Commit c272ca46 by sakundu

Updated flow scripts and def

Signed-off-by: sakundu <>
parent 344f9b3d
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
set DESIGN ariane
set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc
set rtldir ../../../../../Testcases/ariane133/rtl
# DEF file for floorplan initialization
......@@ -20,3 +21,7 @@ set GEN_EFF medium
# Effort level during optimization in syn_map -physical (or called mapping) stage
# possible values are : high, medium or low
set MAP_EFF high
set SITE "FreePDK45_38x28_10R_NP_162NW_34O"
File mode changed from 100644 to 100755
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if {![info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] || $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 0} {
# Load Design and Initialize
set_db init_hdl_search_path $rtldir
source rtl_list.tcl
foreach rtl_file $rtl_all {
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
syn_generic -physical
} else {
write_hdl -generic > ${HANDOFF_PATH}/${DESIGN}_generic.v
time_info GENERIC
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ set handoff_dir "./syn_handoff"
set netlist ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.v
set sdc ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.sdc
set site "FreePDK45_38x28_10R_NP_162NW_34O"
set rptDir summaryReport/
set encDir enc/
......@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
defIn ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.def
} else {
defIn $floorplan_def
addHaloToBlock -allMacro 5 5 5 5
place_design -concurrent_macros
......@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@ saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}_floorplan.enc
setPlaceMode -place_detail_legalization_inst_gap 1
setFillerMode -fitGap true
setDesignMode -topRoutingLayer 10
setDesignMode -topRoutingLayer $TOP_ROUTING_LAYER
setDesignMode -bottomRoutingLayer 2
place_opt_design -out_dir $rptDir -prefix place
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
set DESIGN ariane
set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc
set rtldir ../../../../../Testcases/ariane136/rtl
# DEF file for floorplan initialization
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ if {![info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] || $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 0} {
# Load Design and Initialize
set_db init_hdl_search_path $rtldir
source rtl_list.tcl
foreach rtl_file $rtl_all {
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
syn_generic -physical
} else {
write_hdl -generic > ${HANDOFF_PATH}/${DESIGN}_generic.v
time_info GENERIC
......@@ -1306,49 +1306,6 @@ GCELLGRID Y 1797740 DO 2 STEP 2380 ;
GCELLGRID Y 140 DO 643 STEP 2800 ;
- i_tile/gen_caches_0__i_snitch_icache/i_lookup/i_data/genblk1_fr_sp_instance0 fakeram45_64x64
- i_tile/gen_caches_0__i_snitch_icache/i_lookup/i_data/genblk1_fr_sp_instance1 fakeram45_64x64
- i_tile/gen_caches_0__i_snitch_icache/i_lookup/i_data/genblk1_fr_sp_instance2 fakeram45_64x64
- i_tile/gen_caches_0__i_snitch_icache/i_lookup/i_data/genblk1_fr_sp_instance3 fakeram45_64x64
- i_tile/gen_banks_0__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_1__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_2__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_3__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_4__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_5__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_6__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_7__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_8__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_9__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_10__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_11__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_12__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_13__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_14__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
- i_tile/gen_banks_15__mem_bank/genblk1_sram_instance fakeram45_256x32
PINS 1272 ;
+ LAYER metal3 ( -70 0 ) ( 70 140 )
......@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ set rtldir ../../../../../Testcases/mempool/rtl
set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc
# def file with die size and placed IO pins
set floorplan_def ../../def/mempool_tile_wrap_fp.def
if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp_placed_macros.def
} else {
set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp.def
# Effort level during optimization in syn_generic -physical (or called generic) stage
# possible values are : high, medium or low
......@@ -15,3 +19,7 @@ set GEN_EFF medium
# Effort level during optimization in syn_map -physical (or called mapping) stage
# possible values are : high, medium or low
set MAP_EFF high
set SITE "FreePDK45_38x28_10R_NP_162NW_34O"
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
set libdir "../../../../../Enablements/NanGate45/lib"
set lefdir "../../../../../Enablements/NanGate45/lef"
set qrcdir "../../../../../Enablements/NanGate45/qrc"
set_db init_lib_search_path { \
${libdir} \
......@@ -33,6 +34,5 @@ set lefs "
# Ensures proper and consistent library handling between Genus and Innovus
#set_db library_setup_ispatial true
#set qrc_max "SigCmax/qrcTechFile"
#set qrc_min "SigCmin/qrcTechFile"
set qrc_max "${qrcdir}/NG45.tch"
set qrc_min "${qrcdir}/NG45.tch"
# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence.
