Unverified Commit ba876046 by Cody Yu Committed by GitHub

[BYOC] Use Non-Recursive Visitor/Mutator (#5410)

* Non-Recursive AnnotatedTarget and MergeAnnotation

* Non-Recursive AnnotatedRegionSet and RegionMerger
parent 1f6c498b
......@@ -86,32 +86,69 @@ AnnotatedRegion AnnotatedRegionSetNode::MakeRegion(const std::string& target) {
return *ret.first;
class AnnotatedRegionSet::Creator : public ExprVisitor {
class AnnotatedRegionSet::Creator : protected MixedModeVisitor {
Creator(const Op& region_begin_op, const Op& region_end_op)
: begin_op_(region_begin_op), end_op_(region_end_op) {}
AnnotatedRegionSet Create(const Expr& expr) {
return std::move(region_set_);
void AddToArgRegion(Expr expr, Array<Expr> args) {
// Merge argument regions and add itself to the region.
// Find the first open region.
AnnotatedRegion region;
for (auto arg : args) {
const CallNode* end = arg.as<CallNode>();
if (end && end->op == end_op_) { // Ignore closed regions.
region = region_set_->GetRegion(arg);
if (region.defined()) {
// Try to merge open regions.
for (auto arg : args) {
const CallNode* end = arg.as<CallNode>();
if (end && end->op == end_op_) { // Ignore closed regions.
auto arg_region = region_set_->GetRegion(arg);
CHECK_EQ(region.defined(), arg_region.defined())
<< "Arg regions are inconsistent: " << AsText(expr);
if (region.defined() && region != arg_region) {
region_set_->MergeRegions(arg_region, region);
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, expr);
void VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call) {
auto op_node = call->op.as<OpNode>();
if (op_node == nullptr || call->attrs.as<CompilerAttrs>() == nullptr) {
// Propagate region to arguments
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<Call>(call));
if (region.defined()) {
for (auto arg : call->args) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, arg);
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<Call>(call), call->args);
} else if (call->op == begin_op_) {
// The annotation node is inserted on edge so it must have only one argument.
CHECK_EQ(call->args.size(), 1U);
std::string target = call->attrs.as<CompilerAttrs>()->compiler;
// Check if the argument already belongs to a region
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<Call>(call));
if (!region.defined()) {
throw Error(ErrorBuilder()
<< "Cannot find the corresponding region for start annotation:\n"
<< AsText(GetRef<Call>(call), false));
// Create a new region.
region = region_set_->MakeRegion(target);
} else {
CHECK_EQ(call->op, end_op_);
......@@ -122,9 +159,8 @@ class AnnotatedRegionSet::Creator : public ExprVisitor {
// Check if the argument already belongs to a region
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(call->args[0]);
if (!region.defined()) {
// Create a new region if the argument is not belonged to any regions yet.
region = region_set_->MakeRegion(target);
throw Error(ErrorBuilder() << "Cannot find the corresponding region for end annotation:\n"
<< AsText(GetRef<Call>(call), false));
} else {
// If the argument is belonged to a region, it must have the same target.
// Otherwise we should see a region_begin op.
......@@ -133,83 +169,44 @@ class AnnotatedRegionSet::Creator : public ExprVisitor {
AnnotatedRegionSet Create(const Expr& expr) {
return std::move(region_set_);
void VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<Tuple>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
for (auto field : op->fields) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, field);
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<Tuple>(op), op->fields);
void VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* g) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<TupleGetItem>(g));
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, g->tuple);
void VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<Function>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
for (auto param : op->params) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, param);
Array<Expr> args = {g->tuple};
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<TupleGetItem>(g), args);
void VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<Let>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->var);
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->value);
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->body);
Array<Expr> args = {op->var, op->value, op->body};
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<Let>(op), args);
void VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<If>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->cond);
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->true_branch);
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->false_branch);
Array<Expr> args = {op->cond, op->true_branch, op->false_branch};
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<If>(op), args);
void VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<RefCreate>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->value);
Array<Expr> args = {op->value};
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<RefCreate>(op), args);
void VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<RefRead>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->ref);
Array<Expr> args = {op->ref};
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<RefRead>(op), args);
void VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* op) {
auto region = region_set_->GetRegion(GetRef<RefWrite>(op));
if (region.defined()) {
region_set_->AddToRegion(region, op->ref);
Array<Expr> args = {op->ref};
AddToArgRegion(GetRef<RefWrite>(op), args);
......@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ const PackedFunc* make_end_op = runtime::Registry::Get("relay.op.annotation._mak
// A helper class to insert annotation boundaries for a program region that will
// be handled by a specific compiler.
