// ================================================================// NVDLA Open Source Project//// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with// this distribution for more information.// ================================================================// File Name: oneHotClk_async_write_clock.v`timescale1ps/1psmoduleoneHotClk_async_write_clock(enable_w);outputenable_w;// If one_hot_enable = 0, (functional mode, i.e. enable_w = 1 & enable_r = 1)// If one_hot_enable = 1, (test mode, i.e. enable_w = TP & enable_r = ~TP) due to ANDing with functional enable either read or write CG will be off for the pattern.// enable_w = ~one_hot_enable | TP// enable_w & func_en// enable_r = ~one_hot_enable | ~TP// enable_r & func_enwireone_hot_enable;wiretp;// synopsys templateNV_BLKBOX_SRC0UJ_dft_xclamp_ctrl_asyncfifo_onehotclk_write(.Y(one_hot_enable));NV_BLKBOX_SRC0UJ_dft_xclamp_scan_asyncfifo_onehotclk_write(.Y(tp));assignenable_w=((!one_hot_enable)||tp);// synopsys dc_script_begin// synopsys dc_script_endendmodule