Commit 2d9bc751 by Wei Chen Committed by Tianqi Chen

Add test to confirm that we forbid allocate statement referencing undefined variable (#1899)

parent fc341e1c
from import raises
import tvm
def test_loop_dependent_allocate():
N = tvm.var("N")
A = tvm.placeholder((2*N,), "float32", "A")
C = tvm.compute((N, ), lambda i: A[2*i] + A[i+1], name='C')
s = tvm.create_schedule(C.op)
AA = s.cache_read(A, "local", [C])
s[AA].compute_at(s[C], s[C].op.axis[0])
# this line should fail due to IRUseDefAnalysis sees an allocate statement
# referencing undefined variable
tvm.lower(s, [A,C])
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