Commit a42d1e3c by Jian Weng Committed by Tianqi Chen

[Hybrid Script] Unify the symbol tables to one; support `tvm.container.Array` (#2366)

parent 151f550b
......@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ The current parse interface looks like:
parser = tvm.hybrid.parse(outer_product, [a, b]) # return the parser of this function
If we pass these tvm tensors to this function, it returns a op node:
If we pass these tvm data structures, like ``Tensor``, ``Var``, ``Expr.*Imm``,
or ``tvm.container.Array``, to this function, it returns a op node:
.. code-block:: python
......@@ -60,12 +61,14 @@ If we pass these tvm tensors to this function, it returns a op node:
b = tvm.placeholder((99, ), name='b')
c = outer_product(a, b, c) # return the output tensor(s) of the operator
**Under construction, we are still deciding what kind of node should be returned.**
You can use any methods that can be applied on a TVM ``OpNode``, like create_schedule, although
so far, the functionality of schedule is as limited as ``ExternOpNode``. At least, it can be built
to LLVM module.
**Under construction, not truly supported yet.**
**Under construction, not supported yet.**
Follow up the example above, you can use some tvm like interfaces to tune the code:
......@@ -86,6 +89,21 @@ Here we use ``range`` aka ``serial``, ``unroll``, ``parallel``, and ``vectorize`
these **4** keywords to annotate the corresponding types of for loops.
The the usage is roughly the same as Python standard ``range``.
Besides all the loop types supported in Halide, ``const_range`` is supported for some specific conditions.
Sometimes, ``tvm.container.Array`` is desired to pass as an argument, but in TVM-HalideIR, there is no
such support that converts ``tvm.container.Array`` to an ``Expr``. Thus, a limited feature is supported.
Users can access containers by either constants or constants loops annotated.
.. code-block:: python
def foo(a, b): # b is a tvm.container.Array
c = output_tensor(a.shape, a.dtype)
for i in const_range(len(a)): # because you have b access, i should be explicitly annotated as const_range
c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
return c
......@@ -111,14 +129,14 @@ It regards the first store of a variable as its declaration.
s += a[i, j] # do something with sum
b[i] = sum # you can still use sum in this level
a[0] = s # you CANNOT use s here, even though it is allowed in conventional Python
b = (1, 2) # this has NOT been supported yet!
So far, ONLY tensors' ``shape`` attribute is supported! The ``shape`` atrribute is essentailly a
tuple, so you MUST access it as an array. Also, currently, only constant-indexed access is supported.
So far, ONLY tensors' ``shape`` and ``dtype`` attribute are supported!
The ``shape`` atrribute is essentailly a tuple, so you MUST access it as an array.
Currently, only constant-indexed access is supported.
.. code-block:: python
......@@ -133,8 +151,11 @@ Conditional Statement and Expression
.. code-block:: python
if condition:
# do something
if condition1 and condition2 and condition3:
# do something
# do something else
# Select
a = b if condition else c
However, NO ``True`` and ``False`` keyword supported yet.
......@@ -153,7 +174,9 @@ Array Allocation
**Under construction, this function will be supported later!**
Use a function call ``allocation(shape, type, share/local)`` to declare an array buffer.
The basic usage is roughly the same as a normal array.
The basic usage is roughly the same as a normal ``numpy.array``, and you should access
high-dim array in ``a[i, j, k]`` fashion instead of ``a[i][j][k]``,
even for ``tvm.container.Array`` for compilation.
Thread Bind
......@@ -170,5 +193,5 @@ You can also do loop-thread bind by writing code like this:
- For keywords: ``serial``, ``range``, ``unroll``, ``parallel``, ``vectorize``, ``bind``
- For keywords: ``serial``, ``range``, ``unroll``, ``parallel``, ``vectorize``, ``bind``, ``const_expr``
- Math keywords: ``log``, ``exp``, ``sigmoid``, ``tanh``, ``power``, ``popcount``
......@@ -12,15 +12,17 @@ from .util import _internal_assert
#pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
'range' : For.Serial,
'unroll' : For.Unrolled,
'parallel' : For.Parallel,
'vectorize': For.Vectorized,
'range' : For.Serial,
'unroll' : For.Unrolled,
'parallel' : For.Parallel,
'vectorize' : For.Vectorized,
'const_range' : (For.Unrolled, ),
def _range(annotation, args):
"""Handling TVM loop types"""
n = len(args)
n = args.__len__()
if n == 1:
low, ext = _api.const(0, dtype='int32'), args[0]
......@@ -33,13 +35,13 @@ def _range(annotation, args):
return iter_var, low, ext, for_type
range = unroll = vectorize = parallel = _range #pylint: disable=invalid-name
range = unroll = vectorize = parallel = const_range = _range #pylint: disable=invalid-name
def bind(func_id, args):
"""Handling TVM thread binding"""
_internal_assert(func_id == "bind", "This function cannot be directly invoked!")
