Commit 69bc64ed by Zachary Snow

remove legacy ordered binding handling in logic conversion

parent 13c84e4c
......@@ -130,18 +130,17 @@ traverseModuleItem ports scopes =
comment = MIPackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl
"rewrote reg-to-output bindings"
(bindings', newItemsList) =
unzip $ map (uncurry fixBinding) $ zip bindings [0..]
(bindings', newItemsList) = unzip $ map fixBinding bindings
newItems = concat newItemsList
fixBinding :: PortBinding -> Int -> (PortBinding, [ModuleItem])
fixBinding (portName, expr) portIdx =
fixBinding :: PortBinding -> (PortBinding, [ModuleItem])
fixBinding (portName, expr) =
if not outputBound || not usesReg
then ((portName, expr), [])
else ((portName, tmpExpr), items)
outputBound = portDir == Just Output
usesReg = Just True == fmap isReg (exprToLHS expr)
portDir = lookupPortDir portName portIdx
portDir = maybeModulePorts >>= lookup portName
tmp = "sv2v_tmp_" ++ instanceName ++ "_" ++ portName
tmpExpr = Ident tmp
t = Net (NetType TWire) Unspecified
......@@ -155,17 +154,7 @@ traverseModuleItem ports scopes =
error $ "bad non-lhs, non-net expr "
++ show expr ++ " connected to output port "
++ portName ++ " of " ++ instanceName
lookupPortDir :: Identifier -> Int -> Maybe Direction
lookupPortDir "" portIdx =
case Map.lookup moduleName ports of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just l -> if portIdx >= length l
then Nothing
else Just $ snd $ l !! portIdx
lookupPortDir portName _ =
case Map.lookup moduleName ports of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just l -> lookup portName l
maybeModulePorts = Map.lookup moduleName ports
fixModuleItem other = other
traverseDeclM :: Decl -> ST Decl
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