Unverified Commit e6e0dae3 by Miodrag Milanović Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #66 from SergeyDegtyar/SergeyDegtyar/tests_for_new_features

Fix failed tests
parents c4dcff58 4d0182cb
......@@ -24,19 +24,17 @@ module testbench;
//assign poutA = in[3:0] % in[7:4];
assign poutB = in[3:0] / in[7:4];
//check_comb mod_test(outA, poutA);
check_comb div_test(outB, poutB);
assert_comb div2_test(outB[2], poutB[2]);
check_comb div_test(in[7:4], outB, poutB);
module check_comb(input [3:0] test, input [3:0] pat);
module check_comb(input [3:0] div, input [3:0] test, input [3:0] pat);
always @*
if (div != 4'b0000)
if (test !== pat)
$display("ERROR: ASSERTION FAILED in %m:",$time," ",test," ",pat);
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module top
output [3:0] B
//assign A = x % y;
assign B = x / y;
read_verilog -sv ../top.v
write_aiger aiger.aiger
design -reset
read_aiger -map aig.map aiger.aiger
design -reset
read_verilog -sv ../top.v
synth -top top
write_verilog synth.v
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