Commit a59774e3 by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[BUILD] Simplify build process (#326)

parent cbdd14f1
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ This module provides the functions to transform schedule to
LoweredFunc and compiled Module.
from __future__ import absolute_import as _abs
import warnings
from . import api
from . import tensor
from . import schedule
......@@ -324,29 +326,28 @@ def build(sch,
raise ValueError("unknown function type %d" % func.func_type)
if not target.startswith("llvm") and target != "stackvm" and not fdevice:
raise ValueError(
"Specified target %s, but cannot find device code, did you do bind?" % target)
device = "cpu" if target.startswith("llvm") or target == "stackvm" else target
device_type = ndarray.context(device, 0).device_type
fhost = [ir_pass.BindDeviceType(x, device_type) for x in fhost]
fhost = [ir_pass.LowerTVMBuiltin(x) for x in fhost]
if not target_host and fdevice:
target_host = "llvm" if module.enabled("llvm") else "stackvm"
if fdevice:
fdevice = [ir_pass.LowerIntrin(x, target) for x in fdevice]
fhost = [ir_pass.LowerIntrin(x, target_host) for x in fhost]
fhost = [ir_pass.LowerIntrin(x, target) for x in fhost]
if not target_host:
if device == "cpu":
target_host = target
assert not fdevice
target_host = "llvm" if module.enabled("llvm") else "stackvm"
target_device = target
fdevice = [ir_pass.LowerIntrin(x, target_device) for x in fdevice]
fhost = [ir_pass.LowerIntrin(x, target_host) for x in fhost]
fhost = [ir_pass.CombineContextCall(x) for x in fhost]
mhost = codegen.build_module(fhost, target_host)
if fdevice:
mhost = codegen.build_module(fhost, target_host)
if target:
mdev = codegen.build_module(fdevice, target)
return mhost
return codegen.build_module(fhost, target)
mdev = codegen.build_module(fdevice, target_device)
return mhost
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