Commit 92f409b3 by Miodrag Milanovic

some regression fixes

parent 612dfc2c
......@@ -13,15 +13,13 @@ miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
design -load postopt
cd dynpreaddmultadd
#Vivado synthesizes 1 DSP48E1.
select -assert-count 1 t:BUFG
select -assert-count 24 t:FDRE
select -assert-count 16 t:FDRE
select -assert-count 1 t:DSP48E1
select -assert-count 8 t:LUT1
select -assert-count 17 t:LUT2
select -assert-count 25 t:LUT4
select -assert-count 32 t:LUT2
select -assert-count 9 t:LUT3
select -assert-count 16 t:MUXCY
select -assert-count 18 t:XORCY
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:DSP48E1 t:LUT1 t:LUT2 t:LUT4 t:MUXCY t:XORCY %% t:* %D
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:DSP48E1 t:LUT2 t:LUT3 t:MUXCY t:XORCY %% t:* %D
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ stat
select -assert-count 1 t:BUFG
select -assert-count 16 t:FDRE
select -assert-count 1 t:LUT2
select -assert-count 8 t:LUT3
select -assert-count 8 t:LUT4
select -assert-count 36 t:LUT5
select -assert-count 38 t:LUT6
select -assert-count 10 t:MUXF7
select -assert-count 128 t:RAM128X1D
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:LUT2 t:LUT3 t:LUT5 t:LUT6 t:MUXF7 t:RAM128X1D %% t:* %D
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:LUT2 t:LUT4 t:LUT5 t:LUT6 t:MUXF7 t:RAM128X1D %% t:* %D
read_verilog -mem2reg ../top.v
write_verilog result.out
Estimated number of LCs: 87
Estimated number of LCs: 75
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