# We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
module unload innovus
module load innovus/21.1
mkdir -p log
innovus -64 -init run_invs.tcl -log log/run.log
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ module load genus/21.1
module unload innovus
module load innovus/21.1
# To run the Physical Synthesis (iSpatial) flow - flow2
export PHY_SYNTH=1
mkdir log -p
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
innovus -64 -files run_invs.tcl -overwrite -log log/innovus.log
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_hybrid.tcl
innovus -64 -overwrite -log log/innovus.log -files run_invs.tcl
......@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ if {![info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] || $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 0} {
# Load Design and Initialize
set_db init_hdl_search_path $rtldir
source rtl_list.tcl
foreach rtl_file $rtl_all {
read_hdl -sv $rtl_file
read_hdl -language sv -define TARGET_SYNTHESIS -define XPULPIMG=1 $rtl_file
elaborate $DESIGN
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
syn_generic -physical
} else {
write_hdl -generic > ${HANDOFF_PATH}/${DESIGN}_generic.v
time_info GENERIC
......@@ -7,12 +7,10 @@ source mmmc_setup.tcl
setMultiCpuUsage -localCpu 16
set util 0.3
set netlist "../../netlist/$DESIGN.v"
set sdc "../../constraints/$DESIGN.sdc"
#set netlist "./syn_handoff/$DESIGN.v"
#set sdc "./syn_handoff/$DESIGN.sdc"
set handoff_dir "./syn_handoff"
set site "FreePDK45_38x28_10R_NP_162NW_34O"
set netlist ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.v
set sdc ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.sdc
set rptDir summaryReport/
set encDir enc/
......@@ -58,56 +56,25 @@ generateVias
createBasicPathGroups -expanded
## Generate the floorplan ##
#floorPlan -r 1.0 $util 10 10 10 10
defIn $floorplan_def
## Macro Placement ##
#redirect mp_config.tcl {source gen_mp_config.tcl}
#proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl
addHaloToBlock -allMacro 5 5 5 5
place_design -concurrent_macros
saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}_floorplan.enc
## Creating Pin Blcokage for lower and upper pin layers ##
createPinBlkg -name Layer_1 -layer {metal2 metal3 metal9 metal10} -edge 0
createPinBlkg -name side_top -edge 1
createPinBlkg -name side_right -edge 2
createPinBlkg -name side_bottom -edge 3
setPlaceMode -place_detail_legalization_inst_gap 1
setFillerMode -fitGap true
setNanoRouteMode -routeTopRoutingLayer 10
setNanoRouteMode -routeBottomRoutingLayer 2
setNanoRouteMode -drouteVerboseViolationSummary 1
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithSiDriven true
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithTimingDriven true
setNanoRouteMode -routeExpUseAutoVia true
#setPlaceMode -placeIoPins true
place_opt_design -out_dir $rptDir -prefix place
saveDesign $encDir/${DESIGN}_placed.enc
if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
defIn ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.def
} else {
defIn $floorplan_def
place_design -concurrent_macros
## Creating Pin Blcokage for lower and upper pin layers ##
createPinBlkg -name Layer_1 -layer {metal2 metal3 metal9 metal10} -edge 0
createPinBlkg -name Layer_2 -edge 1
createPinBlkg -name Layer_3 -edge 2
createPinBlkg -name Layer_4 -edge 3
saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}_floorplan.enc
setPlaceMode -place_detail_legalization_inst_gap 1
setFillerMode -fitGap true
setNanoRouteMode -routeTopRoutingLayer 10
setNanoRouteMode -routeBottomRoutingLayer 2
setNanoRouteMode -drouteVerboseViolationSummary 1
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithSiDriven true
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithTimingDriven true
setNanoRouteMode -routeExpUseAutoVia true
setPlaceMode -placeIoPins true
setDesignMode -topRoutingLayer $TOP_ROUTING_LAYER
setDesignMode -bottomRoutingLayer 2
place_opt_design -out_dir $rptDir -prefix place
saveDesign $encDir/${DESIGN}_placed.enc
defOut -netlist -floorplan ${DESIGN}_placed.def
set_ccopt_property post_conditioning_enable_routing_eco 1
set_ccopt_property -cts_def_lock_clock_sinks_after_routing true
......@@ -123,12 +90,10 @@ set_clock_propagation propagated
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Routing
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setNanoRouteMode -routeTopRoutingLayer 10
setNanoRouteMode -routeBottomRoutingLayer 2
setNanoRouteMode -drouteVerboseViolationSummary 1
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithSiDriven true
setNanoRouteMode -routeWithTimingDriven true
setNanoRouteMode -routeExpUseAutoVia true
setNanoRouteMode -routeUseAutoVia true
##Recommended by lib owners
# Prevent router modifying M1 pins shapes
......@@ -137,7 +102,6 @@ setNanoRouteMode -routeWithViaOnlyForStandardCellPin "1:1"
## limit VIAs to ongrid only for VIA1 (S1)
setNanoRouteMode -drouteOnGridOnly "via 1:1"
setNanoRouteMode -dbCheckRule true
setNanoRouteMode -drouteAutoStop false
setNanoRouteMode -drouteExpAdvancedMarFix true
setNanoRouteMode -routeExpAdvancedTechnology true
......@@ -145,24 +109,11 @@ setNanoRouteMode -routeExpAdvancedTechnology true
#SM suggestion for solving long extraction runtime during GR
setNanoRouteMode -grouteExpWithTimingDriven false
saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}_route.enc
