Commit 1ff0c6d0 by sakundu

Added Utility script to generate job list

Signed-off-by: sakundu <>
parent 939d058b
import os
import shutil
import fileinput
import re
testcases = ['ariane136', 'ariane133', 'mempool_tile', 'nvdla']
enablements = ['NanGate45', 'ASAP7']
job_file = "all_jobs"
flows = [1, 2]
fp = open(job_file, "w")
for enablement in enablements:
for testcase in testcases:
for flow in flows:
## Check if the run directory exists
run_dir = f"./{enablement}/{testcase}/run"
if not os.path.exists(run_dir):
## Copy the scripts
scripts_src = f"./{enablement}/{testcase}/scripts/cadence"
scripts_dst = f"./{enablement}/{testcase}/run/flow{flow}"
if os.path.exists(scripts_dst):
print(f"For TestCase:{testcase} Enablement:{enablement} Flow:{flow} already exists. So not generating job for this")
shutil.copytree(scripts_src, scripts_dst)
## Update the for flow
flow_ip = 0
if flow == 2:
flow_ip = 1
for line in fileinput.input(f"{scripts_dst}/", inplace=True):
#line.replace("export PHY_SYNTH.*", f"export PHY_SYNTH={flow_ip}")
line = re.sub(r"export\s+PHY_SYNTH\s*=.*",
f"export PHY_SYNTH={flow_ip}", line)
print(line, end="")
## Add job to the job list
scripts_dst_abs_path = os.path.abspath(scripts_dst)
fp.write(f"cd {scripts_dst_abs_path}; sh;\n")
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