Commit 7f29f2d4 by Masahiro Sakai Committed by Tianqi Chen

fix wrong type declaration of float64 "log" in (#1169)

parent 58888b21
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def my_cuda_mylog_rule(op):
if op.dtype == "float32":
return tvm.call_pure_extern("float32", "logf", op.args[0])
elif op.dtype == "float64":
return tvm.call_pure_extern("float32", "log", op.args[0])
return tvm.call_pure_extern("float64", "log", op.args[0])
return op
tvm.register_intrin_rule("cuda", "mylog", my_cuda_mylog_rule, override=True)
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