Commit 38b4ad0a by Nehal J Wani Committed by Tianqi Chen

Make choice of archiver configurable (#288)

At present, the build system assumes that the Unix archiv utility 'ar'
will always be present in PATH, but this might not be true if a separate
toolchain is being used. This patch makes the build system a bit more
cross-compile capable.
parent c1a7b28b
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ build/src/%.o: src/
lib/libnnvm.a: $(ALL_DEP)
@mkdir -p $(@D)
ar crv $@ $(filter %.o, $?)
$(AR) crv $@ $(filter %.o, $?)
lib/libnnvm_compiler.$(SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX): lib/libnnvm.a ${TOP_OBJ}
@mkdir -p $(@D)
......@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
export NVCC = nvcc
# choice of archiver
export AR = ar
# the additional link flags you want to add
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