Commit 60f10935 by Eddie Hung

Account for multipliers less-equal to DSP_{A,B,Y}_MINWIDTH (value 1,1,10)

parent af072aec
......@@ -19,9 +19,14 @@ for fn in glob.glob('*.v'):
Y = (B+14) // 16
count_MAC = X * Y
count_DFF = 0
# TODO: Tighter bounds on count_DFF
if A % 16 == 1 or B % 16 == 1:
count_DFF += A + B
if A % 16 > 1 and B % 16 > 1 and (A % 16 + B % 16) < 11:
count_MAC -= 1
if Areg or Breg:
count_DFF += A%16 + B%16
# TODO: Tighter bounds on count_DFF
if Areg or Breg and (A % 16 == 1 or B % 16 == 1):
count_DFF += A + B
if Preg:
count_DFF += A + B
# TODO: Assert on number of SB_CARRY and SB_LUT too
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