PackageName [Computation kit.]
Synopsis [Manipulating SOP in the form of a C-string.]
Author [Alan Mishchenko]
Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - Dec 6, 2006.]
Revision [$Id: kitPla.c,v 1.00 2006/12/06 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
#include "kit.h"
#include "aig.h"
Synopsis [Checks if the cover is constant 0.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Kit_PlaIsConst0( char * pSop )
return pSop[0] == ' ' && pSop[1] == '0';
Synopsis [Reads the number of variables in the cover.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Kit_PlaGetVarNum( char * pSop )
char * pCur;
for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur != '\n'; pCur++ );
return pCur - pSop - 2;
Synopsis [Reads the number of cubes in the cover.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Kit_PlaGetCubeNum( char * pSop )
char * pCur;
int nCubes = 0;
if ( pSop == NULL )
return 0;
for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur; pCur++ )
nCubes += (*pCur == '\n');
return nCubes;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Kit_PlaIsComplement( char * pSop )
char * pCur;
for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur; pCur++ )
if ( *pCur == '\n' )
return (int)(*(pCur - 1) == '0' || *(pCur - 1) == 'n');
assert( 0 );
return 0;
Synopsis []
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Kit_PlaComplement( char * pSop )
char * pCur;
for ( pCur = pSop; *pCur; pCur++ )
if ( *pCur == '\n' )
if ( *(pCur - 1) == '0' )
*(pCur - 1) = '1';
else if ( *(pCur - 1) == '1' )
*(pCur - 1) = '0';
else if ( *(pCur - 1) == 'x' )
*(pCur - 1) = 'n';
else if ( *(pCur - 1) == 'n' )
*(pCur - 1) = 'x';
assert( 0 );
Synopsis [Creates the constant 1 cover with the given number of variables and cubes.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Kit_PlaStart( void * p, int nCubes, int nVars )
Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = p;
char * pSopCover, * pCube;
int i, Length;
Length = nCubes * (nVars + 3);
pSopCover = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( pMan, Length + 1 );
memset( pSopCover, '-', Length );
pSopCover[Length] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < nCubes; i++ )
pCube = pSopCover + i * (nVars + 3);
pCube[nVars + 0] = ' ';
pCube[nVars + 1] = '1';
pCube[nVars + 2] = '\n';
return pSopCover;
Synopsis [Creates the cover from the ISOP computed from TT.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Kit_PlaCreateFromIsop( void * p, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = p;
char * pSop, * pCube;
int i, k, Entry, Literal;
assert( Vec_IntSize(vCover) > 0 );
if ( Vec_IntSize(vCover) == 0 )
return NULL;
// start the cover
pSop = Kit_PlaStart( pMan, Vec_IntSize(vCover), nVars );
// create cubes
Vec_IntForEachEntry( vCover, Entry, i )
pCube = pSop + i * (nVars + 3);
for ( k = 0; k < nVars; k++ )
Literal = 3 & (Entry >> (k << 1));
if ( Literal == 1 )
pCube[k] = '0';
else if ( Literal == 2 )
pCube[k] = '1';
else if ( Literal != 0 )
assert( 0 );
return pSop;
Synopsis [Creates the cover from the ISOP computed from TT.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Kit_PlaToIsop( char * pSop, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
char * pCube;
int k, nVars, Entry;
nVars = Kit_PlaGetVarNum( pSop );
assert( nVars > 0 );
// create cubes
Vec_IntClear( vCover );
for ( pCube = pSop; *pCube; pCube += nVars + 3 )
Entry = 0;
for ( k = nVars - 1; k >= 0; k-- )
if ( pCube[k] == '0' )
Entry = (Entry << 2) | 1;
else if ( pCube[k] == '1' )
Entry = (Entry << 2) | 2;
else if ( pCube[k] == '-' )
Entry = (Entry << 2);
assert( 0 );
Vec_IntPush( vCover, Entry );
Synopsis [Allocates memory and copies the SOP into it.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Kit_PlaStoreSop( void * p, char * pSop )
Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = p;
char * pStore;
pStore = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( pMan, strlen(pSop) + 1 );
strcpy( pStore, pSop );
return pStore;
Synopsis [Transforms truth table into the SOP.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
char * Kit_PlaFromTruth( void * p, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover )
Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan = p;
char * pSop;
int RetValue;
if ( Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, nVars) )
return Kit_PlaStoreSop( pMan, " 0\n" );
if ( Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, nVars) )
return Kit_PlaStoreSop( pMan, " 1\n" );
RetValue = Kit_TruthIsop( pTruth, nVars, vCover, 0 ); // 1 );
assert( RetValue == 0 || RetValue == 1 );
pSop = Kit_PlaCreateFromIsop( pMan, nVars, vCover );
if ( RetValue )
Kit_PlaComplement( pSop );
return pSop;
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ SRC += src/aig/kit/kitAig.c \
src/aig/kit/kitGraph.c \
src/aig/kit/kitHop.c \
src/aig/kit/kitIsop.c \
src/aig/kit/kitPla.c \
src/aig/kit/kitSop.c \
......@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ struct Ntl_Net_t_
Ntl_Obj_t * pDriver; // driver of the net
char nVisits; // the number of times the net is visited
char fMark; // temporary mark
char fCompl; // complemented attribute
char pName[0]; // the name of this net