class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
class AnnotateTargetRewriter : public ExprRewriter {
explicit AnnotateTargetWrapper(Array<runtime::String> targets) : targets_(std::move(targets)) {}
explicit AnnotateTargetRewriter(Array<runtime::String> targets) : targets_(std::move(targets)) {}
* \brief This function annotates a compiler end and a compiler begin to all arguments.
......@@ -108,29 +108,29 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return new_op;
Expr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* cn) final {
Expr Rewrite_(const CallNode* pre, const Expr& post) final {
// Supported targets for this node. The order implies the priority.
std::vector<std::string> supported_targets;
auto op_node = cn->op.as<OpNode>();
auto op_node = pre->op.as<OpNode>();
// This graph has annotations, meaning that this is not the first time running this pass.
if (op_node && cn->op == compiler_begin_op) {
if (op_node && pre->op == compiler_begin_op) {
// Bypass compiler begin due to lack of target information. It will be processed
// when the following op handling arguments.
CHECK_EQ(cn->args.size(), 1U);
return VisitExpr(cn->args[0]);
} else if (op_node && cn->op == compiler_end_op) {
CHECK_EQ(pre->args.size(), 1U);
return post.as<CallNode>()->args[0];
} else if (op_node && pre->op == compiler_end_op) {
// Override compiler end with the new target.
CHECK_EQ(cn->args.size(), 1U);
auto input_expr = VisitExpr(cn->args[0]);
CHECK_EQ(pre->args.size(), 1U);
auto input_expr = post.as<CallNode>()->args[0];
CHECK(op_expr_to_target_.find(input_expr) != op_expr_to_target_.end());
return InsertAnnotation(input_expr, op_expr_to_target_[input_expr], make_end_op);
// Peek the first argument. If it is compiler begin then this node had annotated by
// another target before, so we also consider that target as a supported target.
const CallNode* first_arg_call = cn->args[0].as<CallNode>();
const CallNode* first_arg_call = pre->args[0].as<CallNode>();
if (first_arg_call && first_arg_call->op == compiler_begin_op) {
std::string arg_target = first_arg_call->attrs.as<CompilerAttrs>()->compiler;
if (arg_target != "default") {
......@@ -142,21 +142,21 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
if (op_node) {
// TVM operators: Check target specific op checking function and add to supported_targets
// if it is supported.
Op op = Downcast<Op>(cn->op);
Op op = Downcast<Op>(pre->op);
for (const auto& target : this->targets_) {
if (!Op::HasAttr("target." + std::string(target))) {
auto fannotate = Op::GetAttr<FTVMAnnotateTarget>("target." + std::string(target));
if (fannotate.count(op) && fannotate[op](cn->attrs, cn->args)) {
if (fannotate.count(op) && fannotate[op](pre->attrs, pre->args)) {
} else if (cn->op->IsInstance<FunctionNode>()) {
} else if (pre->op->IsInstance<FunctionNode>()) {
// Composite function: Add the target of a composite function to supported_targets
// if it is in the target list.
Function func = Downcast<Function>(cn->op);
Function func = Downcast<Function>(pre->op);
if (auto comp_name = func->GetAttr<String>(attr::kComposite)) {
......@@ -181,23 +181,22 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
std::string target = supported_targets[0];
// Visit and mutate arguments after the target of this op has been determined.
auto new_call = Downcast<Call>(ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(cn));
Call post_call = Downcast<Call>(post);
// Add annotations to each arg.
