Commit 537b70e4 by Chris Nuernberger Committed by Tianqi Chen

Assert dont crash on null strides (#976)

parent e380c8a4
......@@ -194,6 +194,9 @@ void ArgBinder::BindDLTensor(const Buffer& buffer,
v_strides, TVMArrayGet(Handle(), handle, intrinsic::kArrStrides),
Expr is_null = Call::make(
Bool(1), intrinsic::tvm_handle_is_null,
{v_strides}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
if (buffer->strides.size() == 0) {
// Assert the buffer is compact
Type stype = buffer->DefaultIndexType();
......@@ -215,13 +218,14 @@ void ArgBinder::BindDLTensor(const Buffer& buffer,
Stmt check =
AssertStmt::make(arith::ComputeReduce<ir::And>(conds, Expr()),
stride_err_msg.str(), Evaluate::make(0));
Expr is_null = Call::make(
Bool(1), intrinsic::tvm_handle_is_null,
{v_strides}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
check = IfThenElse::make(Not::make(is_null), check, Stmt());
init_nest_.emplace_back(Block::make(check, Evaluate::make(0)));
} else {
std::ostringstream stride_null_err_msg;
stride_null_err_msg << arg_name << ".strides: expected non-null strides.";
asserts_.emplace_back(AssertStmt::make(Not::make(is_null), stride_null_err_msg.str(), nop));
for (size_t k = 0; k < buffer->strides.size(); ++k) {
std::ostringstream field_name;
field_name << v_strides->name_hint << '[' << k << ']';
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