......@@ -235,10 +234,9 @@ extern void Ntl_ManPrepareCec( char * pFileName1, char * pFileName2,
extern Aig_Man_t * Ntl_ManPrepareSec( char * pFileName1, char * pFileName2 );
/*=== ntlExtract.c ==========================================================*/
extern Aig_Man_t * Ntl_ManExtract( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern Aig_Man_t * Ntl_ManCollapse( Ntl_Man_t * p, int fSeq );
extern Aig_Man_t * Ntl_ManCollapse( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern Aig_Man_t * Ntl_ManCollapseForCec( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern Aig_Man_t * Ntl_ManCollapseForSec( Ntl_Man_t * p1, Ntl_Man_t * p2 );
extern char * Ntl_SopFromTruth( Ntl_Man_t * p, unsigned * pTruth, int nVars, Vec_Int_t * vCover );
/*=== ntlInsert.c ==========================================================*/
extern Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertMapping( Ntl_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vMapping, Aig_Man_t * pAig );
extern Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertAig( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig );
......@@ -275,15 +273,16 @@ extern Ntl_Obj_t * Ntl_ModelCreateBox( Ntl_Mod_t * pModel, int nFanins, int
extern Ntl_Obj_t * Ntl_ModelDupObj( Ntl_Mod_t * pModel, Ntl_Obj_t * pOld );
extern Ntl_Obj_t * Ntl_ModelCreatePiWithName( Ntl_Mod_t * pModel, char * pName );
extern char * Ntl_ManStoreName( Ntl_Man_t * p, char * pName );
extern char * Ntl_ManStoreSop( Ntl_Man_t * p, char * pSop );
extern char * Ntl_ManStoreSop( Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan, char * pSop );
extern char * Ntl_ManStoreFileName( Ntl_Man_t * p, char * pFileName );
/*=== ntlSweep.c ==========================================================*/
extern Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManSweep( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig, int fVerbose );
extern int Ntl_ManSweep( Ntl_Man_t * p, int fVerbose );
/*=== ntlTable.c ==========================================================*/
extern Ntl_Net_t * Ntl_ModelFindNet( Ntl_Mod_t * p, char * pName );
extern Ntl_Net_t * Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( Ntl_Mod_t * p, char * pName );
extern int Ntl_ModelFindPioNumber( Ntl_Mod_t * p, char * pName, int * pNumber );
extern int Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( Ntl_Obj_t * pObj, Ntl_Net_t * pNet );
extern int Ntl_ModelClearNetDriver( Ntl_Obj_t * pObj, Ntl_Net_t * pNet );
extern void Ntl_ModelDeleteNet( Ntl_Mod_t * p, Ntl_Net_t * pNet );
extern int Ntl_ModelCountNets( Ntl_Mod_t * p );
/*=== ntlTime.c ==========================================================*/
......@@ -295,13 +294,13 @@ extern void Ioa_WriteBlif( Ntl_Man_t * p, char * pFileName );
/*=== ntlUtil.c ==========================================================*/
extern int Ntl_ModelCountLut1( Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot );
extern int Ntl_ManCountSimpleCoDrivers( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern int Ntl_ManTransformCoDrivers( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern int Ntl_ManReconnectCoDrivers( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern Vec_Ptr_t * Ntl_ManCollectCiNames( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern Vec_Ptr_t * Ntl_ManCollectCoNames( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern void Ntl_ManMarkCiCoNets( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern void Ntl_ManUnmarkCiCoNets( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern int Ntl_ManCheckNetsAreNotMarked( Ntl_Mod_t * pModel );
extern void Ntl_ManSetZeroInitValues( Ntl_Man_t * p );
extern void Ntl_ManTransformInitValues( Ntl_Man_t * p );
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void Ntl_ModelFixNonDrivenNets( Ntl_Mod_t * pModel )
// add the constant 0 driver
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pModel, 0 );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( pModel->pMan, " 0\n" );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( pModel->pMan->pMemSops, " 0\n" );
Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNet );
// add the net to those for which the warning will be printed
Vec_PtrPush( vNets, pNet );
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertMapping( Ntl_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vMapping, Aig_Man_t
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vMapping, pLut, i )
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, pLut->nFanins );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_SopFromTruth( p, pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins, vCover );
pNode->pSop = Kit_PlaFromTruth( p->pMemSops, pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins, vCover );
if ( !Kit_TruthIsConst0(pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins) && !Kit_TruthIsConst1(pLut->pTruth, pLut->nFanins) )
for ( k = 0; k < pLut->nFanins; k++ )
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertMapping( Ntl_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vMapping, Aig_Man_t
pNetCo->fMark = 1;
pNet = Vec_PtrEntry( vCopies, Aig_Regular(pNetCo->pCopy)->Id );
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 );