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(new_call->args, target);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(post_call->args, target);
Array<Expr> compiler_begins = std::get<1>(target_n_args);
Call call = Call(new_call->op, compiler_begins, new_call->attrs);
call->checked_type_ = cn->checked_type_;
Call new_call = Call(post_call->op, compiler_begins, post_call->attrs);
new_call->checked_type_ = pre->checked_type_;
// Update the target map.
op_expr_to_target_[call] = target;
op_expr_to_target_[new_call] = target;
return std::move(call);
return std::move(new_call);
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto expr = Downcast<Tuple>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const TupleNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto expr = Downcast<Tuple>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(expr->fields);
auto new_expr = Tuple(std::get<1>(target_n_args));
......@@ -205,9 +204,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return std::move(new_expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const TupleGetItemNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto expr = Downcast<TupleGetItem>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const TupleGetItemNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto expr = Downcast<TupleGetItem>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(Array<Expr>({expr->tuple}));
auto new_expr = TupleGetItem(std::get<1>(target_n_args)[0], expr->index);
......@@ -215,7 +213,7 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return std::move(new_expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const FunctionNode* fn) final {
Expr Rewrite_(const FunctionNode* fn, const Expr& post) final {
Function func;
Expr new_body;
// don't step into composite functions
......@@ -223,8 +221,7 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
func = GetRef<Function>(fn);
new_body = func->body;
} else {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(fn);
func = Downcast<Function>(new_e);
func = Downcast<Function>(post);
new_body = func->body;
if (op_expr_to_target_.find(func->body) != op_expr_to_target_.end()) {
new_body = InsertAnnotation(func->body, op_expr_to_target_[func->body], make_end_op);
......@@ -234,9 +231,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return Function(func->params, new_body, func->ret_type, func->type_params, func->attrs);
Expr VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto let = Downcast<Let>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const LetNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto let = Downcast<Let>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs({let->value, let->body});
auto new_expr = Let(let->var, std::get<1>(target_n_args)[0], std::get<1>(target_n_args)[1]);
......@@ -244,9 +240,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return std::move(new_expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const IfNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto expr = Downcast<If>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const IfNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto expr = Downcast<If>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs({expr->cond, expr->true_branch, expr->false_branch});
CHECK_EQ(std::get<1>(target_n_args).size(), 3U);
......@@ -256,9 +251,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return std::move(new_expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const RefCreateNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto expr = Downcast<RefCreate>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const RefCreateNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto expr = Downcast<RefCreate>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(Array<Expr>({expr->value}));
auto new_expr = RefCreate(std::get<1>(target_n_args)[0]);
......@@ -266,9 +260,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return std::move(new_expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const RefReadNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto expr = Downcast<RefRead>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const RefReadNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto expr = Downcast<RefRead>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(Array<Expr>({expr->ref}));
auto new_expr = RefRead(std::get<1>(target_n_args)[0]);
......@@ -276,9 +269,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
return std::move(new_expr);
Expr VisitExpr_(const RefWriteNode* op) final {
auto new_e = ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(op);
auto expr = Downcast<RefWrite>(new_e);
Expr Rewrite_(const RefWriteNode* op, const Expr& post) final {
auto expr = Downcast<RefWrite>(post);
auto target_n_args = AnnotateArgs(Array<Expr>({expr->ref, expr->value}));
auto new_expr = RefWrite(std::get<1>(target_n_args)[0], std::get<1>(target_n_args)[1]);
......@@ -294,7 +286,8 @@ class AnnotateTargetWrapper : public ExprMutator {
Expr AnnotateTarget(const Expr& expr, const Array<runtime::String>& targets) {
return AnnotateTargetWrapper(targets).Mutate(expr);
auto rewriter = AnnotateTargetRewriter(targets);
return PostOrderRewrite(expr, &rewriter);
} // namespace annotate_target
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace merge_compiler_region {
static const Op& compiler_begin_op = Op::Get("annotation.compiler_begin");
static const Op& compiler_end_op = Op::Get("annotation.compiler_end");
class RegionMerger : public ExprVisitor {
class RegionMerger : public MixedModeVisitor {
explicit RegionMerger(AnnotatedRegionSet regions) : regions_(regions) {}
......@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ class RegionMerger : public ExprVisitor {
......@@ -140,11 +139,11 @@ class RegionMerger : public ExprVisitor {
std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_set<int>> region_restrictions_;
class MergeAnnotations : public ExprMutator {
class MergeAnnotations : public ExprRewriter {
explicit MergeAnnotations(AnnotatedRegionSet regions) : regions_(regions) {}
Expr VisitExpr_(const CallNode* call) final {
Expr Rewrite_(const CallNode* call, const Expr& post) final {
// Merge annotations which are now internal to a region.
