# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD. However, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. # We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.# lib and lef, RC setupset libdir "../../../../../Enablements/ASAP7/lib"set lefdir "../../../../../Enablements/ASAP7/lef"set qrcdir "../../../../../Enablements/ASAP7/qrc"set_db init_lib_search_path {\${libdir}\${lefdir}\}set libworst [glob${libdir}/*.lib]set libbest $libworstset lefs " ${lefdir}/asap7_tech_1x_201209.lef \${lefdir}/asap7sc7p5t_27_R_1x_201211.lef \${lefdir}/sram_asap7_32x256_1rw.lef \${lefdir}/sram_asap7_64x64_1rw.lef \ "set qrc_max "${qrcdir}/ASAP7.tch"set qrc_min "${qrcdir}/ASAP7.tch"## Ensures proper and consistent library handling between Genus and Innovus#set_db library_setup_ispatial true