pNode->pSop = Aig_IsComplement(pNetCo->pCopy)? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "1 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Aig_IsComplement(pNetCo->pCopy)? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "1 1\n" );
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, 0 );
// update the CO driver net
assert( pNetCo->pDriver == NULL );
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertAig( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig )
if ( Aig_ManConst1(pAig)->nRefs > 0 )
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 0 );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, " 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, " 1\n" );
if ( (pNet = Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, "Const1" )) )
printf( "Ntl_ManInsertAig(): Internal error: Intermediate net name is not unique.\n" );
......@@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertAig( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig )
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pData, 0 );
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, Aig_ObjFanin1(pObj)->pData, 1 );
if ( Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) )
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "00 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "00 1\n" );
else if ( Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && !Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) )
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "01 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "01 1\n" );
else if ( !Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) )
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "10 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "10 1\n" );
else // if ( Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Aig_ObjFaninC1(pObj) )
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "11 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "11 1\n" );
sprintf( Buffer, "and%0*d", nDigits, Counter++ );
if ( (pNet = Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, Buffer )) )
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertAig( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig )
// get the net driving the driver
pNet = pFanin->pData;
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 );
pNode->pSop = Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "1 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj)? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "1 1\n" );
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, 0 );
// update the CO driver net
assert( pNetCo->pDriver == NULL );
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertNtk( Ntl_Man_t * p, Nwk_Man_t * pNtk )
pTruth = Hop_ManConvertAigToTruth( pNtk->pManHop, Hop_Regular(pObj->pFunc), Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vTruth, 0 );
if ( Hop_IsComplement(pObj->pFunc) )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruth, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj) );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_SopFromTruth( p, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vCover );
pNode->pSop = Kit_PlaFromTruth( p->pMemSops, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vCover );
if ( !Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) && !Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) )
Nwk_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, k )
......@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManInsertNtk( Ntl_Man_t * p, Nwk_Man_t * pNtk )
pObj = Nwk_ManCo( pNtk, i );
pFanin = Nwk_ObjFanin0( pObj );
// get the net driving the driver
pNet = pFanin->pCopy; //Vec_PtrEntry( vCopies, Aig_Regular(pNetCo->pCopy)->Id );
pNet = pFanin->pCopy;
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 );
pNode->pSop = pObj->fCompl /*Aig_IsComplement(pNetCo->pCopy)*/? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p, "1 1\n" );
pNode->pSop = pObj->fInvert? Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "0 1\n" ) : Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMemSops, "1 1\n" );
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNet, 0 );
// update the CO driver net
assert( pNetCo->pDriver == NULL );
......@@ -326,16 +326,27 @@ Ntl_Mod_t * Ntl_ModelStartFrom( Ntl_Man_t * pManNew, Ntl_Mod_t * pModelOld )
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, k;
pModelNew = Ntl_ModelAlloc( pManNew, pModelOld->pName );
Ntl_ModelForEachObj( pModelOld, pObj, i )
if ( Ntl_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
pObj->pCopy = NULL;
pObj->pCopy = Ntl_ModelDupObj( pModelNew, pObj );
Ntl_ModelForEachNet( pModelOld, pNet, i )
if ( pNet->fMark )
pNet->pCopy = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pModelNew, pNet->pName );
((Ntl_Net_t *)pNet->pCopy)->pDriver = pNet->pDriver->pCopy;
pNet->pCopy = NULL;
Ntl_ModelForEachObj( pModelOld, pObj, i )
if ( Ntl_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
pObj->pCopy = Ntl_ModelDupObj( pModelNew, pObj );
Ntl_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pNet, k )
if ( pNet->pCopy != NULL )