// This happens if we see a compiler begin next to a
// compiler end and they're both in the same region.
......@@ -154,11 +153,12 @@ class MergeAnnotations : public ExprMutator {
auto region1 = regions_->GetRegion(GetRef<Call>(call));
auto region2 = regions_->GetRegion(arg);
if (region1 == region2) {
return VisitExpr(arg->args[0]);
auto post_arg = post.as<CallNode>()->args[0];
return post_arg.as<CallNode>()->args[0];
return ExprMutator::VisitExpr_(call);
return post;
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Expr MergeCompilerRegions(const Expr& expr) {
// Remove annotations that are not in the region boundaries.
MergeAnnotations merge_anno(regions);
return merge_anno.Mutate(expr);
return PostOrderRewrite(expr, &merge_anno);
} // namespace merge_compiler_region
......@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ def test_function_lifting():
bn = relay.nn.batch_norm(data0, bn_gamma, bn_beta, bn_mmean, bn_mvar)
func0 = relay.Function([data0, bn_gamma, bn_beta, bn_mmean, bn_mvar],
func0 = set_func_attr(func0, "test_compiler", "test_compiler_0")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar("test_compiler_0")
func0 = set_func_attr(func0, "test_compiler", "test_compiler_2")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar("test_compiler_2")
mod[gv0] = func0
# function for conv2d
......@@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ def test_function_lifting():
padding=(1, 1))
func1 = relay.Function([data1, weight1], conv)
func1 = set_func_attr(func1, "test_compiler", "test_compiler_1")
gv1 = relay.GlobalVar("test_compiler_1")
func1 = set_func_attr(func1, "test_compiler", "test_compiler_0")
gv1 = relay.GlobalVar("test_compiler_0")
mod[gv1] = func1
# main function
......@@ -630,7 +630,6 @@ def test_constant_propagation():
def expected():
mod = tvm.IRModule()
x = relay.const(ones)
y = relay.var("y", shape=(8, 8))
x0 = relay.const(ones)
y0 = relay.var("y0", shape=(8, 8))
......@@ -712,12 +711,12 @@ def test_multiple_outputs():
mod = tvm.IRModule()
# function 0
data = relay.var("test_target_2_i0", relay.TensorType((1, 3, 224, 224), "float32"))
weight = relay.var("test_target_2_i1", relay.TensorType((16, 3, 3, 3), "float32"))
bn_gamma = relay.var("test_target_2_i2", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
bn_beta = relay.var("test_target_2_i3", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
bn_mean = relay.var("test_target_2_i4", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
bn_var = relay.var("test_target_2_i5", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
data = relay.var("test_target_0_i0", relay.TensorType((1, 3, 224, 224), "float32"))
weight = relay.var("test_target_0_i1", relay.TensorType((16, 3, 3, 3), "float32"))
bn_gamma = relay.var("test_target_0_i2", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
bn_beta = relay.var("test_target_0_i3", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
bn_mean = relay.var("test_target_0_i4", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
bn_var = relay.var("test_target_0_i5", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
conv_o = relay.nn.conv2d(
......@@ -730,12 +729,12 @@ def test_multiple_outputs():
relu_o = relay.nn.relu(bn_o[0])
tuple_o = relay.Tuple((bn_o[2], bn_o[1], relu_o))
tuple_o = relay.Tuple((relu_o, bn_o[1], bn_o[2]))
func0 = relay.Function([data, weight, bn_gamma, bn_beta,
bn_mean, bn_var], tuple_o)
func0 = set_func_attr(func0, "test_target", "test_target_2")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar("test_target_2")
