Commit c6a20452 by Salem Derisavi Committed by Tianqi Chen

fixed algorithm. padding should be on both sides (#489)

parent a3cbefd8
......@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ stride = 1
# Algorithm
A = tvm.placeholder((in_size, in_size, in_channel, batch), name='A')
W = tvm.placeholder((kernel, kernel, in_channel, out_channel), name='W')
out_size = (in_size - kernel + pad) // stride + 1
out_size = (in_size - kernel + 2*pad) // stride + 1
# Pad input
Apad = tvm.compute(
(in_size + pad, in_size + pad, in_channel, batch),
(in_size + 2*pad, in_size + 2*pad, in_channel, batch),
lambda yy, xx, cc, nn:
tvm.all(yy >= pad, yy - pad < in_size,
xx >= pad, xx - pad < in_size),
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