1. 29 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  2. 25 Sep, 2018 1 commit
    • INT8 conv operator implementation with NCHWc data layout for Intel machines (#1680) · 72ad9a38
      * Int8 implementation for convolution operator on Intel Skylake
      * Int8 implementation for convolution operator on Intel Skylake
      * PR changes
      * PR changes
      * PR changes
      * Fixing an error
      * Fixing an error
      * Minor typos fix
      * Minor typos fix
      * Removing the broadcast16 CPP code. Using astype feature instead
      * Replacing constant by variable name num_elements_intel
      * Name fixes and tensorize update rule updated
      * Fixing the bug about checking skylake
      * Replacing bitcast with reinterpret
      * Isolating INT8 and FP32 schedules to ease out future AutoTVM PR merge
      * Putting check_skylake function in the x86 directory
      * Added documentation and organizing files to better locations
      * Tensor intrin renaming. Avoid code duplication for intrin by kernel reshaping
      Animesh Jain committed