Commit efbae0bd by 雾雨魔理沙 Committed by Tianqi Chen

[Relay] Add Let list, a helper datastructure to relay (#1827)

parent 947ff307
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Contributors
* \file let_list.h
* \brief LetList record let binding and insert let expression implicitly.
* using it, one can treat AST as value instead of expression,
* and pass them around freely without fear of AST explosion (or effect duplication).
* for example, if one write 'b = a + a; c = b + b; d = c + c', the AST will contain 8 'a'.
* if one instead write 'b = ll.Push(a + a); c = ll.Push(b + b); d = ll.Get(c + c);',
* the AST will contain 2 'a', as b and c are now variables.
#include <tvm/relay/expr.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include "tvm/relay/type.h"
namespace tvm {
namespace relay {
/*! \brief LetList allow you to transform expression into variables, so you can copy them around.
* one can insert into the LetList by calling Push, and wrap an expression with bindings with Get.
* additionally, there is the 'With' function, which automatically call Get.
class LetList {
/*! \brief insert a binding.
* \param pv the var of the binding.
* \param ty the type of the binding.
* \param expr the value of the binding.
* \return a Var that hold the inserted expr.
Var Push(const Var& pv, const Type& ty, const Expr& expr) {
std::tuple<Var, Type, Expr> tuple(pv, ty, expr);
return pv;
/*! \brief insert a binding.
* \param ty the type of the binding.
* \param expr the value of the binding.
* \return a Var that hold the inserted expr.
Var Push(const Type& ty, const Expr& expr) {
return Push(VarNode::make("x"), ty, expr);
/*! \brief insert a binding.
* \param pv the var of the binding.
* \param expr the value of the binding.
* \return a Var that hold the inserted expr.
Var Push(const Var& pv, const Expr& expr) {
return Push(pv, IncompleteTypeNode::make(TypeParamNode::kType), expr);
/*! \brief insert a binding.
* \param expr the value of the binding.
* \return a Var that hold the inserted expr.
Var Push(const Expr& expr) {
return Push(IncompleteTypeNode::make(TypeParamNode::kType), expr);
/*! \brief wrap an expr around the LetList.
* \param body the Expression to be wrapped around.
* \return the wrapped expr.
Expr Get(const Expr& body) const {
Expr ret = body;
for (auto rit = lets_.rbegin(); rit != lets_.rend(); ++rit) {
ret = LetNode::make(std::get<0>(*rit), std::get<2>(*rit), ret, std::get<1>(*rit));
return ret;
/*! \brief generate an LetList and wrap the result automatically.
* \param f a function that generate the unwrapped Expr.
* \code
* // Example code that generate `16 * a` using 4 plus instead of 15 plus.
* Expr mult_sixteen(const Var& a) {
* Op plus = Op::Get("plus");
* // Automatically call Get with LetList::With
* return LetList::With([&](LetList* ll) {
* // Turn a call to plus into a variable to avoid duplication of code
* Var b = ll->Push(CallNode::make(plus, {a, a}));
* Var c = ll->Push(CallNode::make(plus, {b, b}));
* Var d = ll->Push(CallNode::make(plus, {c, c}));
* return CallNode::make(plus, {d, d});
* });
* }
* \endcode
* \return the wrapped Expr.
template<typename F>
static Expr With(F&& f) {
LetList ll;
return ll.Get(f(&ll));
std::vector<std::tuple<Var, Type, Expr> > lets_;
} // namespace relay
} // namespace tvm
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