Commit 3c0dc79d by tqchen

Simplify for cxx

parent 9595a9c1
......@@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ namespace tvm {
* \param src The source expression
* \return the simplified expression.
inline Expr Simplify(Expr src) {
return src;
Expr Simplify(Expr src);
* \brief visit the exression node in expr tree in post DFS order.
......@@ -12,5 +12,6 @@
#include "./tensor.h"
#include "./domain.h"
#include "./array.h"
#include "./expr_util.h"
#endif // TVM_TVM_H_
......@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ def register_node(type_key):
def register(cls):
NODE_TYPE[type_key] = cls
return cls
return register
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <tvm/expr.h>
#include <tvm/op.h>
#include <tvm/tensor.h>
#include <tvm/expr_util.h>
#include "./c_api_registry.h"
namespace dmlc {
......@@ -104,6 +105,11 @@ TVM_REGISTER_API(_TensorInput)
.set_body([](const ArgStack& args, RetValue *ret) {
*ret = Simplify(;
// transformations
.set_body([](const ArgStack& args, RetValue *ret) {
......@@ -9,63 +9,6 @@
namespace tvm {
void Expr::Print(std::ostream& os) const {
if (is_null()) {
os << "null"; return;
switch (this->node_type()) {
case kVarNode: {
os << Get<VarNode>()->name; return;
case kIntNode: {
os << Get<IntNode>()->value; return;
case kFloatNode: {
os << Get<FloatNode>()->value; return;
case kBinaryOpNode: {
const auto* n = Get<BinaryOpNode>();
const char* fname = n->op->FunctionName();
if (fname[1] == '\0' && !isalpha(fname[0])) {
os << '(';
os << ' ' << fname[0] << ' ';
os << ')';
} else {
os << fname << '(';
os << ", ";
os << ')';
case kUnaryOpNode: {
const auto* n = Get<UnaryOpNode>();
os << n->op->FunctionName() << '(';
os << ')';
case kReduceNode: {
const auto* n = Get<ReduceNode>();
os << "reduce("<< n->op->FunctionName() << ", ";
os << ", " << n->rdom << ')';
case kTensorReadNode: {
const auto* n = Get<TensorReadNode>();
os << n-> << n->indices;
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "not able to handle type " << typeid(node_.get()).name();
Var::Var(std::string name, DataType dtype) {
auto node = std::make_shared<VarNode>();
node->name = std::move(name);
......@@ -3,8 +3,205 @@
* \file
#include <tvm/expr_util.h>
#include <tvm/op.h>
namespace tvm {
inline bool is_ingeter(DataType t) {
return t == kInt32;
/*! \brief Canonical form of expression */
struct CanonicalExpr {
/*! \brief the e->value */
std::unordered_map<Expr, int64_t> dict;
/*! \brief constant value in the expresssion */
int64_t constant{0};
// change CanonicalExpr as expr
inline Expr AsExpr() const {
Expr e;
using KV = std::pair<Expr, int64_t>;
std::vector<KV> tlist(dict.begin(), dict.end());
std::sort(tlist.begin(), tlist.end(), [](const KV& lhs, const KV& rhs) {
return lhs.first.hash() < rhs.first.hash();
for (auto &kv : tlist) {
if (kv.second == 0) continue;
Expr tmp;
if (kv.second == 1) {
tmp = kv.first;
} else {
tmp = kv.first * kv.second;
if (e.is_null()) {
e = tmp;
} else {
e = e + tmp;
if (e.is_null()) {
return IntConstant(constant);
} else {
if (constant != 0) e = e + constant;
return e;
inline void Add(const Expr& e, int beta) {
auto it = dict.find(e);
if (it != dict.end()) {
it->second += beta;
if (it->second == 0) dict.erase(it);
} else {
dict[e] = beta;
// out += beta * Canonicalize(e)
void AddCanonical(const Expr& e,
CanonicalExpr* out,
int beta) {
static const BinaryOp* add_op = BinaryOp::Get("+");
static const BinaryOp* sub_op = BinaryOp::Get("-");
static const BinaryOp* mul_op = BinaryOp::Get("*");
static const BinaryOp* max_op = BinaryOp::Get("max");
static const BinaryOp* min_op = BinaryOp::Get("min");
CHECK(!e.is_null()) << "cannot simplify null";
switch (e.node_type()) {
case kIntNode: {
