Unverified Commit be07fac5 by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[PASS] not vectorize if_then_else (#2389)

parent a12c556a
......@@ -654,6 +654,8 @@ llvm::Value* CodeGenLLVM::CreateIntrinsic(const Call* op) {
} else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_handle_is_null)) {
return builder_->CreateIsNull(MakeValue(op->args[0]));
} else if (op->is_intrinsic(intrinsic::tvm_if_then_else)) {
CHECK_EQ(op->args[0].type().lanes(), 1)
<< "if_then_else can only take scalar condition";
using llvm::BasicBlock;
BasicBlock* then_block = BasicBlock::Create(
*ctx_, "if_then", function_);
......@@ -83,6 +83,19 @@ class Vectorizer : public IRMutator {
// user mutate from parent.
using IRMutator::Mutate;
Stmt Mutate(Stmt stmt) final {
Stmt ret = IRMutator::Mutate(stmt);
if (need_scalarize_) {
need_scalarize_ = false;
return Scalarize(stmt);
} else {
return ret;
Expr Mutate_(const Add* op, const Expr &e) final {
return AddSubVec(op, e);
......@@ -200,10 +213,37 @@ class Vectorizer : public IRMutator {
return e;
// IfThenElse expr
Expr MutateIfThenElseExpr_(const Call *op, const Expr& e) {
Expr cond = this->Mutate(op->args[0]);
if (cond.type().is_vector()) {
need_scalarize_ = true;
return e;
Expr t = this->Mutate(op->args[1]);
Expr f = this->Mutate(op->args[2]);
if (cond.same_as(op->args[0]) &&
t.same_as(op->args[1]) &&
f.same_as(op->args[2])) {
return e;
} else {
int lanes = std::max(t.type().lanes(), f.type().lanes());
t = BroadcastTo(t, lanes);
f = BroadcastTo(f, lanes);
return Call::make(
op->type.with_lanes(lanes), op->name,
{cond, t, f}, op->call_type, op->func, op->value_index);
// Call
Expr Mutate_(const Call* op, const Expr& e) final {
if (op->name == intrinsic::tvm_if_then_else) {
return MutateIfThenElseExpr_(op, e);
int lane = 0;
Array<Expr> new_args = MutateArray(op->args, &lane);
// normal code path.
if (op->args.same_as(new_args)) {
return e;
} else {
......@@ -367,6 +407,8 @@ class Vectorizer : public IRMutator {
int var_lanes_;
// ramp representing the var.
Expr ramp_;
// flag to mark requirment of scalarization.
bool need_scalarize_{false};
// The lets
std::unordered_map<const Variable*, Expr> lets_;
// mutate array, with given lane requirement
......@@ -53,7 +53,36 @@ def test_vectorize_with_if():
assert stmt.then_case.value.dtype == "float32x4"
assert isinstance(stmt.else_case, tvm.stmt.For)
def test_vectorize_if_then_else():
n = tvm.var('n')
x = tvm.var('x')
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
A = ib.pointer("float32", name="A")
with ib.for_range(0, 4, for_type="vectorize") as i:
A[i] = tvm.call_intrin("float32", "tvm_if_then_else",
i > 0,
A[i] + 1, A[i])
stmt = ib.get()
stmt = tvm.ir_pass.VectorizeLoop(stmt)
assert isinstance(stmt, tvm.stmt.For)
ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
A = ib.pointer("float32", name="A")
with ib.for_range(0, n) as k:
with ib.for_range(0, 4, for_type="vectorize") as i:
A[k * 4 + i] = tvm.call_intrin("float32", "tvm_if_then_else",
k > 0,
A[k * 4 + i], 0)
stmt = ib.get()
assert isinstance(stmt.body, tvm.stmt.For)
stmt = tvm.ir_pass.VectorizeLoop(stmt)
assert not isinstance(stmt.body, tvm.stmt.For)
assert isinstance(stmt.body.value.args[2], tvm.expr.Broadcast)
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