_internal_assert(len(args) == 2, "A loop bind should only have 2 arguments!")
_internal_assert(args.__len__() == 2, "A loop bind should only have 2 arguments!")
_internal_assert(isinstance(args[0], str), \
"A loop bind's first argument should be a string!")
iter_var = _api.thread_axis(args[0])
......@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ sqrt = log = exp = tanh = sigmoid = power = popcount = _math_intrin #pylint: dis
def _min_max(func_id, args):
_internal_assert(len(args) == 2, "Max/Min function should have 2 elements")
_internal_assert(args.__len__() == 2, "Max/Min function should have 2 elements")
return getattr(_make, func_id.title())(args[0], args[1])
......@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ min = max = _min_max #pylint: disable=invalid-name
def _allocate_tensor(func_id, args):
"""Handling TVM tensor allocation.
You may refer hybrid.intrin.allocate for more details."""
n = len(args)
n = args.__len__()
_internal_assert(isinstance(_api.convert(args[0]), Array), \
"allocate's first argument should be a tuple of shape!")
shape = args[0]
......@@ -89,4 +91,16 @@ def _allocate_tensor(func_id, args):
scope = 'global' if func_id != 'output_tensor' else 'output'
return (shape, dtype, scope)
output_tensor = allocate = _allocate_tensor #pylint: disable=invalid-name
def len(func_id, args):
"""Iterpret the len function"""
_internal_assert(args.__len__() == 1, "Only 1 argument is expected!")
_internal_assert(func_id == "len", "This function cannot be directly invoked!")
return _api.convert(args[0].__len__())
except: #pylint: disable=bare-except
_internal_assert(args[0].shape.__len__() == 1, "Only one-dimension array can get len")
return _api.convert(args[0].shape[0])
......@@ -2,32 +2,19 @@
import numpy
class _range(object):
"""Base class of the loop ranges in hybrid script"""
def __init__(self, a, b=None):
if b is None:
self.low = 0
self.ext = a
self.low = a
self.ext = b
class bind(object): #pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""GPU bind software emulataion runtime."""
def __init__(self, _, ext):
self.ext = ext
def __iter__(self):
i = 0
while i < self.ext:
yield i + self.low
yield i
i += 1
class bind(_range): #pylint: disable=invalid-name
def __init__(self, tag, ext):
super(bind, self).__init__(ext)
self.tag = tag
unroll = vectorize = parallel = _range #pylint: disable=invalid-name
def allocate(shape, dtype='float32', scope='global'): #pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Allocate a buffer with given shape
......@@ -47,7 +34,6 @@ def allocate(shape, dtype='float32', scope='global'): #pylint: disable=unused-ar
return numpy.zeros(shape).astype(dtype)
output_tensor = allocate #pylint: disable=invalid-name
def popcount(x):
......@@ -87,17 +73,19 @@ def sigmoid(x):
'unroll' : unroll,
'vectorize' : vectorize,
'parallel' : parallel,
'allocate' : allocate,
'output_tensor': output_tensor,
'len' : len,
'unroll' : range,
'vectorize' : range,
'parallel' : range,
'const_range' : range,
'bind' : bind,
'allocate' : allocate,
'output_tensor': allocate,
'sqrt' : numpy.sqrt,
'log' : numpy.log,
'tanh' : numpy.tanh,
'power' : numpy.power,
'exp' : numpy.exp,
'sigmoid' : sigmoid,
'popcount' : popcount
'popcount' : popcount,
......@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ import ast
import operator
import logging
import sys
from numbers import Integral
import types
import numbers
from enum import Enum
from .util import _internal_assert
from . import calls
......@@ -12,18 +15,15 @@ from . import util
from .var_decl import determine_variable_usage
from ..api import all as _all
from ..api import any as _any
from ..container import Array
from ..tensor import Tensor, Operation
from .. import expr as _expr
from .. import make as _make
from .. import api as _api