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pObj->pCopy, pNet->pCopy, k );
......@@ -369,11 +380,16 @@ Ntl_Mod_t * Ntl_ModelDup( Ntl_Man_t * pManNew, Ntl_Mod_t * pModelOld )
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, k;
pModelNew = Ntl_ModelAlloc( pManNew, pModelOld->pName );
Ntl_ModelForEachObj( pModelOld, pObj, i )
pObj->pCopy = Ntl_ModelDupObj( pModelNew, pObj );
Ntl_ModelForEachNet( pModelOld, pNet, i )
pNet->pCopy = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pModelNew, pNet->pName );
((Ntl_Net_t *)pNet->pCopy)->pDriver = pNet->pDriver->pCopy;
assert( pNet->pDriver->pCopy != NULL );
Ntl_ModelForEachObj( pModelOld, pObj, i )
pObj->pCopy = Ntl_ModelDupObj( pModelNew, pObj );
Ntl_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pNet, k )
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pObj->pCopy, pNet->pCopy, k );
Ntl_ObjForEachFanout( pObj, pNet, k )
......@@ -381,7 +397,7 @@ Ntl_Mod_t * Ntl_ModelDup( Ntl_Man_t * pManNew, Ntl_Mod_t * pModelOld )
if ( Ntl_ObjIsLatch(pObj) )
((Ntl_Obj_t *)pObj->pCopy)->LatchId = pObj->LatchId;
if ( Ntl_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
((Ntl_Obj_t *)pObj->pCopy)->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( pManNew, pObj->pSop );
((Ntl_Obj_t *)pObj->pCopy)->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( pManNew->pMemSops, pObj->pSop );
pModelNew->vDelays = pModelOld->vDelays? Vec_IntDup( pModelOld->vDelays ) : NULL;
pModelNew->vArrivals = pModelOld->vArrivals? Vec_IntDup( pModelOld->vArrivals ) : NULL;
......@@ -245,10 +245,10 @@ char * Ntl_ManStoreName( Ntl_Man_t * p, char * pName )
SeeAlso []
char * Ntl_ManStoreSop( Ntl_Man_t * p, char * pSop )
char * Ntl_ManStoreSop( Aig_MmFlex_t * pMan, char * pSop )
char * pStore;
pStore = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( p->pMemSops, strlen(pSop) + 1 );
pStore = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( pMan, strlen(pSop) + 1 );
strcpy( pStore, pSop );
return pStore;
......@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ static char * Ioa_ReadParseTableBlif( Ioa_ReadMod_t * p, char * pTable, int nFan
// get the tokens
Ioa_ReadSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pTable, '.' );
if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) == 0 )
return Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMan->pDesign, " 0\n" );
return Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMan->pDesign->pMemSops, " 0\n" );
if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) == 1 )
pOutput = Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 0 );
......@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ static char * Ioa_ReadParseTableBlif( Ioa_ReadMod_t * p, char * pTable, int nFan
sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Constant table has wrong output value \"%s\".", Ioa_ReadGetLine(p->pMan, pOutput), pOutput );
return NULL;
return Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMan->pDesign, (pOutput[0] == '0') ? " 0\n" : " 1\n" );
return Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pMan->pDesign->pMemSops, (pOutput[0] == '0') ? " 0\n" : " 1\n" );
pProduct = Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 0 );
if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) % 2 == 1 )
......@@ -1123,12 +1123,6 @@ static int Ioa_ReadParseLineNamesBlif( Ioa_ReadMod_t * p, char * pLine )
// parse the regular name line
assert( !strcmp(Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "names") );
pNameOut = Vec_PtrEntryLast( vTokens );
if ( strcmp( pNameOut, "18434" ) == 0 )
int x = 0;
pNetOut = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pNameOut );
// create fanins
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( p->pNtk, Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - 2 );
......@@ -1147,7 +1141,7 @@ static int Ioa_ReadParseLineNamesBlif( Ioa_ReadMod_t * p, char * pLine )
pNode->pSop = Ioa_ReadParseTableBlif( p, pNameOut + strlen(pNameOut), pNode->nFanins );
if ( pNode->pSop == NULL )
return 0;
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pNtk->pMan, pNode->pSop );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( p->pNtk->pMan->pMemSops, pNode->pSop );
return 1;
......@@ -90,31 +90,23 @@ void Ntl_ManSweepMark( Ntl_Man_t * p )
SeeAlso []
Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManSweep( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig, int fVerbose )
int Ntl_ManSweep( Ntl_Man_t * p, int fVerbose )
int nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_VOID];
Ntl_Man_t * pNew;
Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot;
Ntl_Net_t * pNet;
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
int i, k, nNetsOld;
// insert the AIG into the netlist
pNew = Ntl_ManInsertAig( p, pAig );
if ( pNew == NULL )
printf( "Ntl_ManSweep(): Inserting AIG has failed.\n" );
return NULL;
int Counter = 0;
// remember the number of objects
pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( pNew );
pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( p );
for ( i = 0; i < NTL_OBJ_VOID; i++ )
nObjsOld[i] = pRoot->nObjs[i];
nNetsOld = Ntl_ModelCountNets(pRoot);
// mark the nets that do not fanout into POs
Ntl_ManSweepMark( pNew );
Ntl_ManSweepMark( p );
