Commit 3b0a6a67 by Eddie Hung

Reduce DSP tests

parent f1b8eba8
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ for fn in glob.glob('*.v'):
if not m: continue
macc = == 'macc'
muladd = == 'muladd'
A,B = map(int,,4))
Asigned,Bsigned =,5)
......@@ -47,7 +48,10 @@ for fn in glob.glob('*.v'):
# expect last slice to absorb at least one register
# TODO: More assert on number of CARRY and LUTs
count_CARRY = ''
if not macc and (A <= 25 or B <= 18):
if macc or muladd:
if A <= 25 and B <= 18:
count_CARRY = '; select t:XORCY -assert-none; select t:LUT* -assert-none';
elif A <= 25 or B <= 18:
count_CARRY = '; select t:XORCY -assert-none; select t:LUT* -assert-none';
bn,_ = os.path.splitext(fn)
......@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ ARange = ['17','17s','18','18s','19','19s','24','24s','25','25s','36','36s','49'
BRange = ['17','17s','18','18s','19','19s','27','27s','34','34s','35','35s','36','36s']
if __name__ == "__main__":
gen_macc(ARange, BRange, reg="ABM")
gen_macc(['24','49s'], ['17','36s'], reg="ABMP")
gen_macc(ARange, BRange, reg="")
......@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ ARange = ['17','17s','18','18s','19','19s','24','24s','25','25s','36','36s','49'
BRange = ['17','17s','18','18s','19','19s','27','27s','34','34s','35','35s','36','36s']
if __name__ == "__main__":
gen_mul(ARange, BRange, reg="ABMP")
gen_mul(['24','49s'], ['17','36s'], reg="ABMP")
gen_mul(ARange, BRange, reg="")
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from common_muladd import gen_muladd
ARange = ['24','24s','25','25s','36','36s']
BRange = ['17','17s','18','18s','19','19s']
CRange = ['32','32s','40','40s','48','48s']
CRange = ['32','32s','48','48s','96','96s']
if __name__ == "__main__":
gen_muladd(ARange, BRange, CRange, reg="ABMP")
gen_muladd(['24','49s'], ['17','36s'], ['47','96s'], reg="ABMP")
gen_muladd(ARange, BRange, CRange, reg="")
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