Commit 1229e2d0 by Tianqi Chen Committed by GitHub

[PASS] More reliable error message for lower warp (#1065)

parent 18db02a1
......@@ -94,9 +94,13 @@ class WarpStoreCoeffFinder : private IRVisitor {
CHECK_EQ(m.size(), 2U)
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed due to store index=" << index;
int coeff;
CHECK(arith::GetConstInt(ir::Simplify(m[0]), &coeff) && coeff > 0)
Expr mcoeff = ir::Simplify(m[0]);
CHECK(arith::GetConstInt(mcoeff, &coeff) && coeff > 0)
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed due to store index=" << index
<< ", require positive constant coefficient on warp index";
<< ", require positive constant coefficient on warp index " << warp_index_
<< " but get " << mcoeff;
if (warp_coeff_ != 0) {
CHECK_EQ(warp_coeff_, coeff)
<< "LowerWarpMemory failed due to two different store coefficient to warp index";
......@@ -129,11 +133,6 @@ class WarpIndexFinder : private IRVisitor {
void Visit(const NodeRef &node) final {
if (warp_index_.defined()) return;
/// Visitor implementation
void Visit_(const AttrStmt *op) final {
if (op->attr_key == attr::thread_extent) {
......@@ -145,7 +144,15 @@ class WarpIndexFinder : private IRVisitor {
<< "Expect threadIdx.x 's size to be equal to warp size("
<< warp_size_ << ")" << " to enable warp memory"
<< " but get " << op->value << " instead";
warp_index_ = iv;
if (warp_index_.defined()) {
<< "Find two instance of " << warp_index_->thread_tag
<< " in the same kernel. "
<< "Please create it using thread_axis once and reuse the axis "
<< "across multiple binds in the same kernel";
} else {
warp_index_ = iv;
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