Commit 2fc12dcd by tqchen

temp checkin of schedule ops

parent 28876530
......@@ -10,6 +10,23 @@ namespace tvm {
namespace ir {
namespace {
Stmt MakeCompute(const ComputeOpNode* op, const Array<Split>& splits) {
Tensor output;
std::vector<Expr> args(op->dim_var.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
args[i] = op->dim_var[i];
Array<Expr> values{op->body};
Stmt stmt = Provide::make(output, values, args);
// add splits from ousside most to outsidemost to innermost
return stmt;
Stmt MakePipeline(const Schedule& sch, Stmt body) {
return body;
// inject the operator's realization on the stmt.
class InjectRealize : public IRMutator {
......@@ -18,8 +35,16 @@ class InjectRealize : public IRMutator {
Stmt Mutate(Stmt stmt) final {
stmt = IRMutator::Mutate(stmt);
const For* op =<For>();
return stmt;
const AttrStmt* op =<AttrStmt>();
if (op != nullptr &&
op->type_key == "Split" &&
op->node == sch_->attach_parent) {
return AttrStmt::make(
op->node, op->type_key, op->value,
MakePipeline(sch_, op->body));
} else {
return stmt;
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