Unverified Commit 60c52e13 by Haichen Shen Committed by GitHub

fix memory leak (#4811)

parent d2799915
......@@ -412,12 +412,6 @@ int TVMBackendParallelLaunch(
TVMParallelGroupEnv env;
env.num_task = num_task;
std::atomic<int32_t>* sync_counter = new std::atomic<int>[num_task * tvm::runtime::kSyncStride];
for (int i = 0; i < num_task; ++i) {
sync_counter[i * tvm::runtime::kSyncStride].store(
0, std::memory_order_relaxed);
env.sync_handle = sync_counter;
(*flambda)(omp_get_thread_num(), &env, cdata);
return 0;
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