Commit b8e02348 by ziheng Committed by Tianqi Chen

Fix] Avoid Directly Pass Python Context Object (#201)

parent 3cad2478
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def build(sym, target, shape, dtype="float32"):
def bind(g, ctx):
m = _create_exec(g.handle, ctx)
m = _create_exec(g.handle, ctx.device_type, ctx.device_id)
return m
......@@ -263,7 +263,9 @@ tvm::runtime::Module CreateExecutor(nnvm::Graph g, TVMContext ctx) {
.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *rv) {
void* graph_handle = args[0];
TVMContext ctx = args[1];
int device_type = args[1];
int device_id = args[2];
TVMContext ctx{static_cast<DLDeviceType>(device_type), device_id};
nnvm::Graph g = static_cast<nnvm::Graph*>(graph_handle)[0];
*rv = CreateExecutor(g, ctx);
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