// remove the useless objects and their nets
Ntl_ModelForEachObj( pRoot, pObj, i )
......@@ -126,20 +118,22 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManSweep( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig, int fVerbose )
// remove the fanout nets
Ntl_ObjForEachFanout( pObj, pNet, k )
Ntl_ModelDeleteNet( pRoot, Ntl_ObjFanout0(pObj) );
if ( pNet != NULL )
Ntl_ModelDeleteNet( pRoot, pNet );
// remove the object
if ( Ntl_ObjIsNode(pObj) && Ntl_ObjFaninNum(pObj) == 1 )
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( pRoot->vObjs, pObj->Id, NULL );
pObj->Id = NTL_OBJ_NONE;
pObj->Type = NTL_OBJ_NONE;
// print detailed statistics of sweeping
if ( fVerbose )
printf( "Sweep:" );
printf( "Swept away:" );
printf( " Node = %d (%4.1f %%)",
nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_NODE] - pRoot->nObjs[NTL_OBJ_NODE],
!nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_NODE]? 0.0: 100.0 * (nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_NODE] - pRoot->nObjs[NTL_OBJ_NODE]) / nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_NODE] );
......@@ -153,9 +147,10 @@ Ntl_Man_t * Ntl_ManSweep( Ntl_Man_t * p, Aig_Man_t * pAig, int fVerbose )
nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_BOX] - pRoot->nObjs[NTL_OBJ_BOX],
!nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_BOX]? 0.0: 100.0 * (nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_BOX] - pRoot->nObjs[NTL_OBJ_BOX]) / nObjsOld[NTL_OBJ_BOX] );
printf( "\n" );
// printf( "Also, sweep reduced %d nets.\n", nNetsOld - Ntl_ModelCountNets(pRoot) );
return pNew;
if ( !Ntl_ManCheck( p ) )
printf( "Ntl_ManSweep: The check has failed for design %s.\n", p->pName );
return Counter;
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ int Ntl_ModelFindPioNumber( Ntl_Mod_t * p, char * pName, int * pNumber )
Synopsis [Finds or creates the net.]
Synopsis [Sets the driver of the net.]
Description []
......@@ -241,7 +241,29 @@ int Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( Ntl_Obj_t * pObj, Ntl_Net_t * pNet )
Synopsis [Finds or creates the net.]
Synopsis [Clears the driver of the net.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ntl_ModelClearNetDriver( Ntl_Obj_t * pObj, Ntl_Net_t * pNet )
if ( pObj->pFanio[pObj->nFanins] == NULL )
return 0;
if ( pNet->pDriver == NULL )
return 0;
pObj->pFanio[pObj->nFanins] = NULL;
pNet->pDriver = NULL;
return 1;
Synopsis [Counts the number of nets.]
Description []
......@@ -107,157 +107,6 @@ int Ntl_ManCountSimpleCoDrivers( Ntl_Man_t * p )
Synopsis [Removes the CO drivers that are bufs/invs.]
Description [Should be called immediately after reading from file.]
SideEffects [This procedure does not work because the internal net
(pNetFanin) may have other drivers.]
SeeAlso []
int Ntl_ManTransformCoDrivers( Ntl_Man_t * p )
Vec_Ptr_t * vCoNets;
Ntl_Net_t * pNetCo, * pNetFanin;
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot;
int i, k, Counter;
pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( p );
// collect the nets of the root model
vCoNets = Vec_PtrAlloc( 1000 );
Ntl_ModelForEachPo( pRoot, pObj, i )
if ( !Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark )
Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark = 1;
Vec_PtrPush( vCoNets, Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj) );
Ntl_ModelForEachLatch( pRoot, pObj, i )
if ( !Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark )
Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark = 1;
Vec_PtrPush( vCoNets, Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj) );
Ntl_ModelForEachBox( pRoot, pObj, k )
Ntl_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pNetCo, i )
if ( !pNetCo->fMark )
pNetCo->fMark = 1;
Vec_PtrPush( vCoNets, pNetCo );
// check the nets
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vCoNets, pNetCo, i )
if ( !Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNetCo->pDriver) )
if ( Ntl_ObjFaninNum(pNetCo->pDriver) != 1 )
pNetFanin = Ntl_ObjFanin0(pNetCo->pDriver);
if ( !Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNetFanin->pDriver) )
if ( i < Vec_PtrSize(vCoNets) )
Vec_PtrFree( vCoNets );
return 0;
// remove the buffers/inverters
Counter = 0;
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vCoNets, pNetCo, i )
pNetCo->fMark = 0;
if ( !Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNetCo->pDriver) )
// if this net is driven by an interver
// set the complemented attribute of the CO
assert( Ntl_ObjFaninNum(pNetCo->pDriver) == 1 );
pNetCo->fCompl = (int)(pNetCo->pDriver->pSop[0] == '0');
// remove the driver
Vec_PtrWriteEntry( pRoot->vObjs, pNetCo->pDriver->Id, NULL );
// remove the net
pNetFanin = Ntl_ObjFanin0(pNetCo->pDriver);
Ntl_ModelDeleteNet( pRoot, pNetFanin );
// make the CO net point to the new driver
assert( Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNetFanin->pDriver) );
pNetCo->pDriver = NULL;
pNetFanin->pDriver->pFanio[pNetFanin->pDriver->nFanins] = NULL;
Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNetFanin->pDriver, pNetCo );
Vec_PtrFree( vCoNets );
pRoot->nObjs[NTL_OBJ_LUT1] -= Counter;
return Counter;
Synopsis [Connects COs to the internal nodes other than inv/bufs.]
