Commit 390acc52 by Lianmin Zheng Committed by Tianqi Chen

[AUTOTVM] Fix measurement for CPU (#1956)

parent e61659a9
......@@ -460,7 +460,11 @@ def run_through_rpc(measure_input, build_result,
if ref_input:
args = [nd.array(x, ctx=ctx) for x in ref_input]
# create empty arrays on the remote device and copy them once.
# This can avoid some memory issues that make the measurment results unreliable.
args = [nd.empty(x[0], dtype=x[1], ctx=ctx) for x in build_result.arg_info]
args = [nd.array(x, ctx=ctx) for x in args]
costs = time_f(*args).results
if len(costs) > 2: # remove largest and smallest value to reduce variance
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