Commit a523311d by Pariksheet Pinjari Committed by Tianqi Chen

Documentation errors updated (#392)

parent 76ca3352
Using external libaries with NNVM
Using external libraries with NNVM
**Author**: `Masahiro Masuda <>`_
......@@ -214,5 +214,5 @@ np.testing.assert_allclose(out_cuda, out_cudnn, rtol=1e-5)
# For example, MIOpen only supports NCHW layout and fp32 data type at the moment, so you cannot use other layouts or data type in TVM.
# Second, and more importantly, external libraries restrict the possibility of operator fusion during graph compilation, as shown above.
# TVM and NNVM aim to achieve the best performance on a varity of hardwares, with joint operator level and graph level optimization.
# TVM and NNVM aim to achieve the best performance on a variety of hardwares, with joint operator level and graph level optimization.
# To achieve this goal, we should continue developing better optimizations for TVM and NNVM, while using external libraries as a nice way to fall back to existing implementation when necessary.
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