Description [Should be called immediately after reading from file.]
SideEffects [This procedure does not work because the internal net
(pNetFanin) may have other drivers.]
SeeAlso []
int Ntl_ManReconnectCoDriverOne( Ntl_Net_t * pNetCo )
Ntl_Net_t * pNetFanin;
// skip the case when the net is not driven by a node
if ( !Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNetCo->pDriver) )
return 0;
// skip the case when the node is not an inv/buf
if ( Ntl_ObjFaninNum(pNetCo->pDriver) != 1 )
return 0;
// skip the case when the second-generation driver is not a node
pNetFanin = Ntl_ObjFanin0(pNetCo->pDriver);
if ( !Ntl_ObjIsNode(pNetFanin->pDriver) )
return 0;
// set the complemented attribute of the net
pNetCo->fCompl = (int)(pNetCo->pDriver->pSop[0] == '0');
// drive the CO net with the second-generation driver
pNetCo->pDriver = NULL;
pNetFanin->pDriver->pFanio[pNetFanin->pDriver->nFanins] = NULL;
if ( !Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNetFanin->pDriver, pNetCo ) )
printf( "Ntl_ManReconnectCoDriverOne(): Cannot connect the net.\n" );
return 1;
Synopsis [Connects COs to the internal nodes other than inv/bufs.]
Description [Should be called immediately after reading from file.]
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
int Ntl_ManReconnectCoDrivers( Ntl_Man_t * p )
Ntl_Net_t * pNetCo;
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot;
int i, k, Counter;
Counter = 0;
pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel( p );
Ntl_ModelForEachPo( pRoot, pObj, i )
Counter += Ntl_ManReconnectCoDriverOne( Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj) );
Ntl_ModelForEachLatch( pRoot, pObj, i )
Counter += Ntl_ManReconnectCoDriverOne( Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj) );
Ntl_ModelForEachBox( pRoot, pObj, i )
Ntl_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pNetCo, k )
Counter += Ntl_ManReconnectCoDriverOne( pNetCo );
return Counter;
Synopsis [Derives the array of CI names.]
Description []
......@@ -362,6 +211,119 @@ int Ntl_ManCheckNetsAreNotMarked( Ntl_Mod_t * pModel )
return 1;
Synopsis [Convert initial values of registers to be zero.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ntl_ManSetZeroInitValues( Ntl_Man_t * p )
Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot;
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel(p);
Ntl_ModelForEachLatch( pRoot, pObj, i )
pObj->LatchId &= ~3;
Synopsis [Transforms the netlist to have latches with const-0 init-values.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ntl_ManAddInverters( Ntl_Obj_t * pObj )
char * pStore;
Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot = pObj->pModel;
Ntl_Man_t * pMan = pRoot->pMan;
Ntl_Net_t * pNetLo, * pNetLi, * pNetLoInv, * pNetLiInv;
Ntl_Obj_t * pNode;
int nLength, RetValue;
assert( (pObj->LatchId & 3) == 1 );
// get the nets
pNetLi = Ntl_ObjFanin0(pObj);
pNetLo = Ntl_ObjFanout0(pObj);
// get storage for net names
nLength = strlen(pNetLi->pName) + strlen(pNetLo->pName) + 10;
pStore = Aig_MmFlexEntryFetch( pMan->pMemSops, nLength );
// create input interter
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( pMan->pMemSops, "0 1\n" );
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNetLi, 0 );
// create input net
strcpy( pStore, pNetLi->pName );
strcat( pStore, "_inv" );
if ( Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, pStore ) )
printf( "Ntl_ManTransformInitValues(): Internal error! Cannot create net with LI-name + _inv\n" );
pNetLiInv = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pRoot, pStore );
RetValue = Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNetLiInv );
assert( RetValue );
// connect latch to the input net
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pObj, pNetLiInv, 0 );
// disconnect latch from the output net
RetValue = Ntl_ModelClearNetDriver( pObj, pNetLo );
assert( RetValue );
// create the output net
strcpy( pStore, pNetLo->pName );
strcat( pStore, "_inv" );
if ( Ntl_ModelFindNet( pRoot, pStore ) )
printf( "Ntl_ManTransformInitValues(): Internal error! Cannot create net with LO-name + _inv\n" );
pNetLoInv = Ntl_ModelFindOrCreateNet( pRoot, pStore );
RetValue = Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pObj, pNetLoInv );
assert( RetValue );
// create output interter
pNode = Ntl_ModelCreateNode( pRoot, 1 );
pNode->pSop = Ntl_ManStoreSop( pMan->pMemSops, "0 1\n" );
Ntl_ObjSetFanin( pNode, pNetLoInv, 0 );
// redirect the old output net
RetValue = Ntl_ModelSetNetDriver( pNode, pNetLo );
assert( RetValue );
Synopsis [Transforms the netlist to have latches with const-0 init-values.]
