Commit 5b9890a8 by Zidong Du


parent 2596a152
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%release 2021.1
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
The emergence of symbolic languages with high compositionality has
attracted extensive attention from a broad range of communities. Existing
studies achieve high compositionality through \emph{deliberately handcrafted}
inductions (e.g., small vocabulary sizes, addtional rewards, constructed
inductions (e.g., addtional rewards, constructed
loss functions and ease-of-teaching) in multi-agent learning, which are unnatural.
Yet, few studies investigate the emergence of symbolic language with high
compositionality \emph{naturally}, i.e., without deliberately handcrafted
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Figure~\ref{fig:exp2} (a) and (b) for $MIS>0.99$ and $MIS>0.9$, respectively. It
can be observed that the ratio of high compositional symbolic languages
decreases drastically with the increase of $h_{size}$.
Taking vocabulary size $|V|=4$ as an example, symbolic languages with
compositionality $MIS>0.99$ take only around 10\% over all the emerged symbolic
compositionality $MIS>0.99$ take $>$10\% mainly over all the emerged symbolic
languages, when $h_{size}<20$; the ratio reduces to 0\%$\sim$5\% when $h_{size}$
increases to 40; the ratio reduces around 3\% when $h_{size}$ goes beyond 40.
$MIS>0.9$ reports similar results.
......@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ vocabulary can express almost infinite concepts.}
\caption{The distribution of compositionality when training 50 times without
\caption{The distribution of compositionality when training for 100 symbolic
languages without
any induction. It can be observed that high compositional symbolic language
seldom emerged (e.g., 0 for compositionality $>0.99$).}
seldom emerged (e.g., $<5\%$ for compositionality $>0.99$). Moreover, varying
the vocabulary size does not affect the compositionality notably.}
......@@ -52,8 +54,10 @@ sizes~\cite{}, memoryless~\cite{}, addtional rewards~\cite{}, constructed loss f
ease-of-teaching~\cite{}. \note{The possible intuition is that high compositional symbolic
language cannot emerge without induction in existing multi-agent environment.}
Figure~\ref{fig:induction} reports the compositionality when training two agents
in the widely-used listener-speaker referential game for 50 times, and it can be observed that \note{the compositionality
of emerged symbolic language is extremely low without any induction}.
in the widely-used listener-speaker referential game for emerging 100 symbolic
languages, and it can be observed that \note{the compositionality
of emerged symbolic language is extremely low without any induction. Moreover, varying
the vocabulary size does not affect the compositionality notably.}
Though such unnatural inductions are useful, they prevent us from better understanding the mystery of
the emergence of language and even intelligence among our pre-human ancestors.
Yet, few works investigate the emergence of high compositional symbolic language
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