from .. import ir_pass as _ir_pass
def list_to_block(visit, lst):
"""Convert a list of Python IR nodes to HalideIR Block"""
lst = [visit(stmt) for stmt in lst if not util.is_docstring(stmt)]
lst = [stmt for stmt in lst if not _ir_pass.Equal(stmt, util.make_nop())]
if not lst:
return util.make_nop()
def pack_list_to_block(lst):
if len(lst) == 1:
return lst[0]
body = lst[0]
......@@ -32,6 +32,29 @@ def list_to_block(visit, lst):
return body
def visit_list_to_block(visit, lst):
"""Convert a list of Python IR nodes to HalideIR Block"""
lst = [visit(stmt) for stmt in lst if not util.is_docstring(stmt)]
lst = [stmt for stmt in lst if not _ir_pass.Equal(stmt, util.make_nop())]
if not lst:
return util.make_nop()
return pack_list_to_block(lst)
class Symbol(Enum):
"""Enumerates types in the symbol table"""
Callable = 0
Input = 1
OutputBuffer = 2
GlobalBuffer = 3
LocalBuffer = 4
SharedBuffer = 5
ConstVar = 6
BufferVar = 7
LoopVar = 8
ConstLoopVar = 9
class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""Python AST visitor pass which finally lowers it to HalideIR"""
......@@ -82,77 +105,55 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
self.args = list(args)
self.usage = usage.copy()
self._args = {} # Dict maps arg name to actual arg instance (either a var or a buffer)
self.alloc_buffers = {} # Buffers formed by explicit allocate instructions
self.loops_above = {} # State variable that indicates loop levels above the current node
self.variables = {} # The status of defined variables
self.symbols = {} # Symbol table
for k, v in symbols.items():
if isinstance(v, types.FunctionType):
self.symbols[k] = Symbol.Callable, v
self.func_name = func_name # The name of the function to be lowered
self.outputs = [] # Output tensors' name
self.side_effect = set() # Tensors with side effects
self.parsed_body = None # The parsed HalideIR body
self.returned = False # If this function has a valid return
self.symbols = symbols # The global context
def wrap_up_realize(self, node, body):
"""Wrap up all the variables which will no longer be used"""
pop_buf = []
pop_var = []
to_pop = []
for key, val in self.usage.items():
_, level, _ = val
if level != node:
if key in self._args.keys():
_internal_assert(key in self.symbols.keys(), "Unknown symbol %s!" % key)
ty, entry = self.symbols[key] #pylint: disable=invalid-name
if ty in [Symbol.Input, Symbol.OutputBuffer]:
if key in self.alloc_buffers.keys():
_buf, _scope = self.alloc_buffers[key]
if _scope == 'output':
elif 'Buffer' in
_buf = entry
_scope =[:-6].lower() if ty is not Symbol.BufferVar else 'global'
_internal_assert(key in self.variables.keys(),
"Key should be either in one of args, buffers, and vars")
if not isinstance(self.variables[key], tuple):
_buf, _scope = self.variables[key]
_domain = [_make.range_by_min_extent(0, i) for i in _buf.shape]
_dtype = _buf.dtype
_true = _api.convert(True)
body = _make.Realize(_buf.op, 0, _dtype, _domain, _true, body)
body = _make.AttrStmt(_buf.op, 'realize_scope', _api.convert(_scope), body)
for elem in pop_buf:
for elem in pop_var:
return body
for elem in to_pop:
return body
def _get_buffer_from_id(self, s, for_provide=False):
_internal_assert((s in self._args.keys()) + (s in self.alloc_buffers.keys()) == 1,
"This %s is expected to be in either \
argument list or allocated buffer!" % s)
if s in self._args.keys():
if for_provide:
return self._args[s]
return self.alloc_buffers[s][0]
def _const(self, value, dtype=None):
if dtype is None:
if isinstance(value, bool):
dtype = "bool"
elif isinstance(value, Integral):
dtype = "int32"
dtype = "float32"
return _api.const(value, dtype)
#pylint: disable=invalid-name, missing-docstring
def visit_Module(self, node):
_internal_assert(len(node.body) == 1, \
"Only one-function source code can be fed to this parser!")