Description []
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
void Ntl_ManTransformInitValues( Ntl_Man_t * p )
Ntl_Mod_t * pRoot;
Ntl_Obj_t * pObj;
int i;
pRoot = Ntl_ManRootModel(p);
Ntl_ModelForEachLatch( pRoot, pObj, i )
if ( (pObj->LatchId & 3) == 1 )
Ntl_ManAddInverters( pObj );
pObj->LatchId &= ~3;
/// END OF FILE ///
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void Ioa_WriteBlifModel( FILE * pFile, Ntl_Mod_t * pModel )
if ( Ntl_ObjFanin(pObj, 1) != NULL )
fprintf( pFile, " %s", Ntl_ObjFanin(pObj, 1)->pName );
else if ( pObj->LatchId >> 2 )
fprintf( pFile, " clock" ), fClockAdded = 1;
fprintf( pFile, " clock99" ), fClockAdded = 1;
fprintf( pFile, " %d", pObj->LatchId & 3 );
fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ void Ioa_WriteBlifModel( FILE * pFile, Ntl_Mod_t * pModel )
if ( fClockAdded )
fprintf( pFile, ".names clock\n 0\n" );
fprintf( pFile, ".names clock99\n 0\n" );
fprintf( pFile, ".end\n\n" );
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ struct Nwk_Obj_t_
void * pNext; // temporary pointer
// node information
unsigned Type : 3; // object type
unsigned fCompl : 1; // complemented attribute
unsigned fInvert : 1; // complemented attribute
unsigned MarkA : 1; // temporary mark
unsigned MarkB : 1; // temporary mark
unsigned PioId : 26; // number of this node in the PI/PO list
......@@ -123,6 +123,8 @@ static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCi( Nwk_Man_t * p, int i ) { return Vec_P
static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManCo( Nwk_Man_t * p, int i ) { return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vCos, i ); }
static inline Nwk_Obj_t * Nwk_ManObj( Nwk_Man_t * p, int i ) { return Vec_PtrEntry( p->vObjs, i ); }
static inline int Nwk_ObjId( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->Id; }
static inline int Nwk_ObjPioNum( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->PioId; }
static inline int Nwk_ObjFaninNum( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->nFanins; }
static inline int Nwk_ObjFanoutNum( Nwk_Obj_t * p ) { return p->nFanouts; }
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ Nwk_Man_t * Nwk_ManFromIf( If_Man_t * pIfMan, Aig_Man_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vAigToI
else if ( Aig_ObjIsPo(pObj) )
pObjNew = Nwk_ManCreateCo( pNtk );
pObjNew->fCompl = Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
pObjNew->fInvert = Aig_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
Nwk_ObjAddFanin( pObjNew, Aig_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pData );
else if ( Aig_ObjIsConst1(pObj) )
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Aig_Man_t * Nwk_ManStrash( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk )
else if ( Nwk_ObjIsCo(pObj) )
pObjNew = Aig_ObjCreatePo( pMan, Aig_NotCond(Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pCopy, pObj->fCompl) );
pObjNew = Aig_ObjCreatePo( pMan, Aig_NotCond(Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pCopy, pObj->fInvert) );
Level = Aig_ObjLevel( pObjNew );
Tim_ManSetCoArrival( pMan->pManTime, pObj->PioId, (float)Level );
......@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
#include "nwk.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "kit.h"
#include <math.h>
......@@ -250,9 +251,93 @@ void Nwk_ObjPrint( Nwk_Obj_t * pObj )
SeeAlso []
void Nwk_ManDumpBlif( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, char * pFileName, Vec_Ptr_t * vCiNames, Vec_Ptr_t * vCoNames )
