5.14 KB
Newer Older
1 2

set -x
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
test -d $1
test -f scripts/$2.ys

rm -rf $1/work_$2
mkdir $1/work_$2
cd $1/work_$2

11 12
touch .start

13 14
# cases where 'syntax error' or other errors are expected
if echo "$1" | grep ".*_error"; then

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
    #Change checked string for check other errors
	if [ "$2" = "read_aiger_cant_interpret_first_char" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Line 80: cannot interpret first character"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_unsup_aiger_file" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Unsupported AIGER file!"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_invalid_aiger_header" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Invalid AIGER header"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_cant_interpret_as_input" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Line 2 cannot be interpreted as an input!"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_cant_interpret_as_and" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Line 6 cannot be interpreted as an AND!"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_bad_state_property" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Line 4 cannot be interpreted as a bad state property!"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_invalid_reset_literal" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Line 1 has invalid reset literal for latch!"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_aiger_duplicate_definition" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Duplicate definition of module top!"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_blif_syntax_error" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Syntax error in line"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_blif_duplicate_defenition" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Duplicate definition of module "
	elif [ "$2" = "read_ilang_parse_error" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Parser error in line "
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_nonstring_key" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Unexpected non-string key in JSON dict."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_nonarray_bits_attr" ]; then
		expected_string=" has non-array bits attribute."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_unexpected_eof" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Unexpected EOF in JSON file."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_invalid_direction" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: JSON port node 'x' has invalid 'insdfasdfput' direction attribute."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_no_bits" ]; then
		expected_string=" has no bits attribute."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_no_direction" ]; then
		expected_string=" has no direction attribute."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_json_unexpected_char" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Unexpected character in JSON file: "
	elif [ "$2" = "verilog_defaults_missing_arg" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Command syntax error: Missing argument."
	elif [ "$2" = "verilog_defaults_extra_arg" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Command syntax error: Extra argument."
	elif [ "$2" = "verilog_defines_extra_arg" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Command syntax error: Extra argument."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_invalid_bus_type" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Missing or invalid direction for bus B on cell bused_cell."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_unsupp_type_for_bus" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Unknown or unsupported type for bus interface D on cell top."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_bus_interface_only_in_lib_mode" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Error in cell top: bus interfaces are only supported in -lib mode."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_latch_has_no_data_in" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Latch cell top has no data_in and/or enable attribute."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_miss_func_on_output" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Missing function on output Y of cell top."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_ff_has_no_next_stage_attr" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: FF cell top has no next_state and/or clocked_on attribute."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_parse_error_in_function" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Parser error in function expr "
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_cant_resolve_wire_name" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Can't resolve wire name s."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_missing_direction" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Missing or invalid direction for pin A on cell top."
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_cant_open_input_file" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Can't open input file \`../libbbb.lib' for reading: No such file or directory"
	elif [ "$2" = "read_liberty_redefenition_of_module" ]; then
		expected_string="ERROR: Re-definition of cell/module top!"


85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
	if yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/$2.ys; then
		echo FAIL > ${1}_${2}.status
		if  grep "$expected_string" yosys.log && [ "$expected_string" != "" ]; then
			echo PASS > ${1}_${2}.status
			echo FAIL > ${1}_${2}.status
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

	yosys -ql yosys.log ../../scripts/$2.ys
	if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
		echo FAIL > ${1}_${2}.status
		touch .stamp
		exit 0
	sed -i 's/reg =/dummy =/' ./synth.v

	if [ -f "../../../../../techlibs/common/simcells.v" ]; then

	iverilog -o testbench  ../testbench.v synth.v ../../common.v $COMMON_PREFIX/simcells.v $COMMON_PREFIX/simlib.v
	if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
		echo FAIL > ${1}_${2}.status
		touch .stamp
		exit 0

	if ! vvp -N testbench > testbench.log 2>&1; then
		grep 'ERROR' testbench.log
		echo FAIL > ${1}_${2}.status
	elif grep 'ERROR' testbench.log || ! grep 'OKAY' testbench.log; then
		echo FAIL > ${1}_${2}.status
		echo PASS > ${1}_${2}.status

127 128 129

touch .stamp