1. 23 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  2. 29 May, 2018 1 commit
  3. 28 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  4. 06 Feb, 2018 1 commit
  5. 28 Jan, 2018 1 commit
    • Porting schedules (except convolutions) to C++ (#763) · f280f23a
      * Ported injective schedules to C++. Added some elementwise ops.
      * Fix lint errors
      * Added reduction ops and schedules
      * Fix lint errors
      * Fix lint errors
      * Fix lint errors
      * Added transform ops
      * Fix lint errors
      * Fix lint errors
      * Added softmax, log_softmax, leaky_relu and flatten ops.
      Fixed issue where TVM_DECLARE_INTRIN_UNARY used the PureExtern flag
      instead of PureIntrinsic.
      Added softmax CUDA schedule.
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Added binary_dense, batch_norm_inference, dense, dilate, scale_shift_*,
      global_pool and pool ops.
      Extended pad to allow specifying pad_value.
      Fixed issue where pad would throw if padding was zero in all dimensions.
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Added CUDA schedules for dense, pool and global_pool
      * Added extern schedules for generic and CUDA
      * Fix lint
      * Added x86 binary schedules
      * Fix lint
      * Added rocm dense schedule. Added rocBLAS and cuBLAS support to dense ops
      * Added pow ops. Added x86 default and injective schedules
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix indent
      * Removed schedules directory
      * Changed left_shift, right_shift to operators. Changed pad_value in pad() to remove pointer usage
      * Fixed usage of pad in nn/pooling.h. Fixed declaration of operator>>
      * Fixed comments for shift operators
      * Added comments to utility functions
      * Added TOPI C++ library, exporting broadcast_add op
      * Fix lint
      * Share libinfo.py with TVM
      * Fix lint
      * Add other broadcast ops
      * Fix lint
      * Fix imports in topi
      * Fix lib names
      * Fixed build issue where windows builds don't apply correct definitions
      * Removed TVM_EXPORTS from topi library
      * Attempted CI build fix
      * Add topi lib to tvm_multilib
      * Fix Jenkinsfile
      * Added TOPI build target to Makefile
      * Fix nn op namespaces.
      * Fix lint
      * Renamed TOPI lib to libtvm_topi
      * Removed _ffi/base.py
      * Remove _ffi from topi, now shared with tvm.
      * Make libtvm_topi loading optional
      * Fix compiler warnings
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix build error by making new libs argument to Target optional
      * Added C++ Target type interop. Added registration of remaining C++ ops and schedules. Added test of broadcast ops
      * Fix lint
      * Fix lint
      * Fix compile error
      * Fix compiler warnings
      * Fix compiler warnings
      * Fixed int vector interop. Fixed argmin incorrectly invoking argmax. Fixed corner case in default schedules of attempting to fuse 0 length axes. Added tests for reduce ops.
      * Refactored reduce builders
      * Fixed typos in topi.cc. Added basic test.
      * Fixed padding size error. Added dense, dilate, pooling tests
      * Fixed issue where clip would output a different dtype to the input. Added split_sections op to cover the other mode of the python split op. Added tests.
      * Changed extension type numbers to avoid clash with NNVM
      * Fix lint
      * Fix compiler warnings
      * Removed use of std::vector from the public TOPI API
      * Fix lint
      * Add TOPI C++ tests to CI
      * Fixed detail namespacing. Improved comments.
      alex-weaver committed
  6. 13 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • [WIP] C++ topi contributions (#312) · f08de2b6
      * [WIP] C++ topi contributions
      This diff implements C++ topi contributions for:
        - relu with parametrix threshold
        - pad with generic padBefore / padAfter specification
        - matmult with transposes
        - conv2d_nchw, conv2d_hwcn with runtime constant padding and strides
        - depthwise_conv2d_nchw with runtime constant padding and strides
        - group_conv2d_ngchw with runtime constant padding and strides
        - broadcast_to a broadcastable shape
        - broadcast_bop where bop is an usual binary op (+ - * / %)
      Convolution padding is implemented using the pad operation.
      To avoid extra memory consumption, it is generally recommended to inline the padding with the autoinliner.
      Unfortunately in its current form the elemwise checks are too restrictive to allow inlining.
      So this diff also proposes an extension to LHS injective (i.e. no reduction axis in the current IR design)
      Test Plan:
      Tested in C++ testsuite in a separate repository, I am looking for suggestions to quickly spin up some tests for tvm.
      Reviewers: tqchen
      Blame Revision:
      * Review + Lint + GSG C++
      Nicolas Vasilache committed
  7. 12 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  8. 09 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  9. 02 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  10. 10 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  11. 06 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  12. 04 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  13. 30 Dec, 2016 1 commit