"Only one-function source code will be fed to this parser!")
return self.visit(node.body[0])
......@@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
self.func_name =
for idx, arg in enumerate(node.args.args):
_attr = 'id' if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else 'arg' # To make py2 and 3 compatible
self._args[getattr(arg, _attr)] = self.args[idx]
res = list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
self.symbols[getattr(arg, _attr)] = (Symbol.Input, self.args[idx])
res = visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
res = self.wrap_up_realize(node, res)
return res
......@@ -176,25 +177,31 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit_Name(self, node):
name =
if name in self.loops_above.keys():
return self.loops_above[name]
elif name in self.variables.keys():
res = self.variables[name]
if isinstance(res, tuple):
buf = res[0]
if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load):
return _make.Call(buf.dtype,, [self._const(0)], \
_expr.Call.Halide, buf.op, buf.value_index)
return buf, [self._const(0)]
ty, entry = self.symbols[name]
_internal_assert(name in self.symbols, "Unknown symbol %s!" % name)
if ty in [Symbol.LoopVar, Symbol.Input, Symbol.ConstLoopVar]:
return entry
elif ty is Symbol.ConstVar:
return entry if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load) else None
elif ty is Symbol.BufferVar:
if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load):
return res
return None
buf = self._get_buffer_from_id(name)
return buf
return _make.Call(entry.dtype,, [_api.const(0, 'int32')], \
_expr.Call.Halide, entry.op, entry.value_index)
return entry, [_api.const(0, 'int32')]
# Do I need any assertion here?
return entry
def visit_Num(self, node):
return self._const(node.n)
if isinstance(node.n, numbers.Integral):
dtype = "int32"
elif isinstance(node.n, float):
dtype = "float32"
_internal_assert(isinstance(node.n, bool),
"The data type should be one of (int, float, bool)")
dtype = "bool"
return _api.const(node.n, dtype)
def visit_AugAssign(self, node):
......@@ -204,7 +211,7 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
_internal_assert(len(buf) == 2, "LHS is supposed to be (buf, args)!")
buf, args = buf
args = [self._const(0)]
args = [_api.const(0, 'int32')]
_internal_assert(isinstance(buf, Tensor), "LHS is supposed to be Tensor!")
read = _make.Call(buf.dtype,, args, _expr.Call.Halide, buf.op, buf.value_index)
......@@ -222,7 +229,7 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
for i in range(rhs.num_outputs):
_internal_assert(isinstance(node.targets[i], ast.Name),
"You should bind a pure name to the tensors")
self.alloc_buffers[node.targets[i].id] = (rhs.output(i), 'global')
self.symbols[node.targets[i].id] = Symbol.GlobalBuffer, rhs.output(i)
rmap[rhs.outputs[i].op] = rhs.output(i)
return util.replace_io(rhs.body, rmap)
......@@ -234,25 +241,26 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
#TODO: support defined intermediate buffer later
lhs_ = lhs
lhs =
_internal_assert(lhs not in self.loops_above.keys(), \
"Loop variable cannot be overwritten!")
if lhs in self.symbols.keys():
ty, _ = self.symbols[lhs]
_internal_assert(ty != Symbol.LoopVar, \
"Loop variable cannot be overwritten!")
decl, _, rw = self.usage[lhs]
if decl == lhs_:
_internal_assert(lhs not in self.variables.keys() and
lhs not in self.alloc_buffers.keys(), \
_internal_assert(lhs not in self.symbols.keys(),
"This value should not be defined before this point!")
if isinstance(rhs, tuple):
shape, dtype, scope = rhs
ph = _api.placeholder(shape, dtype=dtype, name=lhs)
self.alloc_buffers[lhs] = (ph, scope)
self.symbols[lhs] = getattr(Symbol, scope.title() + "Buffer"), ph
if scope == 'output':
return util.make_nop()
if isinstance(rhs, util.halide_imm_types) and ast.Store not in rw:
self.variables[lhs] = rhs
self.symbols[lhs] = Symbol.ConstVar, rhs
ph = _api.placeholder((1, ), dtype=rhs.dtype, name=lhs)
self.variables[lhs] = (ph, 'global')
self.symbols[lhs] = Symbol.BufferVar, ph
lhs = self.visit(lhs_)
if lhs is not None:
buf, args = lhs
......@@ -275,17 +283,30 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit_Attribute(self, node):
_internal_assert(isinstance(node.value, ast.Name), \
"For atrribute access, only both names are supported so far!")
