de10_nano_top.v 4.98 KB
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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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//  This code is partially generated by Terasic System Builder

module de10_nano_top(

    //////////// CLOCK //////////
    input               FPGA_CLK1_50,
    input               FPGA_CLK2_50,
    input               FPGA_CLK3_50,

    //////////// HPS //////////
    inout               HPS_CONV_USB_N,
    output   [14: 0]    HPS_DDR3_ADDR,
    output   [ 2: 0]    HPS_DDR3_BA,
    output              HPS_DDR3_CAS_N,
    output              HPS_DDR3_CK_N,
    output              HPS_DDR3_CK_P,
    output              HPS_DDR3_CKE,
    output              HPS_DDR3_CS_N,
    output   [ 3: 0]    HPS_DDR3_DM,
    inout    [31: 0]    HPS_DDR3_DQ,
    inout    [ 3: 0]    HPS_DDR3_DQS_N,
    inout    [ 3: 0]    HPS_DDR3_DQS_P,
    output              HPS_DDR3_ODT,
    output              HPS_DDR3_RAS_N,
    output              HPS_DDR3_RESET_N,
    input               HPS_DDR3_RZQ,
    output              HPS_DDR3_WE_N,

    //////////// LED //////////
    output   [ 7: 0]    LED

//  REG/WIRE declarations
wire hps_fpga_reset_n;
wire                fpga_clk_50;
// connection of internal logics
assign fpga_clk_50 = FPGA_CLK1_50;

//  Structural coding
soc_system u0(
               .clk_clk(FPGA_CLK1_50),                                      //                            clk.clk
               .reset_reset_n(hps_fpga_reset_n),                            //                          reset.reset_n
               //HPS ddr3
               .memory_mem_a(HPS_DDR3_ADDR),                                //                         memory.mem_a
               .memory_mem_ba(HPS_DDR3_BA),                                 //                               .mem_ba
               .memory_mem_ck(HPS_DDR3_CK_P),                               //                               .mem_ck
               .memory_mem_ck_n(HPS_DDR3_CK_N),                             //                               .mem_ck_n
               .memory_mem_cke(HPS_DDR3_CKE),                               //                               .mem_cke
               .memory_mem_cs_n(HPS_DDR3_CS_N),                             //                               .mem_cs_n
               .memory_mem_ras_n(HPS_DDR3_RAS_N),                           //                               .mem_ras_n
               .memory_mem_cas_n(HPS_DDR3_CAS_N),                           //                               .mem_cas_n
               .memory_mem_we_n(HPS_DDR3_WE_N),                             //                               .mem_we_n
               .memory_mem_reset_n(HPS_DDR3_RESET_N),                       //                               .mem_reset_n
               .memory_mem_dq(HPS_DDR3_DQ),                                 //                               .mem_dq
               .memory_mem_dqs(HPS_DDR3_DQS_P),                             //                               .mem_dqs
               .memory_mem_dqs_n(HPS_DDR3_DQS_N),                           //                               .mem_dqs_n
               .memory_mem_odt(HPS_DDR3_ODT),                               //                               .mem_odt
               .memory_mem_dm(HPS_DDR3_DM),                                 //                               .mem_dm
               .memory_oct_rzqin(HPS_DDR3_RZQ),                             //                               .oct_rzqin
               .hps_0_h2f_reset_reset_n(hps_fpga_reset_n)                   //                hps_0_h2f_reset.reset_n

// Blink LED, to indicate everything is working
reg [25: 0] counter;
reg led_level;
always @(posedge fpga_clk_50 or negedge hps_fpga_reset_n) begin
    if (~hps_fpga_reset_n) begin
        counter <= 0;
        led_level <= 0;
    else if (counter == 24999999) begin
        counter <= 0;
        led_level <= ~led_level;
        counter <= counter + 1'b1;
assign LED[0] = led_level;