out->constant += (e.Get<IntNode>()->value) * beta; return;
case kBinaryOpNode: {
const auto* n = e.Get<BinaryOpNode>();
if (n->op == add_op) {
AddCanonical(n->lhs, out, beta);
AddCanonical(n->rhs, out, beta);
if (n->op == sub_op) {
AddCanonical(n->lhs, out, beta);
AddCanonical(n->rhs, out, -beta);
if (n->op == mul_op) {
if (n->lhs.node_type() == kIntNode) {
AddCanonical(n->rhs, out, beta * (n->lhs.Get<IntNode>()->value)); return;
} else if (n->rhs.node_type() == kIntNode) {
AddCanonical(n->lhs, out, beta * (n->rhs.Get<IntNode>()->value)); return;
CanonicalExpr clhs, crhs;
AddCanonical(n->lhs, &clhs, 1);
if (clhs.dict.size() == 0) {
AddCanonical(n->rhs, out, beta * clhs.constant); return;
AddCanonical(n->rhs, &crhs, 1);
if (crhs.dict.size() == 0) {
AddCanonical(n->lhs, out, beta * crhs.constant); return;
out->Add(e, beta); return;
if (n->op == max_op) {
CanonicalExpr res;
AddCanonical(n->lhs, &res, 1);
AddCanonical(n->rhs, &res, -1);
if (res.dict.size() == 0) {
if (res.constant > 0) {
AddCanonical(n->lhs, out, beta); return;
} else {
AddCanonical(n->rhs, out, beta); return;
} else {
out->Add(e, beta); return;
if (n->op == min_op) {
CanonicalExpr res;
AddCanonical(n->lhs, &res, 1);
AddCanonical(n->rhs, &res, -1);
if (res.dict.size() == 0) {
if (res.constant <= 0) {
AddCanonical(n->lhs, out, beta); return;
} else {
AddCanonical(n->rhs, out, beta); return;
} else {
out->Add(e, beta); return;
out->Add(e, beta);
default: {
out->Add(e, beta); return;
Expr Simplify(Expr src) {
CanonicalExpr cexpr;
AddCanonical(src, &cexpr, 1);
return cexpr.AsExpr();
void Expr::Print(std::ostream& os) const {
if (is_null()) {
os << "null"; return;
switch (this->node_type()) {
case kVarNode: {
os << Get<VarNode>()->name; return;
case kIntNode: {
os << Get<IntNode>()->value; return;
case kFloatNode: {
os << Get<FloatNode>()->value; return;
case kBinaryOpNode: {
const auto* n = Get<BinaryOpNode>();
const char* fname = n->op->FunctionName();
if (fname[1] == '\0' && !isalpha(fname[0])) {
os << '(';
os << ' ' << fname[0] << ' ';
os << ')';
} else {
os << fname << '(';
os << ", ";
os << ')';
case kUnaryOpNode: {
const auto* n = Get<UnaryOpNode>();
os << n->op->FunctionName() << '(';
os << ')';
case kReduceNode: {
const auto* n = Get<ReduceNode>();
os << "reduce("<< n->op->FunctionName() << ", ";
os << ", " << n->rdom << ')';
case kTensorReadNode: {
const auto* n = Get<TensorReadNode>();
os << n-> << n->indices;
default: {
LOG(FATAL) << "not able to handle type " << typeid(node_.get()).name();
} // namespace tvm
......@@ -21,6 +21,15 @@ TEST(Expr, Reduction) {
CHECK(os.str() == "reduce(+, ((x + 1) + 2), rdomain([[0, 3)]))");
TEST(Expr, Simplify) {
using namespace tvm;
Var x("x");
auto z = max(x + 1 + 2, x + 10) * 100;
std::ostringstream os;
os << Simplify(z);
CHECK(os.str() == "((x * 100) + 1000)");
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
testing::FLAGS_gtest_death_test_style = "threadsafe";
from tvm import cpp as tvm
def test_basic():
a = tvm.Var('a')
b = tvm.Var('b')
c = a + b
assert a == c.lhs
assert c.dtype == tvm.int32
assert tvm.format_str(c) == '(%s + %s)' % (,
......@@ -13,11 +13,29 @@ def test_basic():
def test_array():
a = tvm.Var('a')
x = tvm.function._symbol([1,2,a])
print type(x)
print len(x)
print x[4]
def assert_equal(x, y):
z = tvm.simplify(x - y)
assert isinstance(z, tvm.expr.IntExpr)
assert z.value == 0
def test_simplify():
a = tvm.Var('a')
b = tvm.Var('b')
e1 = a * (2 + 1) + b * 1
e2 = a * (2 + 1) - b * 1
e3 = tvm.max(a * 3 + 5, 3 + 3 * a)
e4 = a - a
assert_equal(e1, a * 3 + b)
assert_equal(e2, a * 3 - b)
assert_equal(e3, a * 3 + 5)
assert_equal(e4, 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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