Commit 70840818 by Wei Chen Committed by Zhi

[Relay][VM] Add autotvm context when compile (#4062)

parent 2433dd46
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Implements a Python interface to compiling and executing on the Relay VM.
import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm import autotvm
from tvm._ffi.runtime_ctypes import TVMByteArray
from . import _vm
from . import vmobj as _obj
......@@ -186,7 +187,16 @@ class VMCompiler(object):
if not target_host:
target_host = "llvm" if tvm.module.enabled("llvm") else "stackvm"
target_host =
self._compile(mod, target, target_host)
# If current dispatch context is fallback context (the default root context),
# then load pre-tuned parameters from TopHub
if isinstance(autotvm.DispatchContext.current, autotvm.FallbackContext):
tophub_context = autotvm.tophub.context(list(target.values()))
tophub_context = autotvm.util.EmptyContext()
with tophub_context:
self._compile(mod, target, target_host)
return VirtualMachine(self._get_vm())
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