Commit b0e51b59 by Eddie Hung

Only assert on SB_MAC16 and (loosely) on SB_DFF

parent d2ddcb07
......@@ -4,19 +4,27 @@ import glob
import re
import os
re_mux = re.compile(r'mul_(\d+)(s?)_(\d+)(s?)_A?B?P?_A?B?P?\.v')
re_mux = re.compile(r'mul_(\d+)(s?)_(\d+)(s?)_(A?B?P?)_A?B?P?\.v')
for fn in glob.glob('*.v'):
m = re_mux.match(fn)
if not m: continue
A,B = map(int,,3))
X = (A+15) // 16
Y = (B+15) // 16
Asigned, Bsigned =,4)
Areg = 'A' in
Breg = 'B' in
Preg = 'P' in
X = (A+14) // 16
Y = (B+14) // 16
count_MAC = X * Y
count_CARRY = 0
if X > 1 and Y > 1:
count_CARRY = X + Y - 16
count_DFF = 0
# TODO: Tighter bounds on count_DFF
if A % 16 == 1 or B % 16 == 1:
count_DFF += A + B
if Preg:
count_DFF += A + B
# TODO: Assert on number of SB_CARRY and SB_LUT too
bn,_ = os.path.splitext(fn)
......@@ -24,7 +32,7 @@ for fn in glob.glob('*.v'):
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd {0}; select t:SB_MAC16 -assert-count {1}; select t:SB_CARRY -assert-count {2}; select t:SB_LUT -assert-count {2}; select t:* t:SB_MAC16 t:SB_CARRY t:SB_LUT %D %D %D -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd {0}; select t:SB_MAC16 -assert-count {1}; select t:SB_DFF* -assert-max {2}";
'''.format(os.path.splitext(fn)[0], count_MAC, count_CARRY), file=f)
'''.format(os.path.splitext(fn)[0], count_MAC, count_DFF), file=f)
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