Commit 283afac0 by Aniket Rangrej Committed by Thierry Moreau

Fixing tensor not found issue in bitserial operator (#4095)

parent 4b8cb3a4
......@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ def schedule_bitserial_conv2d(cfg, outs):
if tag.is_broadcast(op.tag) or 'elemwise' in op.tag:
if op not in s.outputs:
for tensor in op.input_tensors and tensor.op not in scheduled_ops:
if isinstance(tensor.op, tvm.tensor.ComputeOp):
for tensor in op.input_tensors:
if tensor.op.input_tensors and (tensor.op not in scheduled_ops):
if isinstance(tensor.op, tvm.tensor.ComputeOp):
elif 'spatial_bitserial_conv_nchw' in op.tag or 'spatial_bitserial_conv_nhwc' in op.tag:
conv_out = op.input_tensors[0]
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