The RPC server itself is minimum and can be bundled into the runtime. We can start a minimum TVM
RPC server on iPhone/android/raspberry pi or even the browser. The cross compilation on server and shipping of the module for testing can be done in the same script. Checkout
[Cross compilation and RPC tutorial]( for more details.
[Cross compilation and RPC tutorial]( for more details.
This instant feedback gives us a lot of advantages. For example, to test the correctness of generated code on iPhone, we no longer have to write test-cases in swift/objective-c from scratch -- We can use RPC to execute on iPhone, copy the result back and do verification on the host via numpy. We can also do the profiling using the same script.
First please refer to [Installation Guide]( and build runtime shared library from the C++ codes (libtvm\ for Linux and libtvm\_runtime.dylib for OSX).
First please refer to [Installation Guide]( and build runtime shared library from the C++ codes (libtvm\ for Linux and libtvm\_runtime.dylib for OSX).
NNVM compiler offers reusable computation graph optimization and compilation for deep learning systems.
It is backed by the [TVM stack]( and provides modules to:
- Represent deep learning workloads from front-end frameworks via a graph IR.
- Optimize computation graphs to improve performance.
- Compile into executable modules and deploy to different hardware backends with minimum dependency.
NNVM is designed to add new frontend, operators and graph optimizations in a decentralized fashion without changing the core interface.
The compiled module can be deployed to server, mobile, embedded devices and browsers with minimum dependency, in languages including c++, python, javascript, java, objective-c. Checkout [our release announcement](
The following code snippet demonstrates the general workflow of nnvm compiler.