Commit 00d9e1ba by Eddie Hung

More renaming

parent c4224333
// Check multi-bit works
// neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_N_width
(* top *)
module test9 #(parameter width=130, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, output [width-1:0] q);
module neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_N_width #(parameter width=130, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, output [width-1:0] q);
reg [depth-1:0] int [width-1:0];
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test9; select t:FD* -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_N_width; select t:FD* -assert-none";
// Check that use of resets block shreg
// neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_with_reset
(* top *)
module test7b #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, output [width-1:0] q);
module neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_with_reset #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, output [width-1:0] q);
reg [depth-1:0] int [width-1:0];
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test7b; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_with_reset; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
// Check that use of resets block shreg
// neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_with_reset_var_len
(* top *)
module test7d #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q);
module neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_with_reset_var_len #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q);
reg [depth-1:0] int [width-1:0];
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test7d; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd neg_clk_no_enable_with_init_with_inferred_with_reset_var_len; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
// Check multi-bit works
// pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_N_width
(* top *)
module test8 #(parameter width=130, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, output [width-1:0] q);
module pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_N_width #(parameter width=130, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, output [width-1:0] q);
wire [depth:0] int [width-1:0];
genvar w, d;
......@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test8; select t:FD* -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_N_width; select t:FD* -assert-none";
// Check that use of resets block shreg
// pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_with_reset
(* top *)
module test7a #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, output [width-1:0] q);
module pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_with_reset #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, output [width-1:0] q);
wire [depth:0] int [width-1:0];
genvar w, d;
......@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test7a; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_with_reset; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
// Check that use of resets block shreg
// pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_with_reset_var_len
(* top *)
module test7c #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q);
module pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_with_reset_var_len #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input r, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q);
wire [depth:0] int [width-1:0];
genvar w, d;
......@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test7c; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd pos_clk_no_enable_no_init_not_inferred_with_reset_var_len; select t:SRL* -assert-none";
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// (i.e. output port, in non flattened case)
// sr_fixed_length_other_users_port
(* top *)
module test13a #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
module sr_fixed_length_other_users_port #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
wire [depth:0] int [width-1:0];
genvar w, d;
......@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test13a; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd sr_fixed_length_other_users_port; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// (i.e. output port, in non flattened case)
// sr_fixed_length_other_users_xor
(* top *)
module test13c #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input e, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
module sr_fixed_length_other_users_xor #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input e, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
wire [depth:0] int [width-1:0];
genvar w, d;
......@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test13c; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd sr_fixed_length_other_users_xor; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// (i.e. output port, in non flattened case)
// sr_var_length_other_users_port
(* top *)
module test13b #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input e, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
module sr_var_length_other_users_port #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input e, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
reg [depth-1:0] int [width-1:0];
......@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test13b; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd sr_var_length_other_users_port; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// (i.e. output port, in non flattened case)
// sr_var_length_other_users_xor
(* top *)
module test13d #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input e, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
module sr_var_length_other_users_xor #(parameter width=1, depth=130) (input clk, input [width-1:0] i, input e, input [31:0] l, output [width-1:0] q, output [depth-1:0] state);
reg [depth-1:0] int [width-1:0];
......@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ endmodule
`ifndef _AUTOTB
module __test ;
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd test13d; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
wire [4095:0] assert_area = "cd sr_var_length_other_users_xor; select t:SRL* -assert-count 0";
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