defOut -netlist -floorplan -routing ${DESIGN}_route.def
setDelayCalMode -reset
setDelayCalMode -SIAware true
setExtractRCMode -engine postRoute -coupled true -tQuantusForPostRoute false
setAnalysisMode -analysisType onChipVariation -cppr both
# routeOpt
#optDesign -postRoute -setup -hold -prefix postRoute -expandedViews
selectNet -clock
reportSelect > summaryReport/clock_net_length.post_route
summaryReport -noHtml -outfile summaryReport/post_route.sum
saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}.enc
defOut -netlist -floorplan -routing ${DESIGN}.def
......@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@
# We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
set DESIGN NV_NVDLA_partition_c
set rtldir ../../../../../Testcases/nvdla/rtl
set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc
# def file with die size and placed IO pins
set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp.def
set rtl_path ../../../../../Testcases/nvdla/rtl/
if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp_placed_macros.def
} else {
set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp.def
# Effort level during optimization in syn_generic -physical (or called generic) stage
......@@ -17,3 +20,7 @@ set GEN_EFF medium
# Effort level during optimization in syn_map -physical (or called mapping) stage
# possible values are : high, medium or low
set MAP_EFF high
set SITE "FreePDK45_38x28_10R_NP_162NW_34O"
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
......@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ nv_ram_rwsthp_80x15.v
-v NV_NVDLA_XXIF_libs.v
......@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ module load genus/21.1
module unload innovus
module load innovus/21.1
# To run the Physical Synthesis (iSpatial) flow - flow2
export PHY_SYNTH=1
mkdir log -p
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_iSpatial.tcl
innovus -64 -files run_invs.tcl -overwrite -log log/innovus.log
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_hybrid.tcl
innovus -64 -overwrite -log log/innovus.log -files run_invs.tcl
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ source mmmc_setup.tcl
setMultiCpuUsage -localCpu 16
set util 0.3
set netlist "./syn_handoff/$DESIGN.v"
set sdc "./syn_handoff/$DESIGN.sdc"
set handoff_dir "./syn_handoff"
set site "FreePDK45_38x28_10R_NP_162NW_34O"
set netlist ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.v
set sdc ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.sdc
set rptDir summaryReport/
set encDir enc/
......@@ -56,26 +56,21 @@ generateVias
createBasicPathGroups -expanded
## Generate the floorplan ##
#floorPlan -r 1.0 $util 10 10 10 10
defIn $floorplan_def
## Macro Placement ##
#redirect mp_config.tcl {source gen_mp_config.tcl}
#proto_design -constraints mp_config.tcl
addHaloToBlock -allMacro 5 5 5 5
place_design -concurrent_macros
saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}_floorplan.enc
## Creating Pin Blcokage for lower and upper pin layers ##
createPinBlkg -name Layer_1 -layer {metal2 metal3 metal9 metal10} -edge 0
createPinBlkg -name side_top -edge 1
createPinBlkg -name side_right -edge 2
createPinBlkg -name side_bottom -edge 3
if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
defIn ${handoff_dir}/${DESIGN}.def
} else {
defIn $floorplan_def
place_design -concurrent_macros
saveDesign ${encDir}/${DESIGN}_floorplan.enc
setPlaceMode -place_detail_legalization_inst_gap 1
setFillerMode -fitGap true
setDesignMode -topRoutingLayer 10
setDesignMode -topRoutingLayer $TOP_ROUTING_LAYER
setDesignMode -bottomRoutingLayer 2
place_opt_design -out_dir $rptDir -prefix place
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ module unload innovus
module load innovus/21.1
mkdir log -p
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_iSpatial.tcl
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
innovus -64 -files run_invs.tcl -overwrite -log log/innovus.log
......@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ module unload innovus
module load innovus/21.1
mkdir log -p
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_iSpatial.tcl
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
innovus -64 -files run_invs.tcl -overwrite -log log/innovus.log
......@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ module unload innovus
module load innovus/21.1
mkdir log -p
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus_iSpatial.tcl
genus -overwrite -log log/genus.log -no_gui -files run_genus.tcl
innovus -64 -files run_invs.tcl -overwrite -log log/innovus.log
......@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ Testcases currently include the following designs.
- [133 macro version](./ariane133/): The netlist of the 136-macro version is modified to generate the Ariane design with 133 macros. This is explained [here](./ariane133/).
- [MemPool]( The MemPool design is downloaded from the [mempool]( GitHub repository.
- [tile](./mempool_tile/): MemPool tile is part of MemPool which is an open-source many-core system.
- [NVDLA]( The NVDLA design is downloaded from the [nvdla/hw]( GitHub repository.
- [NVDLA nv_small](./nvdla/): We compile the RTL using the nv_small.spec available in the [nvdla/hw]( GitHub repository. Only partition *c* has the memory macros, so we run all our flow only for partition *c*.
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