Commit 49fb6e85 by Lianmin Zheng Committed by Tianqi Chen

[NNVM][KERAS] Fix keras model converter and improve tutorial (#1716)

parent ef39eac3
......@@ -180,7 +180,10 @@ def _convert_convolution(insym, keras_layer, symtab):
in_w = keras_layer.input_shape[2]
pad_t, pad_b = _get_pad_pair(in_h, kernel_h, stride_h)
pad_l, pad_r = _get_pad_pair(in_w, kernel_w, stride_w)
insym = _sym.pad(data=insym, pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (pad_t, pad_b), (pad_l, pad_r)))
if pad_t == pad_b and pad_l == pad_r:
params['padding'] = (pad_t, pad_l)
insym = _sym.pad(data=insym, pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (pad_t, pad_b), (pad_l, pad_r)))
raise TypeError("Unsupported padding type : {}".format(keras_layer.padding))
if is_deconv:
......@@ -169,14 +169,16 @@ task = autotvm.task.create(conv2d_no_batching,
# use local gpu, measure 10 times for every config to reduce variance
# Use local gpu, measure 10 times for every config to reduce variance
# The timeout of compiling a program is 10 seconds, the timeout for running is 4 seconds
measure_option = autotvm.measure_option(
runner=autotvm.LocalRunner(repeat=3, min_repeat_ms=100, timeout=4)
# begin tuning, log records to file `conv2d.log`
# Begin tuning, log records to file `conv2d.log`
# During tuning we will also try many invalid configs, so you are expected to
# see many error reports. As long as you can see non-zero GFLOPS, it is okay.
tuner = autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner(task)
......@@ -94,8 +94,7 @@ m.set_input(**params)
# execute
# get outputs
_, oshape = compiler.graph_util.infer_shape(graph, shape={"data": dshape})
tvm_output = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(tuple(oshape[0]), dtype))
tvm_output = m.get_output(0)
......@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ This article is an introductory tutorial to deploy CoreML models with NNVM.
For us to begin with, coremltools module is required to be installed.
A quick solution is to install via pip
pip install -U coremltools --user
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U coremltools --user
or please refer to official site
......@@ -65,7 +67,8 @@ x = image[np.newaxis, :]
import nnvm.compiler
target = 'cuda'
shape_dict = {'image': x.shape}
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=2, add_pass=['AlterOpLayout']):
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
# Execute on TVM
......@@ -81,14 +84,13 @@ m.set_input(**params)
# execute
# get outputs
output_shape = (1000,)
tvm_output = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(output_shape, dtype)).asnumpy()
top1 = np.argmax(tvm_output)
tvm_output = m.get_output(0)
top1 = np.argmax(tvm_output.asnumpy()[0])
# Look up synset name
# -------------------
# Look up prdiction top 1 index in 1000 class synset.
# Look up prediction top 1 index in 1000 class synset.
synset_url = ''.join(['',
......@@ -21,14 +21,13 @@ import nnvm.testing.darknet
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tvm
import os
import sys
from ctypes import *
from import download
from nnvm.testing.darknet import __darknetffi__
#Model name
# Model name
MODEL_NAME = 'yolo'
......@@ -79,30 +78,13 @@ print("Compiling the model...")
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=2):
graph, lib, params =, target, shape, dtype, params)
# Save the JSON
# -------------
def save_lib():
#Save the graph, params and .so to the current directory
print("Saving the compiled output...")
path_name = 'nnvm_darknet_' + model_name
path_lib = path_name + ''
with open(path_name
+ "deploy_graph.json", "w") as fo:
with open(path_name
+ "deploy_param.params", "wb") as fo:
# Load a test image
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
test_image = 'dog.jpg'
print("Loading the test image...")
img_url = '' + \
test_image +'?raw=true'
test_image + '?raw=true'
download(img_url, test_image)
data = nnvm.testing.darknet.load_image(test_image, net.w, net.h)
......@@ -124,9 +106,9 @@ print("Running the test image...")
