Commit cf232677 by Zachary Snow

split up Yosys and VTR targeting

parent 3a507d5f
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Command line arguments.
module Args where
import System.Console.CmdArgs
data Target = VTR | YOSYS
deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
data Job = Job
{ target :: Target
, file :: FilePath
} deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
defaultJob :: Job
defaultJob = Job
{ target = YOSYS &= typ "TARGET"
&= help "target sythesizer (yosys, vtr; defaults to yosys)"
, file = def &= args &= typFile
&= program "sv2v"
&= summary "sv2v v0.0.1, (C) Zachary Snow 2019, Tom Hawkins, 2011-2015"
&= details [ "sv2v converts SystemVerilog to Verilog."
, "More info:" ]
readArgs :: IO Job
readArgs = cmdArgs defaultJob
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
module Convert (convert) where
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
import qualified Args as Args
import qualified Convert.AlwaysKW
import qualified Convert.CaseKW
......@@ -18,24 +19,29 @@ import qualified Convert.StarPort
type Phase = AST -> AST
phases :: [Phase]
phases =
phases :: Args.Target -> [Phase]
phases Args.YOSYS =
[ Convert.Typedef.convert
, Convert.PackedArrayFlatten.convert
, Convert.StarPort.convert
phases Args.VTR =
(phases Args.YOSYS) ++
[ Convert.AlwaysKW.convert
, Convert.CaseKW.convert
, Convert.Logic.convert
, Convert.Typedef.convert
, Convert.PackedArrayFlatten.convert
, Convert.SplitPortDecl.convert
, Convert.StarPort.convert
run :: Phase
run = foldr (.) id phases
run :: Args.Target -> Phase
run target = foldr (.) id $ phases target
convert :: Phase
convert descriptions =
let descriptions' = run descriptions
if descriptions == descriptions'
then descriptions
else convert descriptions'
convert :: Args.Target -> Phase
convert target = convert'
convert' :: Phase
convert' descriptions =
if descriptions == descriptions'
then descriptions
else convert' descriptions'
where descriptions' = run target descriptions
# sv2v: SystemVerilog to Verilog
sv2v is a tool for converting synthesizable SystemVerilog into Verilog that is
synthesizable by tools with more limited feature sets. This project was
originally created for converting SystemVerilog into the [limited subset of
Verilog] supported by [VTR]. However, sv2v is intended to be configurable and
extensible so that it can be used with new and different toolchains and as
Verilog keyword support evolves.
[limited subset of Verilog]:
synthesizable by tools with more limited feature sets. This project is primarily
focused on converting SystemVerilog into the subset of Verilog supported by
[Yosys]. However, sv2v also has support for targeting the [limited subset of
Verilog] supported by [VTR]. In the long term, we hope for sv2v to be more
configurable and extensible so that it can be used with new and different
toolchains and as Verilog support evolves.
[limited subset of Verilog]:
......@@ -36,8 +38,23 @@ This creates the executable at `./bin/sv2v`
## Usage
The interface for this tool has not yet been finalized. Currently, running
`bin/sv2v path/to/` will output the converted file to `stdout`.
The interface for this tool has not yet been finalized. Currently, running `sv2v
path/to/` will output the converted file to `stdout`.
Common flags:
-t --target=TARGET target sythesizer (yosys, vtr; defaults to yosys)
-? --help Display help message
## VTR Support
sv2v can target VTR by specifying `--target=vtr` on the command line. Note that
VTR does not support `generate` blocks, and this tool is not capable of
converting those at this time.
## SystemVerilog Parser/AST
......@@ -50,9 +50,11 @@ executable sv2v
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
......@@ -6,18 +7,18 @@
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import System.Environment
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser
import Args (readArgs, target, file)
import Convert (convert)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser
main :: IO ()
main = do
[filePath] <- getArgs
args <- readArgs
let filePath = file args
content <- readFile filePath
let ast = parseFile [] filePath content
let res = Right (convert ast)
let res = Right (convert (target args) ast)
case res of
Left _ -> do
--hPrint stderr err
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