Commit df16182b by Luis Vega Committed by Thierry Moreau

[VTA] add doc to tsim-example driver and update verilator env variable (#3302)

* add documentation and check for extension

* add env variable for verilator include

* fix typo

* this will test if path exist otherwise it won't buid

* check if verilator path and binary is set properly

* add ?

* remove export

* no longer needed
parent c4763cd5
......@@ -21,14 +21,27 @@ import json
import os.path as osp
from sys import platform
def driver(hw, sw):
def driver(hw_lib, sw_lib):
"""Init hardware and software shared library for add-by-one accelerator
hw_lib : str
Name of hardware shared library
sw_lib : str
Name of software shared library
_cur_path = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(osp.expanduser(__file__)))
_root_path = osp.join(_cur_path, "..", "..")
_cfg_file = osp.join(_root_path, "config", "config.json")
_cfg = json.load(open(_cfg_file))
_ext = ".dylib" if platform == "darwin" else ".so"
_hw_lib = osp.join(_root_path, _cfg['BUILD_NAME'], hw + _ext)
_sw_lib = osp.join(_root_path, _cfg['BUILD_NAME'], sw + _ext)
if not hw_lib.endswith(("dylib", "so")):
hw_lib += ".dylib" if platform == "darwin" else ".so"
if not sw_lib.endswith(("dylib", "so")):
sw_lib += ".dylib" if platform == "darwin" else ".so"
_hw_lib = osp.join(_root_path, _cfg['BUILD_NAME'], hw_lib)
_sw_lib = osp.join(_root_path, _cfg['BUILD_NAME'], sw_lib)
def load_dll(dll):
......@@ -15,6 +15,17 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Change this variable if Verilator is installed on a different location
VERILATOR_INC_DIR ?= /usr/local/share/verilator/include
ifeq (, $(shell which verilator))
$(error "No Verilator in $(PATH), consider doing apt-get install verilator")
ifeq (, $(wildcard $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/*))
$(error "Verilator include directory is not set properly")
CONFIG = DefaultF1Config
......@@ -25,7 +36,6 @@ VTA_LIBNAME = libvta_hw
config_test = $(TOP_TEST)$(CONFIG)
vta_dir = $(abspath ../../)
tvm_dir = $(abspath ../../../)
verilator_inc_dir = /usr/local/share/verilator/include
verilator_build_dir = $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)/verilator
chisel_build_dir = $(vta_dir)/$(BUILD_NAME)/chisel
......@@ -50,14 +60,14 @@ cxx_flags += -DVM_SC=0
cxx_flags += -Wno-sign-compare
cxx_flags += -include V$(TOP_TEST).h
cxx_flags += -I$(verilator_build_dir)
cxx_flags += -I$(verilator_inc_dir)
cxx_flags += -I$(verilator_inc_dir)/vltstd
cxx_flags += -I$(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)
cxx_flags += -I$(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/vltstd
cxx_flags += -I$(vta_dir)/include
cxx_flags += -I$(tvm_dir)/include
cxx_flags += -I$(tvm_dir)/3rdparty/dlpack/include
cxx_files = $(verilator_inc_dir)/verilated.cpp
cxx_files += $(verilator_inc_dir)/verilated_dpi.cpp
cxx_files = $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/verilated.cpp
cxx_files += $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/verilated_dpi.cpp
cxx_files += $(wildcard $(verilator_build_dir)/*.cpp)
cxx_files += $(vta_dir)/hardware/dpi/
......@@ -65,7 +75,7 @@ ifneq ($(USE_TRACE), 0)
verilator_opt += --trace
cxx_flags += -DVM_TRACE=1
cxx_flags += -DTSIM_TRACE_FILE=$(verilator_build_dir)/$(TOP_TEST).vcd
cxx_files += $(verilator_inc_dir)/verilated_vcd_c.cpp
cxx_files += $(VERILATOR_INC_DIR)/verilated_vcd_c.cpp
cxx_flags += -DVM_TRACE=0
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