func0 = set_func_attr(func0, "test_target", "test_target_0")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar("test_target_0")
mod[gv0] = func0
# body
......@@ -747,9 +746,9 @@ def test_multiple_outputs():
bn_var = relay.var("bn_var", relay.TensorType((16, ), "float32"))
f0_o = gv0(data, weight, bn_gamma, bn_beta, bn_mean, bn_var)
f0_relu_o = relay.TupleGetItem(f0_o, 2)
f0_relu_o = relay.TupleGetItem(f0_o, 0)
f0_mean_o = relay.TupleGetItem(f0_o, 1)
f0_var_o = relay.TupleGetItem(f0_o, 0)
f0_var_o = relay.TupleGetItem(f0_o, 2)
f0_mean_abs = relay.abs(f0_mean_o)
f0_var_abs = relay.abs(f0_var_o)
......@@ -791,22 +790,22 @@ def test_mixed_single_multiple_outputs():
mod = tvm.IRModule()
# function 1
f1_cb1 = relay.var('test_target_1_i0', shape=(10, 10))
f1_cb1 = relay.var('test_target_0_i0', shape=(10, 10))
f1_O_1 = relay.abs(f1_cb1)
f1_O_2 = relay.nn.relu(f1_O_1)
f1_out = relay.Tuple((f1_O_2, f1_O_1))
func1 = relay.Function([f1_cb1], f1_out)
func1 = set_func_attr(func1, "test_target", "test_target_1")
gv1 = relay.GlobalVar("test_target_1")
func1 = set_func_attr(func1, "test_target", "test_target_0")
gv1 = relay.GlobalVar("test_target_0")
mod[gv1] = func1
# function 0
f2_cb3 = relay.var('test_target_0_i0', shape=(10, 10))
f2_cb4 = relay.var('test_target_0_i1', shape=(10, 10))
f2_cb3 = relay.var('test_target_1_i0', shape=(10, 10))
f2_cb4 = relay.var('test_target_1_i1', shape=(10, 10))
f2_O_3 = relay.add(f2_cb3, f2_cb4)
func0 = relay.Function([f2_cb3, f2_cb4], f2_O_3)
func0 = set_func_attr(func0, "test_target", "test_target_0")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar("test_target_0")
func0 = set_func_attr(func0, "test_target", "test_target_1")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar("test_target_1")
mod[gv0] = func0
# body
......@@ -1109,22 +1108,22 @@ def test_duplicate_merge_and_tuplegetitem():
mod = tvm.IRModule()
# function 0
f0_i0 = relay.var(target+"_1_i0", shape=(10, 10))
f0_i1 = relay.var(target+"_1_i1")
f0_i2 = relay.var(target+"_1_i2")
f0_i3 = relay.var(target+"_1_i3")
f0_i4 = relay.var(target+"_1_i4")
f0_i0 = relay.var(target + "_0_i0", shape=(10, 10))
f0_i1 = relay.var(target + "_0_i1")
f0_i2 = relay.var(target + "_0_i2")
f0_i3 = relay.var(target + "_0_i3")
f0_i4 = relay.var(target + "_0_i4")
f0_n0 = relay.nn.batch_norm(f0_i0, f0_i1, f0_i2, f0_i3, f0_i4)
f0_n1 = f0_n0[1]
f0_n2 = relay.nn.relu(f0_n0[0])
f0_o0 = relay.Tuple([f0_n1, f0_n2])
f0_o0 = relay.Tuple([f0_n2, f0_n1])
func0 = relay.Function([f0_i0, f0_i1, f0_i2, f0_i3, f0_i4], f0_o0)
func0 = func0.with_attr("Primitive", tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", 1))
func0 = func0.with_attr("Inline", tvm.tir.IntImm("int32", 1))
func0 = func0.with_attr("Compiler", target)
func0 = func0.with_attr("global_symbol", target+"_1")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar(target+"_1")
func0 = func0.with_attr("global_symbol", target + "_0")
gv0 = relay.GlobalVar(target + "_0")
mod[gv0] = func0
# body
......@@ -1136,9 +1135,9 @@ def test_duplicate_merge_and_tuplegetitem():
function_out = gv0(data, bn_gamma, bn_beta, bn_mmean, bn_mvar)
get_out0 = relay.TupleGetItem(function_out, 0)
get_out1 = relay.TupleGetItem(function_out, 1)
out_2 = relay.tanh(get_out0)
out_3 = relay.log(get_out0)
out = relay.Tuple([get_out1, out_2, out_3])
out_2 = relay.tanh(get_out1)
out_3 = relay.log(get_out1)
out = relay.Tuple([get_out0, out_2, out_3])
func = relay.Function([data, bn_gamma, bn_beta, bn_mmean, bn_mvar], out)
mod["main"] = func
return mod
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