void Nwk_ManDumpBlif( Nwk_Man_t * pNtk, char * pFileName, Vec_Ptr_t * vPiNames, Vec_Ptr_t * vPoNames )
printf( "Dumping logic network is currently not supported.\n" );
FILE * pFile;
Vec_Ptr_t * vNodes;
Vec_Int_t * vTruth;
Vec_Int_t * vCover;
Nwk_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin;
Aig_MmFlex_t * pMem;
char * pSop = NULL;
unsigned * pTruth;
int i, k, nDigits, Counter = 0;
if ( Nwk_ManPoNum(pNtk) == 0 )
printf( "Nwk_ManDumpBlif(): Network does not have POs.\n" );
// collect nodes in the DFS order
nDigits = Aig_Base10Log( Nwk_ManObjNumMax(pNtk) );
// write the file
pFile = fopen( pFileName, "w" );
fprintf( pFile, "# BLIF file written by procedure Nwk_ManDumpBlif()\n" );
// fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
fprintf( pFile, ".model %s\n", pNtk->pName );
// write PIs
fprintf( pFile, ".inputs" );
Nwk_ManForEachCi( pNtk, pObj, i )
if ( vPiNames )
fprintf( pFile, " %s", Vec_PtrEntry(vPiNames, i) );
fprintf( pFile, " n%0*d", nDigits, pObj->Id );
fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
// write POs
fprintf( pFile, ".outputs" );
Nwk_ManForEachCo( pNtk, pObj, i )
if ( vPoNames )
fprintf( pFile, " %s", Vec_PtrEntry(vPoNames, i) );
fprintf( pFile, " n%0*d", nDigits, pObj->Id );
fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
// write nodes
pMem = Aig_MmFlexStart();
vTruth = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 );
vCover = Vec_IntAlloc( 1 << 16 );
vNodes = Nwk_ManDfs( pNtk );
Vec_PtrForEachEntry( vNodes, pObj, i )
if ( !Nwk_ObjIsNode(pObj) )
// derive SOP for the AIG
pTruth = Hop_ManConvertAigToTruth( pNtk->pManHop, Hop_Regular(pObj->pFunc), Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vTruth, 0 );
if ( Hop_IsComplement(pObj->pFunc) )
Kit_TruthNot( pTruth, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj) );
pSop = Kit_PlaFromTruth( pMem, pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj), vCover );
// write the node
fprintf( pFile, ".names" );
if ( !Kit_TruthIsConst0(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) && !Kit_TruthIsConst1(pTruth, Nwk_ObjFaninNum(pObj)) )
Nwk_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, k )
if ( vPiNames && Nwk_ObjIsPi(pFanin) )
fprintf( pFile, " %s", Vec_PtrEntry(vPiNames, Nwk_ObjPioNum(pFanin)) );
fprintf( pFile, " n%0*d", nDigits, pFanin->Id );
fprintf( pFile, " n%0*d\n", nDigits, pObj->Id );
// write the function
fprintf( pFile, "%s", pSop );
Vec_IntFree( vCover );
Vec_IntFree( vTruth );
Vec_PtrFree( vNodes );
Aig_MmFlexStop( pMem, 0 );
// write POs
Nwk_ManForEachCo( pNtk, pObj, i )
fprintf( pFile, ".names" );
if ( vPiNames && Nwk_ObjIsPi(Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj)) )
fprintf( pFile, " %s", Vec_PtrEntry(vPiNames, Nwk_ObjPioNum(Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj))) );
fprintf( pFile, " n%0*d", nDigits, Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Id );
if ( vPoNames )
fprintf( pFile, " %s\n", Vec_PtrEntry(vPoNames, Nwk_ObjPioNum(pObj)) );
fprintf( pFile, " n%0*d\n", nDigits, pObj->Id );
fprintf( pFile, "%d 1\n", !pObj->fInvert );
fprintf( pFile, ".end\n\n" );
fclose( pFile );
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFromNtkNew( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkOld, Nwk_Man_t * pNtk )
Nwk_ManForEachCo( pNtk, pObj, i )
pObjNew = Abc_NtkCreatePo( pNtkNew );
if ( pObj->fCompl )
if ( pObj->fInvert )
pFaninNew = Abc_NtkCreateNodeInv( pNtkNew, Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pCopy );
pFaninNew = Nwk_ObjFanin0(pObj)->pCopy;
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