Commit fc2b2a07 by Alexander Pivovarov Committed by Yao Wang

Update tflite tutorial to use TFLite r1.13 schema (#3271)

parent 887255a8
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ or you could generate TFLite package by yourself. The steps are as following:
flatc --version
# Get the TFLite schema.
# Generate TFLite package.
flatc --python schema.fbs
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ func, params = relay.frontend.from_tflite(tflite_model,
# target x86 CPU
target = "llvm"
with relay.transform.build_config(opt_level=3):
with relay.build_config(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params =, target, params=params)
......@@ -180,11 +180,9 @@ label_file_url = ''.join(['',
label_file = "labels_mobilenet_quant_v1_224.txt"
label_path = download_testdata(label_file_url, label_file, module='data')
# map id to 1001 classes
labels = dict()
# list of 1001 classes
with open(label_path) as f:
for id, line in enumerate(f):
labels[id] = line
labels = f.readlines()
# convert result to 1D data
predictions = np.squeeze(tvm_output)
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