buf = self._get_buffer_from_id(
buf = self.visit(node.value)
return getattr(buf, node.attr)
def visit_Subscript(self, node):
args = self.visit(node.slice)
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name):
buf = self.visit(node.value)
if isinstance(buf, Array):
for i in args:
if isinstance(i, numbers.Integral):
buf = buf[i]
_internal_assert(isinstance(i, (_expr.IntImm, _expr.UIntImm)), \
"All indices are supposed to be constants")
buf = buf[i.value]
return buf
if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load):
return _make.Call(buf.dtype,, args, \
_expr.Call.Halide, buf.op, buf.value_index)
return buf, args
shape = self.visit(node.value)
......@@ -308,14 +329,14 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
_internal_assert(isinstance(context, ast.Call), "The object must be a Python func call!")
_internal_assert(isinstance(option, ast.Name), "The object after 'as' must be an id!")
self.annotation[] =
return list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
return visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
def visit_If(self, node):
cond = self.visit(node.test)
if_body = list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
if_body = visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
if node.orelse:
else_body = list_to_block(self.visit, node.orelse)
else_body = visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.orelse)
else_body = util.make_nop()
return _make.IfThenElse(cond, if_body, else_body)
......@@ -376,7 +397,10 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
except AttributeError:
_internal_assert(func_id in self.symbols.keys(), \
"The function called is not in the context either!")
outs = self.symbols[func_id](*args)
ty, entry = self.symbols[func_id]
_internal_assert(ty is Symbol.Callable, \
"Are you sure what you call is a function?!")
outs = entry(*args)
op = outs.op if isinstance(outs, Tensor) else outs[0].op
return op
......@@ -385,41 +409,66 @@ class HybridParser(ast.NodeVisitor):
iter_var, low, ext, for_type = self.visit(node.iter)
_internal_assert(isinstance(, ast.Name), \
"The loop iterator should be a variable!")
_name =
if iter_var is None:
if isinstance(for_type, tuple):
low = _ir_pass.Simplify(low)
ext = _ir_pass.Simplify(ext)
_internal_assert(isinstance(low, _expr.ConstExpr) and
isinstance(ext, _expr.ConstExpr), \
"Const range should start from a const" + \
"and iterate const times")
low, ext = low.value, ext.value
if ext > 114514:
logging.log(logging.CRITICAL, \
'[Warning] Are you sure to unroll a large loop in Python?')
bodies = []
for i in range(low, low + ext):
self.symbols[_name] = Symbol.ConstLoopVar, i
bodies.append(visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.body))
return pack_list_to_block(bodies)
elif iter_var is None:
_internal_assert(for_type is not None, "The loop bind function parse error!")
offset = iter_var = _api.var(_name)
if not _ir_pass.Equal(low, self._const(0)):
if not _ir_pass.Equal(low, _api.const(0, 'int32')):
offset = iter_var + low
self.loops_above[_name] = offset
self.symbols[_name] = Symbol.LoopVar, offset
_body = visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
_internal_assert(for_type is None, "The loop iterating function parse error!")
self.loops_above[_name] = iter_var.var
_body = list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
self.symbols[_name] = Symbol.LoopVar, iter_var.var
_body = visit_list_to_block(self.visit, node.body)
_body = self.wrap_up_realize(node, _body)
if for_type is None:
res = _make.AttrStmt(iter_var, 'thread_extent', ext, _body)
res = _make.For(iter_var, self._const(0), ext, for_type, 0, _body)
elif not isinstance(for_type, tuple):
res = _make.For(iter_var, _api.const(0, 'int32'), ext, for_type, 0, _body)
return res
def visit_Return(self, node):
_internal_assert(not self.loops_above, "Return should not be in a loop body!")
_internal_assert(all(ty != Symbol.LoopVar for ty, _ in self.symbols.values()), \
"Return should not be in a loop body!")
ids = []
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name):
ids = []
_internal_assert(isinstance(node.value, ast.Tuple), \
"You should return either a single tensor or a tuple")
for i in node.value.elts:
_internal_assert(isinstance(i, ast.Name), "What do you return?")