# get outputs
out_shape = (net.outputs,)
tvm_out = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, dtype)).asnumpy()
tvm_out = m.get_output(0).asnumpy().flatten()
#do the detection and bring up the bounding boxes
# do the detection and bring up the bounding boxes
thresh = 0.24
hier_thresh = 0.5
img = nnvm.testing.darknet.load_image_color(test_image)
......@@ -134,16 +116,18 @@ _, im_h, im_w = img.shape
probs = []
boxes = []
region_layer = net.layers[net.n - 1]
boxes, probs = nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.get_region_boxes(region_layer, im_w, im_h, net.w, net.h,
thresh, probs, boxes, 1, tvm_out)
boxes, probs = nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.get_region_boxes(
region_layer, im_w, im_h, net.w, net.h,
thresh, probs, boxes, 1, tvm_out)
boxes, probs = nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.do_nms_sort(boxes, probs,
region_layer.w*region_layer.h*region_layer.n, region_layer.classes, 0.3)
boxes, probs = nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.do_nms_sort(
boxes, probs,
region_layer.w*region_layer.h*region_layer.n, region_layer.classes, 0.3)
coco_name = 'coco.names'
coco_url = '' + coco_name +'?raw=true'
coco_url = '' + coco_name + '?raw=true'
font_name = 'arial.ttf'
font_url = '' + font_name +'?raw=true'
font_url = '' + font_name + '?raw=true'
download(coco_url, coco_name)
download(font_url, font_name)
......@@ -152,7 +136,8 @@ with open(coco_name) as f:
names = [x.strip() for x in content]
nnvm.testing.yolo2_detection.draw_detections(img, region_layer.w*region_layer.h*region_layer.n,
thresh, boxes, probs, names, region_layer.classes)
img, region_layer.w*region_layer.h*region_layer.n,
thresh, boxes, probs, names, region_layer.classes)
plt.imshow(img.transpose(1, 2, 0))
......@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ For us to begin with, keras should be installed.
Tensorflow is also required since it's used as the default backend of keras.
A quick solution is to install via pip
pip install -U keras --user
pip install -U tensorflow --user
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U keras --user
pip install -U tensorflow --user
or please refer to official site
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ weights_url = ''.join(['
weights_file = 'resnet50_weights.h5'
download(weights_url, weights_file)
keras_resnet50 = keras.applications.resnet50.ResNet50(include_top=True, weights=None,
input_shape=(224,224,3), classes=1000)
input_shape=(224, 224, 3), classes=1000)
......@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ sym, params = nnvm.frontend.from_keras(keras_resnet50)
# compile the model
target = 'cuda'
shape_dict = {'input_1': data.shape}
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=2):
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
# Execute on TVM
......@@ -91,14 +91,13 @@ m.set_input(**params)
# execute
# get outputs
out_shape = (1000,)
tvm_out = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(out_shape, 'float32')).asnumpy()
top1_tvm = np.argmax(tvm_out)
tvm_out = m.get_output(0)
top1_tvm = np.argmax(tvm_out.asnumpy()[0])
# Look up synset name
# -------------------
# Look up prdiction top 1 index in 1000 class synset.
# Look up prediction top 1 index in 1000 class synset.
synset_url = ''.join(['',
......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ This article is an introductory tutorial to deploy mxnet models with NNVM.
For us to begin with, mxnet module is required to be installed.
A quick solution is
pip install mxnet --user
.. code-block:: bash
pip install mxnet --user
or please refer to offical installation guide.
......@@ -70,7 +72,8 @@ sym = nnvm.sym.softmax(sym)
import nnvm.compiler
target = 'cuda'
shape_dict = {'data': x.shape}
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
# Execute the portable graph on TVM
......@@ -86,8 +89,8 @@ m.set_input(**params)
# execute
# get outputs
tvm_output = m.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty((1000,), dtype))
top1 = np.argmax(tvm_output.asnumpy())
tvm_output = m.get_output(0)
top1 = np.argmax(tvm_output.asnumpy()[0])
print('TVM prediction top-1:', top1, synset[top1])
......@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ This article is an introductory tutorial to deploy ONNX models with NNVM.
For us to begin with, onnx module is required to be installed.
A quick solution is to install protobuf compiler, and
pip install onnx --user
.. code-block:: bash
pip install onnx --user
or please refer to offical site.
......@@ -69,7 +71,8 @@ target = 'cuda'
# assume first input name is data
input_name = sym.list_input_names()[0]
shape_dict = {input_name: x.shape}
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params =, target, shape_dict, params=params)
# Execute on TVM
......@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ This article is an introductory tutorial to deploy tensorflow models with TVM.
For us to begin with, tensorflow python module is required to be installed.
A quick solution is to install tensorflow from
Please refer to
# tvm and nnvm
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ image_shape = (3, 224, 224)
data_shape = (batch_size,) + image_shape
out_shape = (batch_size, num_class)
net, params = nnvm.testing.resnet.get_workload(layers=18,
batch_size=batch_size, image_shape=image_shape)
net, params = nnvm.testing.resnet.get_workload(
layers=18, batch_size=batch_size, image_shape=image_shape)
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ print(out.asnumpy().flatten()[0:10])
from tvm.contrib import util
temp = util.tempdir()
path_lib = temp.relpath("")
path_lib = temp.relpath("deploy_lib.tar")
with open(temp.relpath("deploy_graph.json"), "w") as fo:
......@@ -136,6 +136,4 @@ input_data = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=data_shape).astype("float32"))
module = graph_runtime.create(loaded_json, loaded_lib, tvm.gpu(0))
out = module.get_output(0, out=tvm.nd.empty(out_shape))
out = module.get_output(0).asnumpy()
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