Commit 9fcc8e34 by Zachary Snow

enum generate localparam values are also explicitly sized to avoid implicit cast/warnings

parent a5ebb1e8
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type EnumInfo = ([Range], [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)])
type EnumInfo = (Range, [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)])
type Enums = Set.Set EnumInfo
convert :: AST -> AST
......@@ -47,9 +47,12 @@ convertDescription (description @ (Part _ _ _ _ _ _)) =
traverseModuleItems (traverseExprs $ traverseNestedExprs traverseExpr) $
-- convert the collected enums into their corresponding localparams
itemType = Implicit Unspecified
itemType r = Implicit Unspecified [r]
enumPairs = sortOn snd $ concatMap enumVals $ Set.toList enums
enumItems = map (\((r, x), v) -> MIDecl $ Localparam (itemType r) x v) enumPairs
enumItems = map toItem enumPairs
toItem ((r, x), v) =
MIDecl $ Localparam (itemType r) x v'
where v' = sizedExpr x r (simplify v)
convertDescription other = other
toBaseType :: Maybe Type -> Type
......@@ -66,9 +69,9 @@ toBaseType (Just t) =
traverseType :: Type -> Writer Enums Type
traverseType (Enum t v rs) = do
let baseType = toBaseType t
let (tf, r) = typeRanges baseType
() <- tell $ Set.singleton (map simplifyRange r, v)
return $ tf (r ++ rs)
let (tf, [r]) = typeRanges baseType
() <- tell $ Set.singleton (simplifyRange r, v)
return $ tf (r : rs)
traverseType other = return other
simplifyRange :: Range -> Range
......@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ traverseExpr :: Expr -> Expr
traverseExpr (Cast (Left (Enum _ _ _)) e) = e
traverseExpr other = other
enumVals :: ([Range], [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)]) -> [(([Range], Identifier), Expr)]
enumVals :: (Range, [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)]) -> [((Range, Identifier), Expr)]
enumVals (r, l) =
-- check for obviously duplicate values
if noDuplicates
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.List (elemIndex, sortOn)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Convert.Traverse
......@@ -253,23 +252,8 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
fieldNames = map snd fields
itemsFieldNames = map (fromJust . fst) items
itemPosition = \(Just x, _) -> fromJust $ elemIndex x fieldNames
packItem (Just x, Number n) =
if size /= show resSize
then error $ "literal " ++ show n ++ " for " ++ show x
++ " doesn't have struct field size " ++ show size
else Number res
Number size = rangeSize $ lookupUnstructRange structTf x
unticked = case n of
'\'' : rest -> rest
rest -> rest
resSize = (read $ takeWhile (/= '\'') res) :: Int
res = case readMaybe unticked :: Maybe Int of
Nothing ->
if unticked == n
then n
else size ++ n
Just num -> size ++ "'d" ++ show num
packItem (Just x, e) = sizedExpr x r e
where r = lookupUnstructRange structTf x
packItem (_, itemExpr) = itemExpr
convertExpr _ other = other
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr
, rangeSize
, endianCondExpr
, endianCondRange
, sizedExpr
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
......@@ -187,3 +188,24 @@ endianCondRange r r1 r2 =
( endianCondExpr r (fst r1) (fst r2)
, endianCondExpr r (snd r1) (snd r2)
-- attempts to make a number literal have an explicit size
sizedExpr :: Identifier -> Range -> Expr -> Expr
sizedExpr x r (Number n) =
if size /= show resSize
then error $ "literal " ++ show n ++ " for " ++ show x
++ " doesn't have size " ++ show size
else Number res
Number size = simplify $ rangeSize r
unticked = case n of
'\'' : rest -> rest
rest -> rest
resSize = (read $ takeWhile (/= '\'') res) :: Int
res = case readMaybe unticked :: Maybe Int of
Nothing ->
if unticked == n
then n
else size ++ n
Just num -> size ++ "'d" ++ show num
sizedExpr _ _ e = e
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