[Bugfix] [VTA] VTA DRAM Have A Logic Issue May Cause GEMM Output Wrong. (#3278) · 38604d92
* [Bugfix] [VTA] VTA DRAM Have A Logic Issue May Cause GEMM Output Wrong. Symptom: after change “LOG_BLOCK_IN” and “LOG_BLOCK_OUT” from vta_config.json into 7, run vta "Simple Matrix Multiply" in "simulator", the vta calculate result for GEMM is wrong. Sometime VTA crash with error “Check failed: phy_addr != 0 (0 vs. 0) : trying to get address that is nullptr” Analysis: Simulator hardcode kPageSize into 1<<12 and physical address calculate based on this size, when doing “insn->dram_base” calculation , because GetElemBytes(dst_memory_type) larger than page size, different physcial address may get same dram_base, than caused logic issue and finally trigger GEMM out put is wrong. Solution: add logic to check if PAGE SIZE larger then "GetElemBytes" return value. * address review comments.
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