1. 09 Jul, 2019 1 commit
  2. 08 Apr, 2019 1 commit
    • [HEADER] Add Header to Comply with ASF Release Policy (#2982) · cffb4fba
      * [HEADER] ASF header dir=include
      * [HEADER] ASF Header dir=src
      * [HEADER] ASF Header -dir=python
      * [HEADER] ASF header dir=topi
      * [HEADER] ASF Header dir=nnvm
      * [HEADER] ASF Header -dir=tutorials
      * [HEADER] ASF Header dir=tests
      * [HEADER] ASF Header -dir=docker
      * fix whitespace
      * [HEADER] ASF Header -dir=jvm
      * [HEADER] ASF Header -dir=web
      * [HEADER] ASF Header --dir=apps
      * [HEADER] ASF Header --dir=vta
      * [HEADER] ASF Header -dir=go
      * temp
      * [HEADER] ASF Header --dir=rust
      * [HEADER] Add ASF Header --dir=cmake
      * [HEADER] ASF Header --dir=docs
      * [HEADER] Header for Jenkinsfile
      * [HEADER] ASF Header to toml and md
      * [HEADER] ASF Header to gradle
      * Finalize rat cleanup
      * Fix permission
      * Fix java test
      * temporary remove nnvm onnx test
      Tianqi Chen committed
  3. 29 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  4. 21 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  5. 25 Sep, 2018 1 commit
    • INT8 conv operator implementation with NCHWc data layout for Intel machines (#1680) · 72ad9a38
      * Int8 implementation for convolution operator on Intel Skylake
      * Int8 implementation for convolution operator on Intel Skylake
      * PR changes
      * PR changes
      * PR changes
      * Fixing an error
      * Fixing an error
      * Minor typos fix
      * Minor typos fix
      * Removing the broadcast16 CPP code. Using astype feature instead
      * Replacing constant by variable name num_elements_intel
      * Name fixes and tensorize update rule updated
      * Fixing the bug about checking skylake
      * Replacing bitcast with reinterpret
      * Isolating INT8 and FP32 schedules to ease out future AutoTVM PR merge
      * Putting check_skylake function in the x86 directory
      * Added documentation and organizing files to better locations
      * Tensor intrin renaming. Avoid code duplication for intrin by kernel reshaping
      Animesh Jain committed
  6. 22 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  7. 14 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  8. 26 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  9. 19 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  10. 16 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • [WIP] [TOPI] Depth wise Conv for NHWC (#325) · 989e99e6
      * rename the nchw and pass the unit test; going to do it for nhwc depthwise
      * bug with fusion
      * nchw works fine; nhwc float32 problem remains
      * still cannot bind them together
      * fusion works
      * syntax fix
      * all bugs fixed; test cases pass
      * minor fix on nn.h
      wetliu committed
  11. 15 Aug, 2017 2 commits
  12. 14 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • [TOPI] conv2d nchw gpu scheduler (#315) · cbff637f
      * __init__ updated
      * pull request updated
      * build_module added
      * typo fixed
      * another typo fixed
      * conv2d gpu scheduler for two layouts moved to tvm
      * changes made according to CR
      * conv2d_nchw formating updated, conv2d_hwcn tests updated
      * lint error fixed
      * element wise operator schedule fusing fixed for conv2d
      * conv2d_nchw topi test added, all resnet workloads now pass
      * conv compute lint error fixed
      * fixed python 3 compatibility problem
      * conv2d tensor input support added, test typo fixed, ir_pass.Simplify changed to util.get_const_int
      Leyuan Wang committed
  13. 19 Jul, 2017 1 commit
  14. 15 Jul, 2017 1 commit
  15. 14 Jul, 2017 1 commit
  16. 08 Jul, 2017 1 commit
  17. 07 Jul, 2017 3 commits