Unverified Commit b91dbca6 by yongfeng-nv Committed by GitHub

Add colors to compute_at edges and thread/block indices. (#5111)

parent 841725cc
......@@ -37,6 +37,19 @@ ITERVAR_TYPE_STRING_MAP = {
8: ('kTensorized', '#A9DFBF'),
0: '#000000',
1: '#922B21',
2: '#76448A',
3: '#1F618D',
4: '#148F77',
5: '#B7950B',
6: '#AF601A',
7: '#F5B7B1',
8: '#A9DFBF',
def dom_path_to_string(dom_path, prefix=""):
path_string = prefix
......@@ -458,8 +471,8 @@ def viz_schedule_tree(sch,
var_attr_label = ''
if "thread" in leafiv["properties"] and \
leafiv["properties"]["thread"] is not None:
var_attr_label = var_attr_label + "<br/>(" + str(
leafiv["properties"]["thread"]) + ")"
var_attr_label = var_attr_label + "<br/><font color=\"#2980B9\">(" + str(
leafiv["properties"]["thread"]) + ")</font>"
if "intrin" in leafiv["properties"] and \
leafiv["properties"]["intrin"] is not None:
var_attr_label = var_attr_label + "<br/>" + \
......@@ -483,7 +496,11 @@ def viz_schedule_tree(sch,
[stage["attaching_to"][0]], "Stage") + ":" + dom_path_to_string(
"IterVar") if stage["attaching_to"] is not None else "ROOT"
g.edge(src, dst)
color = PALETTE[
stage["attaching_to"][1] +
1] if stage["attaching_to"] is not None and stage["attaching_to"][
1] < PALETTE_SIZE - 1 else PALETTE[0]
g.edge(src, dst, color=color)
graph = create_schedule_tree_graph("Schedule Tree")
s = extract_dom_for_viz(sch)
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ def test_schedule_tree():
findany(r"r.outer\(kCommReduce\)", str)
findany(r"label=ROOT", str)
# Check the compute_at edge
findany(r"Stage_1", str)
findany(r"Stage_1.*\[color\=\"\#000000\"\]", str)
if checkdepdency():
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