_internal_assert(all(isinstance(i, ast.Name) for i in node.value.elts), \
"What do you return?")
ids = [ for i in node.value.elts]
_internal_assert(len(set(ids)) == len(ids), "Duplicated tensors in the return tuples")
if len(ids) < len(self.outputs):
logging.log(logging.CRITICAL, '[Warning] Not all the output buffers returned!')
self.outputs = [self.alloc_buffers[i][0] for i in ids]
self.outputs = [self.symbols[i][1] for i in ids]
self.returned = True
return util.make_nop()
......@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@ from .. import api as _api
from .. import make as _make
from .. import expr as _expr
from .. import stmt as _stmt
from ..container import Array
from ..tensor import Tensor
#pylint: disable=invalid-name
np_arg_types = tuple(list(numeric_types) + [numpy.ndarray])
tvm_arg_types = (Tensor, _expr.Var, _expr.ConstExpr)
tvm_arg_types = (Tensor, Array, _expr.Var, _expr.ConstExpr)
halide_imm_types = (_expr.IntImm, _expr.FloatImm, _expr.UIntImm)
def _internal_assert(cond, err):
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def run_and_check(func, args, var_dict={}, target='llvm'):
ctx = tvm.context(target, 0)
op = None
outs = func(*args)
outs = func(*tuple(tvm.convert(i) if isinstance(i, list) else i for i in args))
op = outs[0].op if isinstance(outs, list) else outs.op
emu_args = []
......@@ -23,13 +23,18 @@ def run_and_check(func, args, var_dict={}, target='llvm'):
shape = [tvm_val_2_py_val(j) for j in i.shape]
nd_args.append(tvm.nd.array(emu_args[-1], ctx))
assert isinstance(i, tvm.expr.Var)
elif isinstance(i, tvm.expr.Var):
assert isinstance(i, list)
sch = tvm.create_schedule(op)
module =, args + (outs if isinstance(outs, list) else [outs]), target=target)
module =,
[i for i in args if isinstance(i, (tvm.tensor.Tensor, tvm.expr.Var))] + \
(outs if isinstance(outs, list) else [outs]),
assert module
out_tensors = []
......@@ -192,20 +197,20 @@ def test_fanout():
def test_looptype():
def looptype(a, b, c):
d = output_tensor((8, ), 'int32')
e = output_tensor((8, ), 'int32')
f = output_tensor((8, ), 'int32')
for i in parallel(8):
d = output_tensor((16, ), 'int32')
e = output_tensor((16, ), 'int32')
f = output_tensor((16, ), 'int32')
for i in parallel(16):
d[i] = a[i]
for j in vectorize(8):
for j in vectorize(16):
e[j] = b[j]
for k in unroll(8):
for k in unroll(16):
f[k] = c[k]
return d, e, f
a = tvm.placeholder((8, ), name='a', dtype='int32')
b = tvm.placeholder((8, ), name='b', dtype='int32')
c = tvm.placeholder((8, ), name='c', dtype='int32')
a = tvm.placeholder((16, ), name='a', dtype='int32')
b = tvm.placeholder((16, ), name='b', dtype='int32')
c = tvm.placeholder((16, ), name='c', dtype='int32')
d, e, f = looptype(a, b, c)
ir = d.op.body
......@@ -509,9 +514,9 @@ def test_value_index():
def test_func_call():
def foo(a, b):
for i in range(10):
for i in range(len(a)):
a[i] = i + 1.0
for i in range(10):
for i in range(len(a)):
b[i] = i + 1.0
c = outer_product(10, 10, a, b)
d = output_tensor(c.shape, c.dtype)
......@@ -538,6 +543,26 @@ def test_bool():
a = tvm.placeholder((10, ), name='a')
run_and_check(foo, [a])
def test_const_range():
def foo(a, b):
c = output_tensor(a.shape, a.dtype)
d = output_tensor(a.shape, a.dtype)
for i in const_range(2):
for j in const_range(5):
c[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j]
for i in const_range(len(b)):
for j in const_range(len(b[0])):
d[i, j] = a[i, j] + b[i, j]
return c, d
a = tvm.placeholder((2, 5), name='a', dtype='int32')
b = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]
run_and_check(foo, [a, b])
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -553,5 +578,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# test_inplace()
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