Commit 90067e64 by Erwan BERNARD Committed by Tianqi Chen

WIP: Add how_to readme to install tvm with nnpack support (#610)

* feat(docs) add how_to for tvm install with nnpack support

* feat(docs) change python package paragraph

* feat(doc) remove unsure sentence

* add comments on nnpack usage vs TVM

* remove mxnet nnpack tips for nthread change
parent cedd3900
### NNPACK for Multi-Core CPU Support in TVM
[NNPACK]( is an acceleration package
for neural network computations, which can run on x86-64, ARMv7, or ARM64 architecture CPUs.
Using NNPACK, higher-level libraries like _MXNet_ can speed up
the execution on multi-core CPU computers, including laptops and mobile devices.
***Note***: AS TVM already has natively tuned schedules, NNPACK is here mainly for reference and comparison purpose.
For regular use prefer native tuned TVM implementation.
_TVM_ supports NNPACK for forward propagation (inference only) in convolution, max-pooling, and fully-connected layers.
In this document, we give a high level overview of how to use NNPACK with _TVM_.
### Conditions
The underlying implementation of NNPACK utilizes several acceleration methods,
including [fft]( and [winograd](
These algorithms work better on some special `batch size`, `kernel size`, and `stride` settings than on other,
so depending on the context, not all convolution, max-pooling, or fully-connected layers can be powered by NNPACK.
When favorable conditions for running NNPACKS are not met,
NNPACK only supports Linux and OS X systems. Windows is not supported at present.
The following table explains under which conditions NNPACK will work.
| operation | conditions |
|:--------- |:---------- |
|convolution |2d convolution `and` no-bias=False `and` dilate=(1,1) `and` num_group=1 `and` batch-size = 1 or batch-size > 1 && stride = (1,1);|
|pooling | max-pooling `and` kernel=(2,2) `and` stride=(2,2) `and` pooling_convention=full |
|fully-connected| without any restrictions |
### Build/Install LLVM
LLVM is required for CPU codegen that needs LLVM.
Since LLVM takes long time to build from source, you can download pre-built version of LLVM from [LLVM Download Page](
For llvm 4.0 you can do the following step :
# Add llvm repository in apt source list
echo "deb llvm-toolchain-xenial-4.0 main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# Update apt source list
apt-get update
# Install clang and full llvm
apt-get install -y \
clang-4.0 \
clang-4.0-doc \
libclang-common-4.0-dev \
libclang-4.0-dev \
libclang1-4.0 \
libclang1-4.0-dbg \
libllvm-4.0-ocaml-dev \
libllvm4.0 \
libllvm4.0-dbg \
lldb-4.0 \
llvm-4.0 \
llvm-4.0-dev \
llvm-4.0-doc \
llvm-4.0-examples \
llvm-4.0-runtime \
clang-format-4.0 \
python-clang-4.0 \
### Build/Install NNPACK
If the trained model meets some conditions of using NNPACK,
you can build TVM with NNPACK support.
Follow these simple steps:
* Build NNPACK shared library with the following commands. _TVM_ will link NNPACK dynamically.
Note: The following NNPACK installation instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
#### Build [Ninja](
NNPACK need a recent version of Ninja. So we need to install ninja from source.
git clone git://
cd ninja
./ --bootstrap
Set the environment variable PATH to tell bash where to find the ninja executable. For example, assume we cloned ninja on the home directory ~. then we can added the following line in ~/.bashrc.
export PATH="${PATH}:~/ninja"
#### Build [NNPACK](
The new CMAKE version of NNPACK download [Peach]( and other dependencies alone
git clone --recursive
# Add PIC option in CFLAG and CXXFLAG to build NNPACK shared library
sed -i "s|gnu99|gnu99 -fPIC|g" CMakeLists.txt
sed -i "s|gnu++11|gnu++11 -fPIC|g" CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build
cd build
# Generate ninja build rule and add shared library in configuration
cmake -G Ninja -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ..
sudo ninja install
# Add NNPACK lib folder in your ldconfig
echo "/usr/local/lib" > /etc/
sudo ldconfig
### Build TVM with NNPACK support
git clone --recursive
* Set `USE_NNPACK = 1` in
* Set `LLVM_CONFIG = llvm-config-4.0` depending of llvm version installed
after configuration use `make` to build TVM
make install
#### Python Package Installation
The python package for [tvm]( depends of [topi](
The tvm python package is located at `tvm/python` and topi python package is located in `tvm/topi/python` folder.
There are several ways to install the package, in all these cases the TVM library and TOPI must be present in the python env:
1. Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to tell python where to find the libraries. For example, assume we cloned tvm on the home directory ~. then we can added the following line in ~/.bashrc. It is recommended for developers who may change the codes. The changes will be immediately reflected once you pulled the code and rebuild the project (no need to call setup again)
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/tvm/python:/path/to/tvm/topi/python:${PYTHONPATH}
2. Install tvm and topi python bindings by
# install tvm package for the current user
cd topi/python
python install --user;
cd ../../python
python install --user;
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